GES...Where We're Wild About Learning
February 1st-29th - Black History Month
February 2nd: Groundhog Day
February 5th-9th: School Counselor Week
February 6th: BOE Meeting 6PM
February 6th: YGC & Honey Bees Meeting - after school until 5:30PM
February 9th: Early Dismissal 1PM - Professional Development/Conferences
February 20th-27th: GES Book Fair
February 13th:YGC & Honey Bees Meeting - after school until 5:30PM
February 15th: School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
February 17th-24th: FFA Week
February 19th: President's Day - Schools and Offices Closed
February 20th: YGC & Honey Bees Meeting - after school until 5:30PM
February 20th & 21st: Kids Heart Challenge - PE Class
February 20th: - Class & Club Photos
February 26th- March 1st: Public Schools Week
February 27th: YGC & Honey Bees Meeting - after school until 5:30PM
February 27th: Girls on the Run Club 4PM
Maryland School Report Card Information
Each year, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) releases the accountability report card for all schools in the state of Maryland. Designed to measure the success of schools and identify areas for improvement, the report card was developed in response to the requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), a federal law that seeks to ensure public schools provide a quality education for all children. For complete information, please visit the MD School Report Card page of the CCPS website.
GES Wellness News
Our friends with Choptank Wellness want everyone to stay healthy and strong all year long!
Here are some ways you can do that!
Even though it’s getting chilly outside, it is still important to get at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day! This weekend, be active around the house by doing chores like sweeping the floors. Find someone to be active with! Ask mom, dad, brother or sister, friend, or neighbor to be active with you! Have a dance party or play a game of twister.
Get ready for the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge, kicking off on January 25th with donations due on February 16th. Please register today, under our school, at
We are asking for your help in reaching our goal of 100% of our families learning the lifesaving skill of Hands-Only CPR. Please take a moment to watch this video of 5-year-old Phil and his mother, Megan. Last year, they saved a life because they completed Finn’s Mission where they learned the critical steps.
Get started early and be the first at our school to complete Finn’s Mission!
Register: or download the free “AHA Schools” app.
Complete Finn’s Mission: Complete all 7 steps and be entered to win two Super Bowl tickets!
We can’t wait to see our school create a community of lifesavers this year. Thank you, Mrs. Saathoff Mrs. Willoughby
January 31, 2024 - Caroline County Public Schools is happy to announce that nominations for both the 2024-2025 Teacher of Year and the Support Employee of the Year are now open. All members of the CCPS community, including staff, students, families and community are invited to submit nominations.
Nominations for both awards must be submitted no later than February 15, 2024.
Teacher of the Year Nomination Form – Full-time classroom, resource, or media teachers who spend the majority of their time teaching are eligible. Nominees must have completed a minimum of five years of teaching by June 2022 and be tenured. Caroline County’s selection will automatically represent Caroline County in the Maryland Teacher of the Year program.
Support Employee of the Year Nomination Form – Support employees must have completed a minimum of two (2) years of service with the school system as of June 2022 and must be a regular employee. Support employees are: custodial/ maintenance staff, Family Support Services/ child development staff, Food Services staff, Health Services staff, instructional services staff, secretarial staff and technology staff and transportation staff.
For additional information, Communications Officer Sandi Barry, or Supervisor of Human Resources Rob Willoughby,
Reading & Math Calendar Incentive
Thank you for supporting your child at home by encouraging them to complete the reading/math calendar. We are excited to add our Pre-K 4 students starting the month of December! Pre-K 4 students will only need to complete the reading goal for the month. An adult will need to read to your Pre-k students for 15 minutes, 15 nights of the month. The calendar should be signed on the days that the reading is completed. Reading to your child increases their academic and social/emotional success! It expands their vocabulary, increases their comprehension and communication, and promotes bonding.
News Regarding Student Grade Reports
Beginning with Quarter 3, CCPS will no longer be sending home printed report cards. Grade Reports (interim and quarterly) will be sent by email to parent/guardians, using PowerSchool’s digital document delivery.
Please check PowerSchool to verify that your email is correct, or contact the school to provide them with your email address. Parents/guardians who have not provided their email will be contacted by the school to help ensure they are not missing important information.
In addition to receiving grade reports by email, the information will also be available in the PowerSchool Parent Portal at
If you need any further information or assistance, please contact the school office.
Novedades sobre las libretas de calificaciones de los estudiantes
A partir del 3.º trimestre, CCPS dejará de enviar a casa las libretas de calificaciones impresas. Las libretas de calificaciones (intermedias y trimestrales) se enviarán por correo electrónico a los padres o tutores mediante el envío de documentos digitales de PowerSchool.
Consulte PowerSchool para verificar que su correo electrónico sea correcto o comuníquese con la escuela para proporcionar su dirección de correo electrónico. La escuela se comunicará con los padres o tutores que no hayan proporcionado su correo electrónico para garantizar que no les falte información importante.
Además de recibir las libretas de calificaciones por correo electrónico, la información también estará disponible en el Portal de Padres PowerSchool en
Si necesita más información o ayuda, comuníquese con la oficina escolar.