Lenox Elementary Newsletter
Back to School Edition # 3
Greetings Lenox Families/Saludos Familias Lenox
The 21-22 school year is right around the corner and staff have been busy this past week preparing for students arrival. We can't wait to welcome student's back this Thursday! There is a lot of important information below so please continue to refer to this newsletter which will be distributed bi-weekly, for any updates, reminders, important dates, etc.
You can also check out our instagram - hsdlenox and;
our website - https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/lenox for the latest happenings as well.
Thank you again for sharing your children with us! We can't wait to see them soon!
In service to you,
Sarah Keller, Principal
Important Upcoming Dates
- Tues. Sept 7th-- Weds. Sept. 8th-- Welcome Back Conferences (Google Meet/Phone Call)
- Thur., Sept 9th-- First Day of School for Grades K-6
- Mon., Sept 13th-- Booster Club Mtg. 7:00-8:30 pm
- Tues., Sept 14th-- Dine Out Event Nonna EmeIia's 4:00-9:00pm
Virtual Welcome Back Conferences
- If you signed up for a conference time at the Meet & Greet you will receive a Google Meet code for the time you signed up for. If you have not received a link, you can email your child's teacher directly. Links are scheduled to be sent first thing Tuesday morning.
- OR If you did not attend the Meet & Greet you will receive sign-up information and possible available conference times. You will need to respond to your child's teacher to confirm your availability.
If you have not received any communication from your child's teacher you can reach out directly to our office at 503-844-1360 to secure a conference time for next week and find out who your child's teacher is.
Arrival Procedures
Student arrival time is between 7:15 and 7:45
Class begins promptly at 7:45
Regardless of mode of arrival (parent drop off via car, bus, walker)
- ALL K-2 students will enter the front doors and proceed to the cafeteria for breakfast or the gym if they are not eating breakfast
- 3-6 students who want breakfast will proceed to the front door and to the cafeteria to get breakfast
- 3-6 students who do not want breakfast will proceed to the red tent at the end of the parent drop-off/pick up lane. Dots that are socially distanced will be utilized with staff present to support supervision and transition to class at 7:45.
- Once students arrive in the cafeteria for breakfast or other areas (gym K-2/outside 3-6), they are to remain there until teachers pick up classes. There is no movement between areas.
Check out the K-2 Arrival Video HERE
Check out the 3-6 Videos --- YES, I want breakfast. NO, I don't want breakfast.
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal W is at 1:35
If you pick up your child in a car, please watch the video HERE and read below for directions.
Display your sign on your passenger side window/dashboard (signs will be given to you following the first day of school).
You must pull up as far as possible in the pick up lane.
You must remain in your vehicle.
Once your child is securely in your car, you may either proceed forward and out of the lot or merge into the thru lane and out of the lot
If the pick up lane is full, please use the thru lane to circle back around.
If you walk to campus or park to walk and pick up your child, please read below for the location you need to go to.
K-2 parents must come up and wait at the flag pole at the front of the school. A staff member will release your student(s) to you.
Please do not put staff in a compromising position by trying to take your child from them while they are bringing their line of students out.
You must come to the designated location to get your child. This is for the safety of our students.
3-6 students are released from classrooms independently. If needed, they can meet their siblings up near the front of the building where K-2 students are waiting.
If your chid rides a bus
- Busing information for all students is now available on the HSD Transportation MyBus Page. You will need your students ID number and birthdate to access the system.
Important Note for Dismissal - Car Pickup
The sign can include the teachers last name and your child's first name/last initial. We will work to get you permanent signage within the first week of school.
YMCA Before & After School Care
We are excited to welcome the YMCA back to Lenox this year! The before and after school enrichment programs are offered during the school year at many locations throughout the Portland and Vancouver metro area. Programs are open to students in kindergarten through middle school, and focuses on social growth and academic enhancement. Check out specific program details below!
Monday - Friday | AM & PM Care | 6:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Before/After Rate $135 (Member) | $150 (Non-Member)
After Care Only Rate $81 (Member) | $90 (Non-Member)
West Region Child Care | ycarewest@ymcacw.org
Access for All | https://www.ymcacw.org/open-door
News & Notes
- Daily Breakfast and Lunch are FREE and offered to all students.
- Students will eat breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria with a 3 ft. distance when possible. We have stickers for our lunch seats so that students know exactly what that distance looks like.
- All students enrolled at Lenox will be receiving a new device! One thing to note is that all students, K-6 will be bringing their devices back and forth from school daily. Thank you so much to the School Board for investing in technology and making this all possible!
- 1st-6th grade students can bring devices back on the 1st day of school
- For student safety: please remind all students tor cross Rock Creek Blvd at our designated crossing areas.
- If your child is going to be absent, please call the attendance line 503-844-1363 prior to the start of the day
- If you have changes to the way your child is getting home - please call the office the day prior or by 1:00pm the day of so that we can ensure a smooth transition for your child at dismissal time
Please take time before school resumes to practice and reinforce mask wearing with your student(s). We will always have extras on hand at all entrances/exits/classrooms should your child a new mask.
Volunteers & Visitors
It's important to note that visitors and non-HSD staff are not allowed in our classrooms and student contact areas at this time. We are looking forward to having volunteers and visitors in our school later this year!
Booster Club Spotlight
Welcome back to Lenox! Please join us for our first Booster Club meeting of the school year on Monday, September 13th from 7:00pm - 8:30pm! We hope to be able to hold it in-person at the school, but in the event that we need to hold our meeting virtually, please join us on Google Meet by using this link: https://meet.google.com/otd-ucco-dnn Get to know who we are, learn new and upcoming information about things happening at Lenox, and come share your thoughts on what you would like to see at Lenox for the 2021-2022 school year! We look forward to seeing you there! *Please be on the lookout for future information regarding where this meeting will take place.
September Dine Out Night: 9/14 @ 4:00pm- 9:00pm at Nonna Emilia's
Lenox Elementary School
Website: hsd.k12.or.us/lenox
Location: 21200 Northwest Rock Creek Boulevard, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503-844-1360