Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ August 29, 2016
Student IDs and Passwords Emailed Home Today
Earlier this year we emailed a PDF to the parents of each student that contained their student IDs and passwords. This information is useful for being able to create an account in PowerSchool (grades 6-8), and will be used to book a Parent/Teacher conference in November.
Many parents reported that they did not receive this information. We worked with AlertSolutions, our mass-communication company, to determine why so many parents did not receive this letter. They have assured us that they have fixed the problem.
By the time you read this, another PDF should have been sent to you. As long as we have one or more correct email addresses for you in PowerSchool, you should receive one message and PDF for each Oak Grove child in your family.
We are asking for your help. If you do not receive a message and PDF for each OGS student in your family, please contact Dave Huber at huber@ogschool.org. He will get you the information, and we will then investigate what went wrong. We need to have a high degree of confidence that when we send out messages, our parents receive them. If necessary, we will begin working with another vendor. Thank you!
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
Last year, we launched our work with Thinking Maps as a way for students to organize their thinking. The Thinking Maps, developed by Dr. David Hyerle, are visual, brain-friendly tools that foster and encourage lifelong learning. Based on thorough study and research, these visual maps provide students with patterns for using the eight fundamental thinking processes. These patterns help students obtain higher levels of creative as well as critical thinking. The eight Thinking Maps developed from the thinking processes are:
The Circle Map: Defining in Context
The Bubble Map: Describing with Adjectives
The Double Bubble Map: Comparing and Contrasting
The Tree Map: Classifying
The Flow Map: Sequencing
The Multi-Flow Map: Cause and Effect
The Brace Map: Identifying Part/Whole Relationships
The Bridge Map: Seeing Analogies
While students learned these maps last year, students will continue to use these Maps in many content areas to expand their thinking skills. Through our school wide implementation, Thinking Maps establish a consistent Language for Learning. In addition, this set of tools allows teachers to differentiate and meet the needs of all learners. Over the course of the school year, Oak Grove staff will continue to deepen their understanding of Thinking Maps through ongoing professional development.
Computer Club - 5th-8th Graders
Come by Mrs. Pusateri's room 207 and grab a permission slip before the first Computer Club meeting. You must bring the permission slip to the first meeting, September 8th!
Meeting Day and Times: Two Thursdays a month, after school, beginning September 8th from 3:30-4:15
Meeting Place: Dr. Meltzer computer lab
Activities: Educational Games, All about Google Docs, Presentation and Sheets, Book Creator, Smore, Kahn Academy Coding and Animation, EV3 Robots in the Spring, Glogster, iBook, and Scratch.
2016-17 Meeting Dates are on Thursdays:
September 8th & 29th, October 6th & 20th, November 3rd & 17th, December 1st & 15th, January 5th & 19th, February 2nd & 16th, March 2nd & 16th, April 6th & 20th, and May 4th is our last meeting.
Don't forget, Choir starts THIS week!
Please see the Virtual Backpack for more information and a permission slip.
PTO News
Lunch Ordering information:
Lunches this year are provided by Kiddo's catering. Ordering is closed for next weeks' lunches, but you can still place your orders through the end of January. You just need to make sure to submit your orders on the Kiddo's website by 11AM Monday for lunches the following week. Please see the flyers in the Virtual Backpack for more details. Here is the link for Kiddo's site:
Fall Spiritwear Sale:
It is that time of the year again - time to stock up on your Oak Grove Spiritwear. You can order online only at http://www.headsupapparel.com/collections/Oak-Grove-2016
You will find Oak Grove's personalized spiritwear selection including new, updated choices and some old favorites. New this year is spiritwear Friday. Every Friday, students are encouraged to show their Oak Grove spirit by wearing spiritwear or Oak Grove blue and white. See the flyer in the Virtual Backpack.
Family Fest 2016:
Sponsored by the PTO on Sunday, August 21st, Family Fest kicked off the 2016‐2017 school year bringing friends together to welcome new families to Oak Grove School. Over 400 people are estimated to have attended! We want to recognize the chair of this event, Julie Kovach, for doing such a wonderful job organizing this awesome (hopefully to be annual) event. The DJ kept it lively while students & families enjoyed inflatables, human foosball, a home run challenge, face painting, photo booth and more, provided by the PTO. The Oak Grove School Education Foundation partnered with the C&A Robot Factory to bring STEM related activities to the event. The Teacher Dunk Tank, Soda Ring Toss Game and Cupcake Walk were extremely popular as families enjoyed a fun way to support the PTO. Students also got a taste of the 2016‐2017 food vendors – Uno’s of Gurnee and Jersey Mike’s.
A huge thank you to everyone that made Family Fest possible!
