Tiger Tracks
April 11, 2023
๐ Important Dates. ๐ ๐
As we are approaching the end of the school year, I just wanted to thank you for your continious support this year. Thanks to your support, we have earned from the American Heart Association extra funds to purchase new PE equipment for all students. Our Texas Roadhouse fundraiser was a success where we raised $708 and will use this money towards reading materials for our students. Again, thank you for your support.
Well, it looks like spring will be really late this year with the additional snow we have had. Please make sure your child is dress with the appropriate winter gear. Coats, gloves, hats, snowpants, and boots are still required.
Progress reports for 4th quarter will be viewable on Friday, 4/14/23, in Q.
On a more somber note, due to safety concerns across the nation, students will not be allowed to wear their coats in the classrooms or to assemblies. If a student is cold, they may wear a sweatshirt. Of course, students wearing a coat to and from recess is allowed.
Please do not text or call your students during the day on their cell phones as it disrupts the learning environment. Students who have cell phones need to have them put away until after 3 pm as this is and has always been our school policy. If you need to get a message to your child, please call our office at 907-742-7500 and we will be happy to relay the message.
We have some upcoming dates that look to be fun for the entire school!
- May 5th - 1st Grade RWB performance
- May 15th - Multicultural Assembly. Please sign up if you are interested in performing. https://forms.gle/C2f9YcnBsw6691K17
- May 16th - Kindergarten Graduation
- May 18th- Talent Show
- May 19th - Field Day. Please look for more information coming soon. We will need volunteers to make this event happen.
Thank you again for your continued support to help make NLABC the best place to learn and grow!
Mrs. Duff
๐ ABC Advisory Board is seeking new members!
Applications to run for the 2023-24 ABC Advisory Board are due THIS FRIDAY, APRIL 14! We need several parents/guardians who believe in our schoolโs philosophy, values, and high academic standards. The Anchorage Basic Curriculum (ABC) Advisory Board is responsible for maintaining our schoolโs philosophyโincluding standards of behavior and dress codeโand curriculum. Please consider joining us.
What does being on the ABC Board look like?
- One mandatory board meeting per month. Traditionally these meeting have been held at 3:15pm on Thursdays, and typically last 1 to 1.5 hours. Meetings are scheduled in advance to give you plenty of time to make arrangements.
- Voluntary but recommended participation at school events and assemblies. The ABC Board is responsible for handling awards presentations at our quarterly academic and five Red, White, & Blue assemblies each year. We also try to support our NLABC PTA by attending/helping at school events.
- Voluntary participation in school tours, staff interviews, individual assignments, and on various committees. Small committees are formed on a needs basis and are often temporary. For example, this year we had committees for the Science Exhibition night, school tours, health curriculum, and individual board members who volunteered to handle the Veterans wall, Honor Roll board, and Thanksgiving Feast fliers/forms. Much of the work can be done on your own time. It is all voluntary, but of course we like all members of the Board to take their turn participating and helping with various projects and needs.
If you are leery or nervous about applying, please know that we are a supportive group, learning and growing as we go. We understand that each of us have busy lives with varying availability, and we appreciate whatever service is given. We are excited to add your voice to ours in representing our students and our school!
2023-2024 Election Information
The election is scheduled for Wednesday, April 26th, 2023 with newly elected members taking their seats at the final ABC Board meeting of the 2022-2023 school year on May 4th, 2023. To run for an open seat the following process needs to be followed:
1. Complete an election intent form and application. Blank forms are available in the office.
2. Return the intent form and application to the school office and have one of the staff sign and date stamp when they are received. Your intent form and application must be returned by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, April 14th, 2023.
3. Leave the completed and date-stamped application in the folder.
After the election has been completed and the results validated you will be contacted regarding results. If you have any questions, please contact Jill Marlatt at nlabcboard@gmail.com.
Open seats for the 2023-24 school year are as follows. Seats are filled by candidates receiving the most votes.
Seat D โ 2 Years Seat E โ 2 Years
Seat F โ 2 Years Seat G โ 2 years
๐ Tiger Reading Volunteers Neededโ
We are in need of a few Tiger Reading Volunteers who could be trained and help with our wonderful reading program. A lot of the work can be done at home too! If you would like to help with this NLABC tradition or for more information, please send email to nlabctigerreading@gmail.com
Coming Up ๐ฃ ๐ฑ โค๏ธ
๐ฃ Kindergarten Round-Up
Friday, April 28 @ Hanshew Middle School
Please click picture for more details.
When you look up at the sky, what do you think of?
Do memories flood your mind of a similar time and space, or do you embrace the moment when you realize the universe is far greater than your mind can conceive?
Do you whisper your hopes and dreams to the stars, and wonder if your wish will come true?
STARGAZER is a dance show that reflects on all of our human experiences - from childhood and friendships, to moments that change us forever. Both student and professional guest choreographers share stories of their greatest loves and losses, struggles and triumphs, and they inspire us to be strong and confident through it all!
When life gets overwhelming, messy, and chaotic, sometimes looking up at the sky reminds us that we are a part of something bigger than ourselves, and that we are all connected underneath the same stars.
Public performances are on April 28th and 29th at 7PM at West Anchorage High School.
Tickets: $12 Student Admission and $15 General Admission
This is an event where participants perform their talent or talent of acting, singing, dancing, acrobatics, drumming, martial arts, playing an instrument, and other activities that showcase a unique form of talent. The talent show is open to the entire school and all are encouraged to sign up.
Date & Time: Thursday, May 18th at 8:30am
Location: MPR in Northern Lights ABC.
Participation: Grades K-5 sign up using this Google Form. Grades 6-8 sign up using this Google Form. These forms will close on April 21st.
When are the auditions? Grades K-5 will audition during their music class time the week of April 24-28. Middle School and 6th grade will audition on Weds., April 26th from 2:45-4:00 pm in the music room.
Important Information:
All backing tracks or music are due on or before the audition, via flash drive or email (No CDs).
All lyrics for songs to be sung or used in the act are due at the point of signup.
All vocal soloists must sing a cappella or with a karaoke track.
Acts should be around 2-3 minutes long.
If your act requires mats or other equipment, make sure you note that in the google form so that you are ready to audition.
All costumes must be school appropriate according to the NLABC handbook, and appropriate for the act.
Summer Fun ๐ ๐ธ
๐ Soccer Camps and more
To register or for more information about program offerings and summer camps visit http://alaskarush.com/
contact Johnny Turner, Alaska Rush Soccer Club Youth Director of Coaching @ 907-223-0612
๐ธ The Music Machine
For more information please visit
Or call 907-227-0509
๐ธ 42nd Anniversary Summer Program (Music Machine)
- June 20 - July 13, 2023
- June 19 - July 29, 2023
- June 19 - July 29, 2023