WMS Friday Forecast
September 4, 2020 - Week 3
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When, not If… How we will deal with a COVID case at Wredling
We have been lucky here at WMS to have not had a student/staff member identified with a confirmed case of Covid-19 while attending our school. Given the community transmission levels in Kane County, it is likely we will experience a positive case among our students and/or staff members. It is really just a matter of time until that happens. All schools, just like all workplaces, are likely to identify individuals in their settings that have been diagnosed with COVID-19. In anticipation of that reality, our district has worked hard to put in strategies to slow the spread of this virus, but we know that at some point, we will experience a case of Covid-19.
When we identify our first case, notification of this finding will be sent to you via an emailed letter. Beyond that, we cannot tell you anything else. We are bound by both FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) laws that prohibit disclosing specific or identifiable information about the specific student/staff member involved in a Covid-19 case. These laws are well established and apply to all health conditions where privacy is required, this situation is no different.
It is worth taking a look at the D303 Response Protocol. It clearly describes our process for when COVID related cases occur. Page 6 of the document also shows a sample parent letter which includes what information we are able to tell you. This document also explains the limitations that FERPA and HIPPA place on us. Please note that on page 8 in the section called “School Confidentiality, it clearly explains who we will contact in case of exposure. The State’s Covid-19 guidance requires some individuals to quarantine or isolate under certain situations until alternative diagnoses are established, but that does not mean that a student who is absent for a period of time has a presumed case of Covid-19.
Whenever a case does occur, I would like to avoid parent calls and emails asking specific questions. We simply cannot tell you anything beyond what the letter will already disclose. As a parent, I understand that we want to know more information. But the legal requirements are clear. I truly appreciate your understanding.
Thank you-
Tim Loversky
Where's W(MS)ALDO?
We are working with our teachers and staff to strategically reduce the number of items our students need to carry on a daily basis. Updated information will be communicated directly to our students once the teams decide what can be removed from the daily load.
We will also allow students to use a rolling backpack while we have so few students in the building. When we go back to 1400 students and locker-use, we will no longer allow rolling backpacks, but for now, they are fine!
Luggage Tags for COVID Certification
- Certify your student electronically using the link on the District Website
- Initial your student's luggage tag under the appropriate date
In the event your student does not come home with next week's blank luggage tag slip, we are including next week's luggage tag template.
Dear Parents,
During P.E./Health classes Tuesday, September 8th & Wednesday September 9th (hybrid & remote) your child will be participating in a ECRA Social Emotional Screener (SEL) Survey. To learn more about the survey please read the attached letter and watch the video linked below.
Thank you,
Dr. Patrick McGuire, Assistant Principal
School Photo Ordering
Photo ordering information is on the card/calendar with the preview photo of the student. It has the code number for that student's picture.
Color Portraits currently has limited office hours. Please contact Color Portraits Customer Service via our Help Center. Here you can ask for your student's Ticket Code (if you cannot find it on your preview), how to place an order, or any other question you may have including returning an order
WMS Spring 2020 Play
The entire Wredling family so proud of this group for their perseverance in very challenging circumstances. Congratulations to all who helped make this production a reality. We hope you enjoy the student's performance. The total run time is about 45 minutes.
How to Access Support Staff at WMS
Given all of the change and uncertainty this school year, we want to ensure that your child has what is needed to be successful. One addition this year is a chance for parents to request their child be connected with a student services support member whether in person or remote. The process includes filling out the appropriate grade level form list below.
All high schools and middle schools will be using this format when referring kids to student services. If your child has immediate needs, they can always access student support services. Otherwise, office staff will frequently check the form with the intention of connecting to the student within the same day. The intention of the form is to streamline the process of how students access the office and to prevent groups of students in student services. Your child will be introduced to this from next week and find it located in several places: the WMS website, grade level hubs, and student services website.
One thing to note: on the last page of the form, there is a link to a virtual calming room with many resources.
As always, thanks for your continued support!
- Here is the link for 6th grade teachers, students, and parents.
- Here is the link for 7th grade teachers, students, and parents.
- Here is the link for 8th grade teachers, students, and parents.
Request a meeting with me: 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade
If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 911 or go to your local emergency room.
HERE is a link to community resources posted on the district website.
HERE is a link to resources from the state where you can text in different needs.
Jacques Slaiher
Student Assistance Counselor
Wredling Middle School
Dear RedHawk Families
The yearbook club would like to collect 2000 pictures and include at least 2 pictures of each student.
Last week's theme ( submissions accepted until 9/8)
1. Learning or activities April-August
2. First day (week) of school pics from home, pod, or class.
This week's theme.. "The New Normal"
1. Pictures of life in quarantine between May and August.
2. Birthday drive-by parties, grocery shortage, social distance gatherings, outdoor restaurants, walks, hobbies, etc.
Pictures can be shared through the Google drive or email at Timothy.Massie@d303.org or add through your computer or smartphone at this link:
https://wpcgo.yearbookforever.com/s2WqL (access code- redhawks)
Ordering Meals for Your RedHawk
Here is the form that students use to order meals. Parents cannot order meals. Only students may order meals. They must be on the Chrome browser and the browser MUST be logged in to their D303 Google account. Students can order meals from 6 PM the night before to 9:30 AM the next morning.
Please remember that the meals are charged to the student account as they have in the past, including free or reduced meals. We do have a small number of snacks available each day, as well, for students to buy, but they must use their PushCoin account and it must have money on account.
If you have questions about ordering food, please contact our kitchen manager, Deb Badali at deb.badali@d303.org
Did You Know?
Wredling Middle School Redhawks Spirit Wear Store
Wredling families,
We are excited to bring to you our new online Spirit Wear Store. The online store will
be open starting Friday, August 14th thru Thursday, September 17th . Visit the online store at
https://stores.inksoft.com/wredling/shop/home to check out our spirit wear items and find something for the entire family!
Order online before September 17th!! Orders will be delivered to school, individually packed, and dropped off to the student at school in early October or an arranged pick up date/time will be determined.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Rosalinda Saucedo, Spirit Wear Chair, at
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: (331)228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wredling-Middle-School-537757163011275/
Twitter: @WredlingD303