Welcome Will Rogers Families!
Back to School Newsletter 2023-2024
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Principal's Pen
Welcome Will Rogers Learning Community,
We are nearly ready to begin the 2023-2024 school year. I look forward to meeting and reconnecting with our students and families! Although it is still summer, the Will Rogers staff and teachers are beginning our preparation for a remarkable year for your children. Before you know it, the first day of school Thursday, August 24th will be here!
Next Monday, August 21st our teaching staff will officially "back to school" attending district trainings to inspire and prepare them for the upcoming school year.
I hope you will join me in welcoming our new and returning students and families to WRLC. This Friday we will host a TK/Kinder playdate for our youngest students and families to see their campus and get acquainted with their new classmates!
Whether you are savoring the last weeks of summer break or eagerly anticipating the start of the year, the purpose of this email is to provide you some useful information for the upcoming school year.
In this newsletter:
- Information on how to log-in to your Aeries Parent Portal and complete the 2023-2024 Data Confirmation process.
- Learn about our (new) teaching staff and teacher grade level assignments.
- Review our daily bell schedule.
- Review the calendar of our upcoming school and community events.
We hope you continue to have a great summer ahead of sending your children back to school!
Together for Will Rogers,
Ms. Lila Daruty, Principal WRLC
Will Rogers Communication - Stay connected and informed!
Monday Room Representative Emails: You will receive updates from your classroom room rep.
Wednesday PTA Emails: Stay informed and connected with our PTA. Use this LINK to sign-up for PTA emails.
Office hours are from 8:30-3:00 M-F.
Monday, August 21st the office will be closed all day for a staff training.
8/18 TK/Kinder Play Date 10-11:30 a.m. on the TK/K yard
8/22 Class/Teacher assignments will be emailed to parents/guardians
8/23 TK/Kinder Meet & Greet 10:30-11:30 a.m. on the K yard
8/24 First Day of School and Minimum Day TK-Kinder: 8:25-12:10 p.m.1st-5th: 8:25-1:00 p.m.
8/24 Boo Hoo Yahoo/Coffee Social @ 8:30 a.m. in the library
8/24 Second Day of School - NO LATE START and Minimum Day. TK-Kinder: 8:25-12:10 p.m.1st-5th: 8:25-1:00 p.m.
8/25 Welcome Back Picnic 1- 3 p.m. Bring your blankets and chairs!
8/29 Minimum Day TK-Kinder: 8:25-12:10 p.m.1st-5th: 8:25-1:00 p.m.
8/29 Volunteer Trainings 8:30 a.m and 5:00 p.m.
8/29 Back to School Night Grades (TK-2) 5:30- 7:00 p.m.
9/1 First Late start Friday of the year. School begins at 9:45 a.m. for grades TK-5th.
9/4 NO SCHOOL- Labor Day
9/5 Minimum Day Grades TK- 5th TK-Kinder: 8:25-12:10 p.m.1st-5th: 8:25-1:00 p.m.
9/5 Back to School Night (3rd- 5th) 5:30- 7:00 p.m.
9/12 Picture Day!
First Day Packet - Annual Forms to Complete are Now Digital
Will Rogers Learning Community's annual registration process is now completed in the Aeries Parent Portal. We have many important documents and plenty of information for your family within the online registration site, accessed via your Aeries Parent Portal.
Note: You must FIRST complete data confirmation for each student.
Beginning August 24, 2023:
- Log in to your aeries parent portal.
- Be sure to read, review, and discuss all the materials with your student.
- Very Important: We need to gather information from you for emergency contacts. Please add at least two non-parents. While there are many boxes to fill, at minimum include name, relationship, and phone number.
- We also need to gather information from you for health documents.
