Westwood Intermediate/Middle School

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January 31, 2024 - NEWSLETTER
Westwood Families,
Happy end of January – I think it is January.
Sixth grade students have been developing their conceptual and procedural understanding of fractions and decimals. These core concepts are important foundations to build on in coming grades. Students use visual representations, such as number lines, fraction bars, and area models, to help "see" the math. For example, teachers use number lines and area models to help students conceptually understand how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and how a fraction or decimal relates to a whole number.
February is “I love to read” month. We will bring the book fair to Westwood February 6-9 during school hours. On the evening of February 9, the book fair will also be open from 6-7:30 p.m. as a part of the PTO-sponsored family fun night.
High school counselors were here yesterday (Tuesday) to begin high school orientation with our 8th graders. Registration starts soon and information can be found on the SLPHS website. Westwood counselors will also be reviewing course selections with students in their one-to-one meetings and following up with students who have not registered by the deadline.
Have a wonderful and warm weekend,
Tom Larson
See calendars for 2024-2025 and 2025-2026
Academic calendars for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years have been finalized pending school board approval expected February 13, 2024.
Key dates for the 2024-2025 school year include:
- Tuesday, September 3 – First day of school for grades K-8 and Lighthouse students, orientation for grade 9 students and grades 10-12 students new to the high school
- Wednesday, September 4 – First day of school for returning grades 10-12 students who are not new to the high school
- October 16-18 – Fall break
- November 27-December 2 – Thanksgiving break
- December 23-January 1 – Winter Break
- March 7-17 – Spring Break
- Friday, June 6 – Last day of school
View the detailed 2024-2025 calendar | View the detailed 2025-2026 calendar
- Thursday, February 1 - Westwood Welcome Event for 4th grade families, Westwood Intermediate and Middle School, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
- Monday, February 5 - Spring athletics registration opens
- February 6-9 - Book fair, open to staff/students during school hours.
- Wednesday, February 7 - Explore your Options event for grades 8-11, Spring Lake Park High School, 5-7 p.m.
- Thursday, February 8 - Live on 65: C. Willi Myles Comedy (Stand-Up Comic), Fine Arts Center, 7 p.m. Purchase tickets
- Friday, February 9 -
- Book fair, 6-7:30 p.m., Maker Space area on the intermediate side
- Family Fun Night, 6-8 p.m., Westwood Cafeteria and Gym
- February 12-14 - Access Testing, grades 7-8
- Friday, February 16 - High school registration closes for the 2024-2025 school year
- February 15-19 - No school
- Wednesday, February 21 - NAEP testing, grade 8
- February 21-23 - Access Testing, grades 5-6
- Thursday, February 22 - Office Hours, 3:30-5 p.m.
- Monday, February 26 - PTO meeting, 10 a.m.
- Tuesday, February 27 - 6th to 7th grade transition online session, 10 a.m. or 6 p.m. | WebEx
- Wednesday, February 28 - 7th to 8th grade transition online session, 10 a.m. or 6 p.m. | WebEx
- Thursday, February 29 - Westwood Spring Musical - "Oliver Jr.," SLPHS Fine Arts Center, 7 p.m.
- Friday, March 1 - Westwood Spring Musical - "Oliver Jr.," SLPHS Fine Arts Center, 7 p.m.
- Saturday, March 2 - Westwood Spring Musical - "Oliver Jr.," SLPHS Fine Arts Center, 2 p.m.
What do I want to do in my future?
Team 6B is in the second week of their project-based-learning (PBL) project in Language Arts. Students are answering the question, “What do I want to do in my future?” as they research a career path and make plans for after they graduate high school. They have been brainstorming ideas, taking career interest surveys and researching educational and career opportunities. They are learning how to create a Google Slideshow or Keynote presentation so they can share their research and future plans! Dream big, 6th graders!
Panther Mentorship
The 7/8 Panther Mentors are meeting to do small group projects. A small group of 7th and 8th graders are exploring a career and college readiness app to gain experience and prepare for high school. Other projects include being a new student ambassador, spreading school pride and helping organize the lost and found.
13 Colonies
Here is our center-based students, Ethan and Deshaun, working with Ms. Rodriguez’s social studies class presenting their project on the 13 colonies. Each group had to come up with a billboard and a sales pitch to convince early settlers to move to their colony.
Effective Communicators
In 8th grade health class, students are learning how to be effective communicators by practicing good listening and speaking skills in a fun back-to-back activity!
