The Eagle Express
Antrim Elementary School May 15, 2023
Stomp Rockets in 4th Grade
2nd Grade Field Trip
Hello AES Families,
The annual Children and the Arts Day festival is fast approaching. On Saturday, May 20th in Peterborough, several performances and activities will promote and celebrate the arts. The theme for this year’s festival is “Things that go VROOM!” In Art class, each student has made something special! We would love to have as many students from AES in the parade as possible so that we can show off our school spirit and hard work! If you and your child would like to join us, please meet teachers from AES in the PES parking lot at 11:45. Your child will be bringing their parade prop home from school with them on Friday, May 19th so please make sure they bring that with them to the festival so they can carry it in the parade. Also, it would be great if your child wore their blue AES t-shirt in the parade so that we look like a cohesive group.
The PES parking lot is closed to traffic by 11:30 so it’s best to park
somewhere downtown and walk up the hill to the school. The parade travels down Main St. and ends in Putnam Park. It’s really a wonderful event and always a fun day, so we hope you can make it! The festival and the event will happen, rain or shine!
Please note that since this is not a Conval-sponsored event, you are responsible for keeping an eye on your children and supervising them in the parade.
Thank you!
Mrs. Naglie
Our Garden Is Growing
Stephanie Syre-Hager, Principal
Location: 10 School St, Antrim, NH, USA
Phone: 603-588-6371
Twitter: @aes_ssh