Note: You may decide to print some of the documents for future reference. For a tutorial on how to complete this process, please click here English
Again, Will Rogers Learning Community and SMMUSD have worked to digitize the compliance and document portions of the “First Day Packet.” The Data Confirmation process is easy for you and your student through Aeries Parent Portal in place of our previous process. This includes items like Emergency Cards, Parent Handbooks and Policies and Authorizations. We have many important documents and plenty of information for your family within the online registration site, accessed via your Aeries Parent Portal. Note: You must complete data confirmation for each student. Please be sure to read, review, and discuss all the materials with your student.
TK and Kindergarten Playdate and Meet and Greet
Classroom Teachers by Grade Level
Amy Turner
Kindergarten Team:
Sitara Contreras
Hannah Coughlin
Sally Miller/ Maureen Reilly
1st Grade Team:
Norma Bozin
Erin Burrows
Jeremy King
Martha Vazquez
2nd Grade Team:
Emma Fujiwara
Amy Prevett
Rhonda Schneider
3rd Grade Team:
Katja Alexander
Carl Avitia-Witt
Gabrielle Hoffman-Ellis
Melissa Trubo
4th Grade Team:
Manuel Guzman
Autumn Hill
Nichole Hughes
Marisa Jaeger
5th Grade Team:
Luis Brizuela
Lourdes Benitez
Monica Gonzalez
Kim Griffin
Your child's teacher and classroom assignment will be emailed on Tuesday, August 22nd.
Please help us embrace the new year with enthusiasm and positivity. We want your child’s return to school to be met with joy, curiosity, and wonder. Children look to you for guidance and if they see you are excited about the new school year, they too will feel good about the year to come. We believe deeply in all our teachers here at Rogers.
Courtney Hayes: STEM Coach/ IB Coordinator
I am thrilled to introduce myself as the new STEM Coach / IB Coordinator for the 2023-2024 school year. My name is Courtney Hayes and many of you might recognize my name as one of the 5th grade teachers. This year, I am excited to transition into this new role and look forward to the new learning opportunities in my new role.
I am eager to begin working with our students to continue developing and engaging their enthusiasm for STEM. My goal this year is to continue working with the grade-level teachers to create an engaging and challenging learning environment where students are able to grow and develop their problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and creativity - all while having fun!
In addition to working with students in the STEM Lab, I will also be working with the grade level teachers as we continue to implement and develop our International Baccalaureate Program of Inquiry Plans.
I am excited about this new journey and the opportunity to work closely with our learning community.
In partnership,
Courtney Hayes
Gabrielle Hoffman-Ellis: Third Grade Teacher
My name is Gabrielle (gah-bree-EL) Hoffman-Ellis and I am looking forward to starting this school year with all of you, especially my incoming group of 3rd graders! I was born and raised in LA, and have now been back for a year, after 13 years in Oakland. While this will be my first year at WRLC, I’ve been teaching for over a decade. Art and social justice are defining pillars in my pedagogy. I love cats, card games, public libraries, and swimming in natural bodies of water (but a great pool does the trick, too). I’m so thrilled to be joining this community.
Looking forward to meeting you soon,
Gabrielle Hoffman-Ellis
Marisa Jaeger: 4th Grade Teacher
Hello Will Rogers,
My name is Marisa Jaeger. I am so excited to join the Will Roger’s community! I attended California State University Northridge where I earned my bachelor’s degree and multiple-subject teaching credential. I am a passionate, dedicated educator with a love for teaching, and strive to provide an inclusive learning environment where all students feel represented. In my free time I enjoy hiking, biking, camping, and singing. I can’t wait to meet each and every one of you, and I am looking forward to having an amazing year!
Together in learning,
Will Rogers Learning Community Bell Schedule 2023 - 2024
Morning Procedures
Monday-Thursday Arrival
8:00-8:15 Breakfast in cafeteria
8:10 Yards open
8:20 First Bell Rings. Students line up for class.
8:25 All students TK to 5th grade in classrooms
Late Start Friday Arrival
9:10-9:40 Breakfast served and yard opens
9:40 First Bell Rings. Students line up for class.