Culinary Arts fosters passion, skills and possibilities
Chef Patty, a seasoned culinary instructor at Spring Lake Park High School since 2022, fosters a bustling classroom environment where students learn foundational and global cuisine skills, alongside life skills. The program integrates two career and college pathways, enriching students' understanding of the food industry.
Culinary courses span two of the high school’s career and college pathways - Health and Human Services and Business and Entrepreneurship. Through these pathways, students are not only learning about health codes and proper sanitation, but they are also gaining a better understanding of what running a business in the food industry entails.
"Now is the perfect time for students to learn the basics and also get a feel if this is truly an industry they want to pursue," says Chef Patty. "And because food is involved, I know not all students take these courses with plans to pursue a career. That's okay! They are still learning valuable life skills."
We caught up with Chef Patty to learn more about her background, her hopes for her students and future plans for Spring Lake Park High Schools culinary program.
Volunteers needed to help at Book Fair next week!
Volunteers are needed from 7:30 a.m-3 p.m. next Tuesday-Friday for student shopping and during Friday night for family shopping. If you can help, sign up on BAND or email us your availability.
Save the date for our Scholastic Book Fair Feb. 6-9
Students can purchase a variety of books, notebooks, posters, bookmarks, pens, science kits, and more at our annual book fair. Classrooms will visit the fair February 6-9 during the day. Payment can be made by Apple Pay, E-Wallet, credit card or cash.
E-Wallets are a place provided by Scholastic to put funds if you don't want your student bringing cash to school - they do not refund extra funds back afterwards, but they can be used online at Scholastic or at a future Book Fair. To set up an E-wallet, click here.
Families are invited to visit the book fair Friday, Feb 9, 6-7:30 p.m. during our Family Fun Night.
Family Fun Night February 9
You are invited to get out of the cold and meet other families and friends for a fun night on Feb. 9 from 6-8 p.m. Families can play Bingo in the cafeteria or bring your own game/puzzle from home, have open gym time, or play KanJam or Corn Hole. There will be $1 concession snacks/drinks for sale in the cafeteria. The Book Fair will also be open. This is not a drop off event. students must have a guardian in attendance.
Art Adventure
Our PTO partnered with the Minneapolis Institute of Art last week to introduce 5th and 6th graders to a collection of pieces through Art Adventure. In ‘Let’s Celebrate Life,' they explored the ways in which people around the world commemorate their lives and how celebrations bring us all together.
A huge thank you to Ms. Eli for hosting the sessions and to our amazing team of volunteers: Susan Grefsheim, Kristin Madsen, Allie Owen, Andrea Hansen, Tara Johnson, Maria O’Reilly, and Molly Papillon. Please ask your students what they discussed and plan a trip to the institute soon. Admission is always free!
Tickets available for Westwood play "Oliver Jr."
Get your tickets now for the Westwood Intermediate and Middle School play “Oliver Jr." Purchase tickets online or day-of at the box office for a dollar more.
Message from the director: We're excited to expose the kids (and our audience) to an older, classic musical. "Oliver" has always had a soft spot in my heart ever since my mom took me to see it as a third grader. She gave me the record as a birthday present and I learned all the songs. It has a large cast, wonderful songs, and something that I love for educational theater - it has a lot of roles for children to play children!
Synopsis: The streets of Victorian England come to life as Oliver, a malnourished orphan in a workhouse, becomes the neglected apprentice of an undertaker. Oliver escapes to London and finds acceptance amongst a group of petty thieves and pickpockets led by the elderly Fagin. When Oliver is captured for a theft that he did not commit, the benevolent victim, Mr. Brownlow takes him in. Fearing the safety of his hideout, Fagin employs the sinister Bill Sikes and the sympathetic Nancy to kidnap him back, threatening Oliver’s chances of discovering the true love of a family.
- Thursday, February 29, 7 p.m.
- Friday, March 1, 7 p.m.
- Saturday, March 2, 2 p.m.
Buy tickets to the Party on February 24
Join your Panther family and enjoy a night out for a great cause. Purchase your tickets for the Panthers for a Purpose Party on Saturday, February 24, 2024. Tickets are going quickly so you'll want to purchase today. At the Party, guests will enjoy live music, complimentary social hour, food throughout the event, an exciting Live Auction, and entertainment by Dueling Pianos. Learn more here.
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