#271 News & Notes
2019-20 School Year
Coeur d'Alene Public Schools — March 4, 2020
Coronavirus: Our focus is on prevention and education
Here at Coeur d'Alene Public Schools, we are working with local health agencies to help slow the spread of disease and ensure students have safe and healthy learning environments.
As of today, Idaho officials have confirmed no cases of coronavirus in the state. Health officials have advised us that there is no need to close any schools in our District at this time. The risk to Idaho residents remains low for now.
We know many of you are concerned about the spread of coronavirus in Washington state. To keep you informed on what we are doing to help prevent the spread of disease and prepare for the possibility of coronavirus cases in our community, we have a new Coronavirus Update page linked from our District web page and all of our school web pages. Please check this page for details and updates on our response to the coronavirus outbreak.
We also have linked to other helpful resources there, including:
- Idaho Health & Welfare updates
- Panhandle Health District
- Information on coronavirus and children
- This fact sheet from the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology
- CDC handwashing guidelines
- How to talk with children about coronavirus
- Educational video for children
District officials are communicating daily with public health authorities with Panhandle Health and are participating in continuing education through the Centers for Disease Control.
We have reviewed our standard procedures and materials for routine cleaning and disinfecting, and regularly clean frequently touched surfaces with a disinfectant product. We are in the process of completing additional surface disinfecting as a precautionary measure.
We have reviewed our pandemic illness plan and updated it to reflect coronavirus (COVID-19). We also have reviewed our illness guidelines and continue to follow them, excluding children who show signs and symptoms of communicable disease.
We continue to reinforce the need for proper handwashing or use of hand sanitizer. Our hand sanitizer is effective for coronavirus.
At some point, Panhandle Health District may recommend a single school or the entire school district be closed temporarily if a student or staff member attended school prior to being confirmed as a COVID-19 case. These decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis using the most current information.
Proposed attendance zone changes for elementary, high schools out for final review
Our Boundary Review Committee completed its work last week, and proposed attendance zone changes for elementary schools and high schools were presented to the Board of Trustees on Monday evening. The School Board is scheduled to vote on the proposals March 18 at 5 PM at the Midtown Meeting Center.
You may submit comments on the final proposal until 8 PM on Monday, March 16. Email comments to boundaries@cdaschools.org.
The recommendation includes a new attendance zone for Northwest Expedition Academy and proposed changes to the Hayden Meadows, Atlas, Skyway and Winton zones starting for the 2020-21 school year. No changes are proposed to the Dalton, Fernan, Bryan and Borah attendance zones for the coming year; the boundaries for those three school zones will be further studied over the next year. SEE THE PROPOSED MAP HERE
Growth forecasts and enrollment trends demonstrate an immediate need for another elementary school, beyond the new NExA school opening this fall. The bulk of the expected residential growth will occur along the western boundary of the school district, between Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls.
The recommended change establishes a boundary line primarily along U.S. 95, with residents east of the highway attending Coeur d'Alene High School and residents west of the highway attending Lake City High School. Freshman this fall would enroll at their new zoned school, and students in grades 10, 11 and 12 would be able to continue attending the school they are in now until they complete high school. SEE THE PROPOSED MAP HERE
The committee proposed no changes at this time for our three middle schools, as all three schools are presently over capacity. The District later will consider potential middle school zone changes if we are able to open a new middle school in the next few years to ease pressure on the existing schools and meet the needs of growing enrollment in grades 6, 7 and 8.
For more details on these proposed changes, a review of our existing attendance zones, and background on the boundary process we followed, visit our Boundary Review page.
All related materials presented the Board of Trustees on Monday are available here (agenda Item 10).
Grandfathering options: The Board of Trustees will be asked to approve priority levels for grandfathering of students affected by attendance zone changes in April. A draft grandfathering priority level plan is being updated and should be available for public review next week.
TONIGHT! Join us for key updates at the State of our District
The 8th annual State of the District is tonight (March 4) at 5:30 PM at the Innovation Collective, located at Lakeside Avenue and Fifth Street. Parents, students, educators and other community members are welcome to attend.
State of the District is hosted by the Coeur d’Alene Education Partnership in partnership with Coeur d’Alene Public Schools. NW Specialty Hospital is the sponsor.
This year's theme is “Growing Into the Future as a Community United, Inclusive, and Equitable." As part of that, we will:
- Celebrate students who have performed extraordinary acts of kindness
- Hear an update from Superintendent Steven Cook about the school zone boundary review, and how the District is addressing gaps highlighted in last year’s curriculum audit
- Hear students and staff share their experiences with campus safety, social and emotional well-being, and the new Portrait of a Graduate.
- Listen to a panel discuss future district growth through the lens of equity and accessibility.
Coeur d’Alene Education Partnership is an independent nonprofit, working to inform the community about developments in education.
The event will kick off with a 30-minute social. The program begins at 6 and is schedule for about 90 minutes.
Calling all high school students: See you at the Now and Next summit!
The event also includes workshops on:
- Financial awareness
- Career exploration
- Healthy relationships
- Mindfulness
- Kootenai Technical Education Campus
- Advanced Opportunities (middle school focused)
Now and Next Summit is intended to provide resources and information for students and families to consider during high school and beyond. It's open to all high school students throughout North Idaho.
