Florence Fox News
September 2022
Dear Florence Parents/Guardians:
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! We have had an amazing start to the school year and we can't wait for all of the fun things that we will be doing this year.
If you have not marked your calendar, please be sure to mark down our Open House. This will take place on Monday, September 12 from 5:30- 7:30 pm. We will also have our Scholastic book Fair taking place in the lobby area September 12-15. We hope to see you there!
Email will be our main communication tool. Please let us know if your email changes so that you are included on our important announcements.
It's going to be an awesome year!
Jodie Lenser
No School!
September 5: Labor Day
September 16: Curriculum Day
September 23: Teacher Planning Day
What to Wear Wednesdays
Please join us every Wednesday for "What to Wear Wednesday"!
Picture Day
Scholastic Picture Day!
Thursday, September 8
*Forms will be in backpacks!
Don and Millie's Night
Please show your support of our PTO and stop by Don and Millie's for dinner. 10% of the proceeds will go to our PTO.
Thursday, September 8
Don and Millie's
4430 Farnam St.
5:00- 8:00 PM
Fox Shop
September Dates:
Please shop at our Fox Shop and support our Student Council!
Scholastic Book Fair
Please stop by and shop at the Scholastic Book Fair!
September 12- 15
Monday: 8:15- 8:50 & 4:05- 4:45 & 5:30- 7:30
Tuesday: 8:15- 8:50 & 4:05- 4:45
Wednesday: 8:15- 8:50 & 4:05- 4:45
Thursday: 8:15- 8:50 & 4:05- 4:45
Open House
Monday, September 12
5:30- 7:30 PM
Please stop by and visit. your child's classroom and our book fair!
Progress Reports
Progress reports will be sent home with 3rd, 4th and 5th graders on Thursday, September 15. This will give you an indication as to how your student is doing so far this quarter.
PTO Meeting
Please join us for our PTO meeting! We would love your input!
Monday, September 19
5:00 PM
Florence Elementary Library
Student Council
Congratulations to our 2022-2022 Student Council members:
Bwe Ah Jay
Tha Say
Meeting- September 15 & 21
Red Wheel Fundraiser
It's fundraiser time!
Please look for packets coming home on Thursday, September 22.
Sale Dates: September 22- October 4
Pick Up: November 10
Good Citizen's Assembly
All Students are invited to our first Good Citizen's Assembly!
September 28
Featuring the Omaha Street Percussion Band
Florence Elementary
Website: ops.org/florence
Location: 7902 N 36th St.
Phone: 531-299-1400
Twitter: @FlorenceOPS