Fox Ridge News
CUSD 303 Early Childhood Department
February 28
9:30-10:30 AM OR 6:30-7:30 PM
Haines Center, Community Room 140
Presented by Allyse Rehak from Riverview Counseling Services
- FRI MAR 3: NO SCHOOL (Teacher Work Day)
- MON MAR 6: Early Literacy
9:15-10:15 AM OR 12:45 - 1:45 PM Tricia Sabathne from Fox Ridge
- MON MAR 13: Responding to Angry Feelings
9:15 - 10:45 AM with Michelle Clark from TriCity Family Services
12:45-1:45 PM with Tricia Sabathne from Fox Ridge
- MON MAR 20: Sibling Harmony
9:15 - 10:45 AM with Michelle Clark from TriCity Family Services
12:45-1:45 PM with Tricia Sabathne from Fox Ridge
- WED, MAR 22: Early Release Day
AM classes DISMISS EARLY at 11:05 am
If your child rides the bus home from our morning session, drop off at your home or child care will be 25 minutes early.
PM classes START EARLY at 12:05 pm DISMISS EARLY at 2:10 pm
If your child rides the bus to school for our afternoon session, pick up will be 25 minutes early from your home or child care and the bus at the end of the day from Fox Ridge will drop off 50 minutes earlier.
From the School Nurse
Pink Eye (conjunctivitis) is a highly contagious infection of the eye. The major causes of Pink Eye include infection by a virus or bacteria, allergy, injury and systemic diseases such as measles. Infection, however, is the most common cause. Adults and children both can be affected by Pink Eye, but children under 5 years of age are affected most often.
Itching and burning of the eyes.
Redness and tearing of the eyes.
Sensitivity to light.
Swollen eyelids.
Yellow, thick drainage that makes the eyelids stick together.
Symptoms usually occur within 24-72 hours after exposure to infected person or articles.
Contact with discharges from the eye(s) of infected person.
Contact with contaminated articles such as toys, pencils, crayons, towels, and clothing.
Suspected cases of Pink Eye will be sent home.
Parents are advised to take child with suspected infection to health care provider for diagnosis and treatment.
Infected children are excluded from school until antibiotic therapy has been maintained for at least 24 hours.
Usually antibiotic drops.
Frequent, thorough hand washing by students and staff.
Disinfect shared articles.
Use a separate washcloth and towel for infected eyes and change it frequently.
Avoid sharing eye make-up and sunglasses.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the School Nurse.
TriCity Family Services wants to join you in helping your children learn and practice social and emotional skills. Parents/Guardians of 2-5 year-olds are invited to attend the upcoming presentation:
Responding to ANGRY Feelings - March 13
- How to help children calm themselves when agnry
- Steps for children to resolve conflicts
- Daily practices to build anger management skills
Sibling Harmony - March 20
- Interventions for 3 intensity levels of siblings conflicts
- 5 communication tips for reducing sibling rivalry
- 7 ways for siblings to compromise
AM Sessions (9:15 - 10:45 AM) are presented by TriCity Family Services' Director of Emotional Wellness Programs, Michelle Clark, LCPC, NCC
PM Sessions (12:45 - 1:45 PM) are facilitated by Fox Ridge's Child and Family Educator, Tricia Sabathne, with highlights from the morning sessions.
Presentations will be in the LRC at Fox Ridge. Please park in the parking lot, bring your id, use the crosswalk, and ring the buzzer to be signed in the office before heading to the LRC.
Registration requested, not required. Register to attend one or more presentations here.
Student Absences
If you know ahead of time your child will be missing there is also a pre-arranged absence form to complete (request from the front office). It is required to be turned in at least 2 days before the requested absence and applies for certain types of absences (family vacation, special religious events, etc.)
Bus Riders: There is NO NEED to call the transportation department to notify them of the absence. The bus driver will stop for 2 minutes at your child's stop and then continue on the route if you are not outside when they arrive. The department doesn't have staffing to field phone calls regarding absences or notify the drivers of the messages. Additionally, they need the phone line open for other purposes.
Fox Ridge Early Childhood Center
Location: 1905 East Tyler Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2400