Participating organizations include North Idaho College, University of Idaho, Lewis-Clark State College, Boise State University, Idaho State University, College of Idaho, Northwest Nazarene University and Brigham Young University - Idaho. Others include Eastern Washington University, Whitworth University, Gonzaga University, Washington State University and Grand Canyon University.
Also participating will be the Marine Corps, Navy, Army, Air Force and Idaho Army National Guard, North Idaho College Workforce Training Center, STCU, Toni & Guy Hairdressing Academy, Vocational Rehab, Project SEARCH, Bloom Educational Coaching, Safe Passage, Indian Education Resources and Scholarships, and Kootenai Health Volunteer Services.
Questions? Contact Adriana DelGizzi at adelgizzi@cdaschools.org
Our school start times survey ends this Friday at noon
We invite you to take the survey now by following this link. This survey will be available until 12 noon on Friday, March 6.
A later start time would allow teens to get more sleep before school. During puberty, biological changes occur to the amount and timing of a hormone associated with sleep called Melatonin. This change causes adolescents to naturally fall asleep up to 2 hours later and wake up later. A 2017 survey found that 67% of teens were getting less than 7 hours of sleep a night. A lack of sleep is associated with many different issues, including lack of concentration, mental health issues and depression, traffic accidents and more.
Learn more by visiting our School Start Times web page.
Have you taken the parent engagement survey?
Thank you to the more than 1,100 parents and guardians who have taken the annual parent engagement survey! There is still time to respond: The survey is open until March 31.
This is your opportunity gives you the chance to share your input and help us measure how well our schools are meeting your needs. The survey only takes a few minutes, and your responses are anonymous. But they will be critical in helping us identify opportunities to maximize satisfaction, engagement and communication. This is one easy step to help improve your child's school.
If you have students in more than one school in our district, you may retake the survey for each school.
Take the parent survey now by following this link.
We're hiring! Our teacher career fair is this Saturday
Certified educators interested in joining our team are invited to meet our school administrators on Saturday, March 7, from 9 AM to 12 PM at Coeur d'Alene High School.
Our community and our district are growing quickly, and we typically fill 40 to 50 teaching positions each year. Now is the time to take a look at the opportunities we will have for the 2020-21 school year. We will start offering positions as early as this spring.
In addition, full-time, part-time and substitute classified positions are available year-round.
Job candidates may apply in advance or learn more at cdaschools.org/careerfair.
Career and Technical Education and Transfer Program Roadshow
Four days after the Now and Next Summit, another big event will take place to help our students with their career exploration: The Career and Technical Education and Transfer Program Roadshow will be Friday, March 20, from 8 AM to 2 PM in the Lake City High School gymnasium.
The focus is on:
- Manufacturing and trades (aerospace, automobile trades, carpentry and construction, computer aided design, machining and more)
- Healthcare professions (nursing, physical therapist assistants, medical assistants, pharmacy technology, radiography technology and more)
- Business administration and management (accounting, information technology, culinary arts, cybersecurity, graphic design, web design, hospitality, outdoor recreation and more)
North Idaho College will showcase program offerings in a hands-on way and invite industry partners who hire graduates of those programs. It's open to all local high schools (contact Adriana DelGizzi at adelgizzi@cdaschools.org if you would like to bring your students).
Opening this Thursday: 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' at Lake City High School
"Curious Incident," best for ages 12 and up, will run March 5-7 and March 12-14 in the Lake City Auditorium. Curtain up at 7 PM. Directed by Sandra Seaton.
Tickets are available at the LCHS front office or at the box office before each show. Information: sseaton@cdaschoosl.org
CHS spring musical begins April 23
One of the most popular Disney movies of all time is capturing hearts in a whole new way, as a practically perfect musical. Based on the books by P.L. Travers and the classic Walt Disney film, Disney and Cameron Mackintosh's Mary Poppins delighted Broadway audiences for over 2,500 performances and received nominations for nine Olivier and seven Tony Awards, including Best Musical.
This is a production sure to entertain audiences of all ages.
Tickets are on sale now at www.chstheater.org.
A view of our new elementary school under construction on West Prairie Avenue
Mark your calendar
- TONIGHT - State of the District, 5:30 PM, Innovation Collective
- March 6 - No School Grades K-5
- March 6 - Last day to take School Start Times survey (by 12 noon)
- March 7 - Teacher Career Fair, 9 AM to 12 PM, Coeur d'Alene High School
- March 16 - Now and Next Summit, 5-7 PM, Lake City High School
- March 18 - Special School Board Meeting on School Zone Boundaries, 5 PM, Midtown Meeting Center
- March 20 - Career and Technical Education and Transfer Program Roadshow, 8 AM-2 PM, Lake City High School
- March 27 - Spring Break begins
- March 31 - Last day to take Parent Engagement Survey
- April 6 - Back to School
- April 6 - Monthly School Board Meeting, 5 PM, Midtown Meeting Center
- April 14 - SAT test day for Grade 11 (No School Grades 9, 10, 12)
Stay Connected
Email: info@cdaschools.org
Website: www.cdaschools.org
Location: 1400 N. Northwood Center Court
Phone: (208) 664-8241
Facebook: www.facebook.com/cdaschools
Twitter: @cdaschools