This Week at Windsor...
April 8th, 2022
We had a great turnout last night for our Open House! Thank you to all of the families that attended. We hope you had a great time and were able to participate in the tech activities in the LMC and Ready, Set, Design activities in the Commons, both stations looked busy all night!
Next week is Spirit Week, see below for the schedule.
Thank you to all who have signed up to volunteer for Field Day on June 3rd! We have over 100 volunteers signed up. We are closing the sign-ups today as we will easily be able to cover all of our needs with those that have signed up.
Please continue to check out the Save the Date section below as we have many fun upcoming events!
Summer U 2022 June 8-July 1, 2022 at South Middle School *Dates subject to change pending review of winter weather emergency days. Registration will begin on March 7, 2022 at 9am and end on April 29, 2022. Please visit for a full list of courses and times. If you have any questions about Summer U, please email for assistance.
SHIELD Testing - Unenrollment
If you wish to unenroll your child from the SHIELD testing program, you may do that at any time by filling out this form (linked here).
The last day of SHIELD testing will be Thursday, May 19, 2022.
Feel free to take a look at this document if you are looking for some guidance for talking to your children.
Lunch info:
A week- 4/11/22-4/14/22
B week- 4/18/22-4/22/22
Upcoming Events:
- Monday, April 11-14th- Spirit Week
- Tuesday, April 12th- Friday Schedule
- Tuesday, April 12th- Virtual PTA Meeting--7 PM
- Friday, April 15th- No School
Have a wonderful wildcat weekend,
Mrs. Anastacio and Mrs. Soprano
Monday, 11th - Thursday, 14th- Spirit Week
Tuesday, 12th - Virtual PTA Mtg-- 7:00 PM
Tuesday, 19th- 2nd and 3rd-grade Noetic Math Contest- 3:35-4:30 PM
Tuesday, 19th - Capannari's Coolest School Contest-- 4:00-9:00 PM
Tuesday, 26th - Kindergarten Activity Night-- 6:30-7:30 PM
Wednesday, 27th - 4th Grade Concert-- 7:00 PM
Tuesday, 3rd- 5th Grade Band Concert @SMS- 7:00-8:00 PM
Tuesday, 10th- PTA Meeting @Windsor- 7:00 PM
Friday, 13th- Spring Fling Event @ Windsor- 5:30-7:30 PM
Friday, 13th and 16th- Incoming Kindergarten Screening (sign-ups coming soon)
Tuesday, 17th- Kindergarten Orientation- 6:00-7:00 PM
Wednesday, 18th- 5th Grade Chorus Concert- 7:00 PM
Friday, 27th- No School- School Improvement Planning Day
Wednesday, 1st- 5th-Grade Breakfast- 8:00 AM
Friday, 3rd- Field Day
Friday, 3rd- Last Day of School
Stella's Station
Important PTA Information...
- Kindergarten Activity Night - Tuesday, April 26, 6:30-7:30 pm: Click here to register
- Running Club will return this spring! Windsor running club is open to all 3rd-5th grade students. Max # of students is 30. Start times is 3:35pm. End time is 4:45pm. Location is the field next to Windsor. Dates of practices (5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24, 5/31). Two parent volunteers are needed at each practice. Click here to register.
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2-6. Please use this link below to help with making Teacher’s Appreciation Week wonderful for our fabulous staff!!
- PTA Meeting (Virtual): Tuesday, April 12, 7-8 pm (Voting on officers for 2022-2023 school year)
- Capannari’s Coolest School Contest, April 19, 3-9 pm
- Kindergarten Activity Night: Tuesday, April 26, 6:30-7:30 pm
- Spring Fling: Friday, May 13, 5:30-7:30 pm
Upcoming Events:
NOTE: Keep up to date on all PTA information by following the Windsor PTA blog and receiving notifications of new posts by email. Go to and enter your email address on the right hand side of the screen where it says, “Get Updates Via Email.”
Get Burbed Challenge
The ABC/25 Get Burbed Challenge is approaching quickly! Mark your calendars for April 30th and register today!
The ABC/25 Get Burbed Challenge is a 5K or 1 Mile run/walk fundraising event that combines fitness and fun for the entire family! Join students, staff, families and neighbors to raise money for our own District 25 schools!
Register by Friday, April 1st to receive the early registration benefits! Participants who register by April 1st save $5 off the registration fee, are guaranteed a race shirt and can have their race packets delivered to a D25 school.
We need your help to have Windsor reach their participation goal and make it to the finish line!
Then make sure you wear your school color, YELLOW, to represent Windsor on race day! Have some fun with capes, tu-tu's, face paint, etc to show your school pride!
Visit for full event details and follow @abc25challenge on Facebook or Instagram for any race updates.
See you there!
Notes from our Nurse...
Please reach out to Mrs. Carpenter with any questions.
Lunch Information
Please note that students who choose to pack a meal from home are invited to take a bag with milk that will also contain a fruit, vegetable, and grain at no charge. If your child has food allergies or food intolerances, please work with them to identify what they can consume from this bag, should they decide to pick it up.
All of these bagged items will be wrapped. If a student chooses not to consume all items, those may be placed on a table in the eating area so as to not be wasted.
As a reminder, lunch is free this school year for all District 25 students.
Thank you,
District 25 Food Services
American Heart Association
April- Move More Month
Did you know that April is National MOVE MORE MONTH?!! Kids should be moving their bodies at least 60 minutes a day, and adults should aim for 150 minutes of physical activity a week! Check out more information HERE! But the BEST part about physical activity is that it looks different for everyone! Riding your bike- that counts! Jumping on the trampoline- that counts!
Walking your dog- that counts!
Windsor Elementary School
Location: 1315 East Miner Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847-398-4297
Twitter: @WindsorWildcats