The Spartan Family Scoop
February 28, 2025
Message From Principal Jones
Hello Olympia Families,
Thank you all for an incredible first week back from February recess. Our students have been working hard and there was a lot of celebrations to be had. For example, a group of Olympia middle school students presented to the board of education all the great things happening at Olympia! I could not have been more proud of those students.
Believe it or not, we are at the mid-way point of the 3rd quarter. Quarter 3 5 week grades will be viewable in Infinite Campus on Friday, 3/7 at 3pm. Encourage your students to work with their teachers to turn in any missing or late assignments by Tuesday, March 3rd.
Thank you,
Principal Jones
Your Proud Principal
Great Things Happen At Olympia!
This week, six of our middle school students presented to the board of education- Lyla, Yazan, Landon, Jack, and Myah. They did a phenomenal job and made Olympia and their families proud!
This week our counselors celebrated our students who earned honor roll during quarter 2! Loved the smiles and acknowledgment.
Our School Improvement Team (SIT) spent time this week reviewing the winter staff, student, and family perception survey results and discussing celebrations, challenges, and next steps! Overall, we are moving in the right direction :).
This week our staff continued to engage in professional learning on student-teacher conferences and how conferences can be used as a differentiation and engagement instructional tool.
Transportation Applications and 11th/12th Grade Opt Outs Coming Due
Transportation applications for 25-26 Child Care (K-8), Private/Parochial and 11th and 12th grade opt in are due April 1, 2025. Application forms can be found here: https://www.greececsd.org/Page/603. This information will be mailed to parents who have an application on file for this school year, emailed to Child Care centers and Private/Parochial schools and sent out via Blackboard robo calls. Parents need to complete an application EACH year. Reach out to Transportation with any questions you may have. Thank you.
Olympia NYSED Every Students Succeed Act (ESSA) Designation
Linked is a letter that families will be receiving next week in the mail, it explains Olympia's accountability status for the 25-26 school year.
Upcoming Financial Aid Night Opportunities- Districtwide
- Register for financial Aid night here: Financial Aid Night Registration
- Click here to see what documents you will need
- Click here to apply for your FAFSA ID
GCSD Community Schools March Madness Event- 3/15
GCSD Community Schools Spring Family Festival- 4/26
Upcoming PTSA Meetings
GCSD Food Pantry
Counselor Corner
NYS STEM Scholarship
New York State STEM Scholarship-
The New York State STEM Incentive Program application will open December 1, 2024, for students attending a SUNY or CUNY college. To be eligible, students must:
Be in the top 10% of your NYS high school graduating class
Must apply in your high school senior year
Attend a SUNY or CUNY college immediately following high school graduation
Pursue a degree in an approved STEM program of study
Enrolled in full-time study (at least 12 credits per term)
Live in NYS and work in an approved STEM occupation for five years
U of R Summer High School Program-Juniors
Attention parents and guardians of current JUNIORS:
The University of Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics (UR LLE) is offering a Summer High School Program. Please take a moment to view the website: https://www.lle.rochester.edu/education/summer-research-program-for-high-school-juniors/. This program will run from July 7, 2025 – August 29, 2025.
Internship Opportunity
We are excited to share another excellent opportunity! The New York State Unified Court System is offering High School students and recent graduates the chance to intern with the courts through our Summer Student Aide Internship program.
The mission of the New York State Unified Court System (NYS UCS) is to deliver equal justice under the law and ensure the just, fair, and timely resolution of all matters that come before the courts. The Summer Student Aide Internship offers an invaluable, hands-on opportunity for students to develop a concrete understanding of our government’s Third Branch.
Students will be paired with a judge, gaining insight into court processes, applicable laws, rules, and protocols. They will also explore the diverse careers available within the Judiciary and observe New York State court operations, including the civil, family, and criminal justice systems.
This internship not only provides exposure at the state level but also allows students to understand the collaborative roles of various local agencies that support the NYS Unified Court System. Students will walk away having gained valuable experience through their job assignments while benefiting from training in computer skills, business writing, public speaking, negotiation, and other essential job skills.
Key Details:
- Eligibility: Applicants must be 17 or older by July 7, 2025
- Qualifications: High School students and recent high school graduates (within the last 2 years) 17 years or older at the time program starts, and college students. Those under the age of 18 must obtain a work permit/paper (employment certificate)
- Compensation: $18.00 hourly
- Work status: Full-time - July 7 - August 13
- Application Procedures: apply at https://portal.nycourts.gov/StudentAideApplication/ and submit a written essay answering the following two prompts:
- Why do you want to participate?
- Describe an obstacle you faced in life or school and how you addressed it.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Angelique at APEDRAZA@nycourts.gov
Scholarship Award Opportunity
It's that time of year again and we are excited to inform you that submissions are now being accepted for the 2025 Young Women of Distinction Scholarship Award, offered by Greater Rochester Chamber and its Women’s Council initiative.
As you may already know, this award is designed to recognize young women who are outstanding leaders, are involved in their communities, and are dynamic individuals who possess strength, wisdom & vision. This year is extra special as we have completely revitalized the event along with the submission requirements and are hopeful that even more amazing young women will be interested! Please click HERE to view more details about the event.
We are looking to you to help us get the word out to your female senior body. Please see the attached flyer for more information and pass this information along to those exceptional seniors.
The entry deadline is the end of the day on Friday, March 21st, 2025. Click HERE to view the application and its requirements.
Olympia Athletic Information
- Olympia Sports Schedule. It is a live link, meaning, when changes are made, this link will be updated automatically. Click here for the latest schedule
- This school year each high school has created their own athletics apparel store. Feel free to visit the websites and show your support! Olympia Gear
Follow Us On Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olympia.spartans.9
X (Twitter): @GreeceOlympia