- The Planning Committee – Kathy Bailor, Susan Brooks, Cathie DeMoon, Monica Goldberg, Ashleigh Grambo, Mia Hughes, Melody Lyon, Elizabeth O’Neill, Alyssa Osterman, Lisa Perrone, Sarah Roe, Jen Sahagian, Carrie Siebert, Melissa Thoune, Katrina Treutelaar, Kris Wilson, and Lynsey Wolfe
- Our teachers that braved the dunk tank – Lori Colclasure, Ashley Evans, Dan Henneberry, Matt Oesch, Jenny Pittam, Daniel Russert, Kathy Schmidt, Patti Tazzioli and Principal Andrew Fenton
- Generous donations from: Card my Yard – Libertyville, Luke’s, Suzy’s Swirl and Yarc Farms
It was great to see so many families showing their Oak Grove Pride! And thanks to all the moms, dads and students that volunteered their time making this event such a big success, including the following: Claire Arnold, Jane Arnold, Shannon Bilcox, Carla Braus, Jorge Colin, Kristy & Ryan Dietz, Katie Duclos, Jamie Evans, Shellie Fahy ,Leigh Foltz, Juliana & Pete Furlong, Debbie Greer, Dean Goldberg, Max Grambo, Bill Hansson, Liz Howard, Chad Huennekens, Chris Hughes, Kelly Hutchins, Francine Klotz, Jason Kovach, Carlene Lichter, Jen Liu, Molly and Madelyn Lyon, Jenny Mayer, Christine Merrild, Ashley Miller, Raabia Mohammed, June O’Donnell, Aaron Osterman, Matt Osterman, Rahul Patil, Dave Pawlowski, Jeanne Sapienza Prinz, Mariyam Qureshi, John Ressler, Maria Roberts, Tim Roe, Melissa Sallmann, Kim Schambow, Diana & John Servatius, Heath Siebert, Katie Silverman, Becky Sims, Samantha Sirivol, Jennifer Stone, Chris Thoune, Yuhuan Tong, Lily VanDixhorn, Sarah Vanheirseele, Mindy Warren, Jill Wechselberger, Lilly Williams, Ashley Wilson, Li Yang, Beth Zender
Welcome Back Teacher Lunch:
The PTO provided lunch from Lino's to the teachers and staff on August 18th. Thank you to Cami VanDixhorn, Joanie Sauers, and Beth Williams for hosting this event.
Welcome New Family Night:
We had a fun night welcoming our new families to the Oak Grove community on Tuesday, August 16th. We had over 30 new families, representing all grades, meet in the Jr. High cafeteria. Dr. Lemon and Mr. Fenton welcomed the new families, talked about all Oak Grove has to offer and explained some of the renovations that have been going on over the past few years. The families finished up the night with a tour of the school. Thank you to Christine Merrild & Ashley Wilson for organizing such a great event and many thanks go out to our volunteers Melody & Maddie Lyon, Tricia & Jack Regan, Quinn Kurland, Regan Kuypers, Emma Sauers, Becky Sims, Jen Sahagian, Kelly Hutchins, Ashley Miller, Ashley Evans, Ashleigh Grambo and Julianna Furlong.
PTO Calendars:
Thank you to Maria Roberts and Shannon Schweiger for creating and printing a wonderful calendar this year. All calendars have been distributed and the last one was sold at curriculum night last Thursday.Spirit Day, August 26, 2016
Oak Grove School Education Foundation
Soaring Eagle Scholarship
As support from our community has grown, so has the Oak Grove School Education Foundation’s ability to support our Oak Grove students as they move through elementary and junior high -- and even past high school. The Soaring Eagle Scholarship was created to support a deserving student in their post-secondary studies. This $1000 scholarship is open to graduating Libertyville High School Seniors who are Oak Grove Alumni.
We wanted to take another opportunity to recognize our 2016 scholarship winners.
The Oak Grove School Education Foundation was honored to recognize Tucker Goebeler and Kierstin Thompson as the winners of the inaugural Soaring Eagle Scholarship. Thanks to the strong support of the Oak Grove community, we were able to award two scholarships from a very bright field of applicants. Congratulations to these remarkable and exceptional young adults. Tucker and Kierstin truly represent the Oak Grove spirit. Good luck on your future studies!
Tucker Goebeler
Tucker attended Oak Grove from kindergarten through eighth grade and took his Oak Grove lessons to heart. While he is a strong leader both in the classroom and on the soccer field, what impresses us the most are his actions when no one is watching. Tucker created an anonymous foundation to financially support local kids in need, and the donations provide opportunities for kids to follow their athletic and academic dreams. Tucker states, "Oak Grove helped me soar by teaching me the value of supporting others without the need for direct recognition."
In the fall, Tucker will continue his education at the University of Illinois where he was accepted into the College of Business.
Kierstin Thompson
Kierstin Thompson also spent 9 years at Oak Grove School and has a strong passion for nursing with a desire to become a neonatal nurse in order to help premature and critically ill babies and their families. Her dedication and leadership skills enabled her to be the ambassador of her Certified Nursing Assistant Program at the College of Lake County’s Technology Campus.
Kierstin will enter Loyola University Chicago Marcella Niehoff Scholl of Nursing in the fall to continue her studies. Kierstin noted, “Oak Grove changed my life from the first day of kindergarten, and prepared me for a successful life. I will never forget my Oak Grove family that engaged, empowered, and inspired me to become who I am today.”
Playground Pavers -- Leave your Mark at Oak Grove!
Our children's memories of their time at Oak Grove will last a lifetime, so take this opportunity to leave a permanent mark with a custom brick paver, while supporting innovative curriculum enhancements for your children at the same time! The custom brick pavers are the centerpiece of the Elementary playground! For sizes, information and how to order, please visit http://www.ogsef.org/playground-pavers.html. Thank you!
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120