9:45 All students TK to 5th grade in classrooms
PreK Kindergarten Yard
10:20 -11:20 Preschool (M-F)
Grades TK/K Kindergarten Yard
9:45-10:05 TK/Kindergarten #1 (M-Th)
9:55-10:15 Kindergarten #2/Kindergarten #3 (M-Th)
Grades 1-5
9:55-10:10 1st and 2nd (M-Th)
10:15-10:30 3rd and 4th (M-Th)
10:35-10:50 5th (M-Th)
*No morning recess on Fridays
Grades TK/K
11:30-12:15 TK/Kindergarten #1
12:00-12:45 Kindergarten #2/Kindergarten #3
Grades 1-5
11:25-12:10 1st / 2nd Grades
12:10-12:55 3rd / 4th Grades
12:35-1:20 5th Grade
1:45 TK/Kindergarten
2:55 1st to 3rd Grades
3:00 4th and 5th Grades
Minimum Day Bell Schedule
TK-Kinder: 8:25 -12:10 p.m.
1st-5th: 8:25-1:00 p.m.
*Minimum Days: 8/24, 8/25 (no late start), 8/29, 9/5, 11/7, 11/8, 11/9, 3/21, 3/22 (no late start) and 6/12.
**Students enrolled in morning care through CDS, enter on 14th street beginning at 7:00 a.m. using the gate code provided at enrollment. This is different from last year as our morning care room has moved locations.
- Morning Drive-up Valet is available on 14th street between 8:10-8:30 a.m. M-TH and 9:30-9:45 a.m. on Fridays. Will Rogers staff will support children to exit cars and enter school through the front school gates. You can help by ensuring that your children are ready to exit with their backpacks on, ready to go! Parents, please do not park in the valet zone and leave your car unattended, the area will be marked with cones. We kindly ask that you take direction from our staff who will help keep the line moving and our students safe.
- Walk-Up Drop off- Parents and guardians may drop-off and say their goodbyes at the gate(s). There will be staff stationed at ALL gates to assist.
- TK/Kinder use the designated gate on 14th street.
- 1st - 5th may use the front gate on 14th street or the pedestrian gate on 16th street.
REMINDER: Parent parking can be found on the neighborhood streets. Be sure to read the street signs! Please do not park in either staff parking lot or in a neighbor's driveway!
DISMISSAL: All students will be walked to their dismissal gate by their classroom teacher. Students who have not been picked-up shortly after dismissal, will be asked to wait in the office.
- TK/Kinder: Pick-up students on the TK/K yard (on 14th street)
- 1st and 2nd: Pick-up students on the TK/K yard (on 14th street)
- 3rd: Front of the school (on 14th street)
- 4th and 5th: Pick-up students at the 16th street pedestrian gate
**If you have multiple children, please pick-up at the designated gate of your youngest student. Be sure you inform your child's teacher of this plan.
If it is raining: 1st-3rd pick-up location will be the front of school, under the covered awning.
BREAKFAST and LUNCH are free of charge for all students!
LUNCH: Students may elect to bring a lunch from home or eat at school. Teachers will take a lunch count each morning to help the cafeteria plan for the day. You can find the lunch menu (subject to change daily) here.
We are a peanut free campus. Please be sure that you do not pack food items that contain peanuts.
We are looking for volunteers!
If you are looking for a way to volunteer or want more information please fill out our volunteer form. If you have any questions please email our Volunteer VP Jessica Lew at
Instructional Assistants Needed!
We are looking to hire 3-4 Instructional Assistants for the 23-24 school year (Job Duties).
The position is for 3 hours / five days (5) week position, paid $16.00 - $20.45 Hourly. Ideally the hours are 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.
The Personnel Commission will be scheduling interviews soon. Click here to apply. If anyone may be interested, please apply! Parents and community members make great classroom assistants. Instructional Aides are critical to helping teachers differentiate instruction, prepare supplies, and supervise children at play.