Principal's Weekly Update
A Message from Dr. Nadjarian
We have exciting news! We have officially partnered with TRUE Robotics Inc, which is a program that inspires and educates students about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). TRUE Robotics provides teachers with professional development and students with a robotics kit, curriculum, and training service for a hands-on, all-in-one STEM experience for students in Grades 6-8. Students will be exposed to the latest technology by designing, building, and programing their very own robots. Currently, TRUE Robotics is based out of Worcester Polytechnic Institutes’ “Business Development Laboratory.” Our Middle School Teachers will begin professional development in January and will implement this new curriculum shortly after!
Have a safe and restful long weekend.
Looking Ahead
November 14th-18th: Thanksgiving Food Drive
November 16th:
November 23rd:
Thanksgiving Liturgy at 9:30 a.m. (PreK-8)
Thanksgiving Reception at 10:30
Early Dismissal at 11 AM- NO EDP
November 24th-25th:
No School Thanksgiving Break
November 27th:
- Parish wreath making activity after 11a.m. Mass
November 28th:
K2-8 Report cards go home
- Parent-Teacher Conferences begin
December 5th:
- Christmas Tree Lighting at 4p.m.
December 8th:
Immaculate Conception Mass (PreK-8) 12:10 p.m.
December 9th:
Admissions Open House
December 13th:
School-wide Christmas Concert and Pageant
December 16th:
Last Day of school before Christmas break
December 17th-January 2nd
Christmas Break
January 3rd:
Welcome Back!
Thanksgiving Pie Program
This year, we are conducting the first annual Thanksgiving Pie Program to show our gratitude and appreciation for the teachers and staff members of St. Mary's. We are trying to reach our goal of 50 pies to be donated on Tuesday, November 22nd so that each staff member has a pie to bring home for Thanksgiving. Pies can be store bought or homemade and you can sign up to help here:
Any questions about ways to help? Contact Jayme Simovic at Jayme.simovic@gmail.com.
Livestreaming our Christmas Band Concert and Pageant
High School Admissions Night
Thank you to our 7th and 8th grade families and students for attending our High School Admissions Fair on Wednesday afternoon. St. Mary’s hosted nine private high schools in the Lower Hall of the Parish. Students and families had the opportunity to meet 1:1 with admissions ambassadors, ask application questions and receive important information. We are so pleased with this first event, and wholeheartedly thank Ms. Stroia, our 6th grade homeroom teacher, for organizing this!
A Message from Ms. Broley, our Librarian, inviting you to our Annual Book Fair
The holiday season is racing towards us, so it must be time for our Annual Book Fair!
The Scholastic Book Fair will be open the 5th, 6th and 7th of December (M, T, W) with our Family Night happening on the afternoon of the 5th, right after the Tree Lighting!
We could not hold this event without you! Attached is a link to sign up for setup, cleanup, and working at the actual fair (helping children make difficult decisions and checking them out). I know that parents would most like to work the Fair when their child’s class is attending. Over the next week, the teachers whose students do not attend Library during the Book Fair days (1 Chambrelli, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th and 8th) will sign up for a time to bring their class. If you would like to volunteer during the time your child’s class visits keep an eye out for the teachers to sign up. Otherwise, students will attend with Ms. B during their regular Library class time - which is already noted on the sign up.
PreK and K1 students are invited to attend with a parent either before or after school or during Family Night.
Thank you so much for your support!
A Message from our Music Teacher, Ms. Smith
Hello everyone!
I'm seeking instrumentalists for the 6/7/8th grade song! I'm primarily looking for string instruments and a bass player. Please reach out to me if you're interested in playing! asmith@stmarys-brookline.org
* if you're interested in playing at other times of the year, too, also reach out to me!
What is it?:
St. Mary's 5th graders lead us all in the true spirit of Christmas as they perform the annual nativity pageant. The band will kick off the performance followed by different grades performing songs throughout the pageant to help share the story we celebrate this time of year. We can't wait for you to share in their hard work and spirit!
Date: Tuesday, December 13
Time: 8:45 am directly following mass. Band will play first and the Concert/pageant will follow.
Location: The Saint Mary of the Assumption Church
Dress: Christmas best! This is a dress up day! Wear colors Red, Green, Black, White, Gold, and/or Silver to celebrate the festivities.
****Note: K1 (Creamer, Curley, and Schneider's classes) have the very adorable job of being our sheep in the pageant. K1 students should dress in all black, white, or brown, and Ms. Smith will provide them with their very own pair of sheep ears.
Thank you for sharing your amazing children with me in music class once a week. I can't wait for you to see all they've been putting together.
Ms. Smith
A Message from Mr. Febesh, Basketball Survey
Early Childhood Spanish
Miss Crapo’s Pre-K classroom was transformed into a pizzeria today. The students read the story The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza and by following the visual story cue cards they were able to follow the steps to make a pizza just like the Little Red Hen. It was great to see so many academic components being taught: literacy, math, science and social development. Buon Appetito!
Grade 1
Grade 3
Grade 5
Fifth-grade mathematicians worked with fractions as a whole class and in pairs. They used the Bridges Math manipulatives to spin and land on a fraction, then they had to color in the correct number of pie sections. It was a challenge when the fraction was larger and students had to simplify and reduce it or carry over to the next circle. This fun and interactive activity challenged the students while working collaboratively to problem-solve.
Grade 6
Final products will be showcased in next week's newsletter!
Grade 8
Follow Us on Social Media
Please find the links below to our social media pages. We have been constantly uploading posts and stories so if you are interested in seeing more of our day-to-day happenings, please follow us!
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/st-mary-of-the-assumption-school
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmaryschoolbrooklinema
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stmaryschoolbrookline/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/stmarybrookline