Pirates Post
Week of January 16th
Message from Principal Drew...
We do not have school Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Now that we are all settled into a new semester a couple of quick reminders for parents and students that can help make every student successful this Spring.
1. School attendance is a major factor in student success. Please make sure that your student attends school each day. They should be in class by no later than 8:05 AM to begin each day and plan to stay and learn until 3:05 each day.
2. Chromebooks are an essential tool in our learning process. It is important that students do their part to maintain their Chromebook each day. Chromebooks should be charged each night with the charger that was issued to the student and handled with care throughout each class. A broken Chromebook could result in a delay of learning opportunities for your student and limit their success.
3. Proper rest is a key to learning. Students should have a standard bed time each night and do their best to get a full night of rest before each day of school. Turn off electronics and put away all devices to get a full, restful night of sleep.
4. Completion of work by deadlines is essential. Students should be sure to ask for help if they are having any difficulty with an assignment. Fully completed work, turned in on time gives each student the best chance of success and remediation as needed.
We have a short four day week at PCHS but it is packed with opportunities to support the Pirates:
Monday - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The Boys Varsity Basketball team will play at ECSU at in their MLK invitational basketball event.
Tuesday - Indoor Track will run in Virginia, Basketball teams will travel to Bertie for games, and Driver's Education classes begin for students signed up for the class immediately after school in the media center.
Wednesday - Our Swim teams will be in the water at the Elizabeth City YMCA starting at 4 PM. This will be Senior night for our swimmers.
Friday - Basketball team and individual pictures as well as indoor track team and individual pictures will be taken on this day in the gym. Our basketball teams host Gates County on this evening starting at 4:30.
We have started well Pirates. Let's rest up over an extended weekend and come back on Tuesday ready for another great week.
PCHS Highlights...
Math Department: Students of the Week...
Mrs. C. Baker - Tiyon Butts - Math 1
Ms. Carver - Kyla Gordon - Math 3
Mrs. Riddick - Hannah Cooper - Math 2
Mr. Spruill - Charlotte Peters - Math 1
Social Studies Department: Students of the Week...
Mr. Castle/American History -- Catherine Howell
Mrs. Jackson/World History -- Mignona Elliott and Civics -- Ashlynn Ward
January Breakfast/Lunch Menu
Rotary Club Students of the Month
January 2023 School Calendar
Did You Know???
In 1963, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. While the well-known address highlights the need for equality, Rev. King also focused on the need for proper education and equality within the classroom. He said, “the function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.”
What's the Word??? (Common Mistakes)
Then versus Than
Then = at a certain time; afterward
First, we went to the restaurant. Then we went to the movies.
Than = comparison word
He is shorter than his brother.
My dinner was better then yours.
In the sentence above, "then" should be "than." Why? Because "than" is a conjunction used mainly to make comparisons -- like saying one thing was better "than" another. "Then" is mainly an adverb used to situate actions in time:
We made dinner, and then we ate it.
Counselor's Corner: Student Services...
Mrs. Thomas = Last names A-K
Mrs. Stallings = Last names L-Z
The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) will be offered on the following dates during the 2022-2023 school year for 10th through 12th grade students:
January 26, 2023
March 28, 2023
Please see Mrs. Thomas to sign up for one of these sessions.
Reasons to take the ASVAB:
- It is FREE!
- You need it for military entrance (although you do not have to enter the military if you take the test)
- It is a career assessment tool which helps identify which careers are best for you
- After taking the test, you will have access to a variety of excellent career and college search tools that are not available to other people
College Center with Ms. Gray...
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application opened Oct 1st. If you intend to attend college or think you might attend college after high school, and are looking for money to help pay for school, you will need to complete the 23-24 FAFSA Application.
It is never too early to start thinking about funding college and start the scholarship application process. Please check out the Student Scholarship Spreadsheet for a list of current and active scholarships.
The 22-23 SECU Scholarship "People Helping People" has opened! The scholarship is valued at $10,000 over four years. Someone from the school will receive the scholarship! So APPLY, APPLY, APPLY!!!! It is free money, take advantage of this opportunity. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Miss Gray (morgangray@pqschools.org).
Golden Leaf Scholarship:
The 22-23 Golden Leaf Scholarship has opened! The scholarship is valued at $14,000 over four years. So APPLY, APPLY, APPLY!!!! It is free money, take advantage of this opportunity. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Miss Gray (morgangray@pqschools.org).
It is post graduation planning season! Ms.Gray, the College and Career Advisor, will begin to meet with juniors 1:1 to discuss their post graduation plans.
College Exploration Opportunity:
The Agricultural Institute is an educational opportunity open to high school and transfer students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at NC State. For students who are interested in the program and who are interested in hearing more info and seeing our campus face-to-face, the Ag. Institute is currently offering Spend-A-Day-At-State visits (the Spring 2023 dates will go live later this month) where they can sign up for a chance to bring parents and ask questions, tour the campus, drop-in a class, and get to spend some time with current AGI Ambassadors.
NC State's Wilson College of Textiles: It is that time of year again when the application for our annual summer program, the Summer Textile Exploration Program (STEP), opens up. STEP is a chance for rising high school seniors to experience the best of what the Wilson College of Textiles and NC State have to offer. The STEP application opened on January 1 and will close on April 1. If you are interested, please apply here. Scholarship opportunities are available for those with financial need.The program runs the following weeks: Week 1: June 11 – 16 Week 2: June 18 – 23 Week 3: June 25 – 30 Week 4: July 9 – 14 Textile Pioneer Week: July 16 – 21 Elon University Journalism Program: Meredith College: Meredith College is pleased to bring back our on-campus leadership conference for high school juniors who are interested in developing and sharpening their leadership skills. The Meredith College Office of Student Leadership and Service, in conjunction with the Office of Admissions, will host this free conference on Saturday, February 11, 2023.d The schedule for the day is as follows: 9:15 - 9:45 a.m.Check-in and Breakfast 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. Opening Session; Welcome 10:40 – 11:30 a.m.Leadership Session, Topic 1 11:40 a.m. – 1:40 p.m.Lunch & Leadership 1:50 – 2:40 p.m.Leadership Session, Topic 2 2:50 – 3:15 p.m. Closing Session 3:15 – 4:00 p.m.Campus Tour (optional) Registration is now open. If you have students who may benefit from this event, please encourage registration by Sunday, February 5, 2023.
We are excited to announce the second year of the Emerging Journalists Program at Elon University, which is an opportunity for high school students to explore what it means to be a journalist, to report and to produce news that informs communities. We hope you’ll let your students know about this free opportunity. Students may apply to attend the virtual sessions only or for both the virtual component and the on-campus summer experience, scheduled for June 19-30, 2023, at Elon. This on-campus residential learning workshop to is open to students from diverse socio-economic, racial and ethnic backgrounds. Again, it’s completely free. EJP pays for students’ travel, lodging, meals and instructional materials.