Principal's Weekly Update
December 18th-22nd
The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me; he has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners, to announce a year of favor from the LORD and a day of vindication by our God." - Isaiah 61:1-2
Dear Families,
It's hard to believe that Christmas is about a week away. We have some fun activities planned for the week ahead. Monday is a school wide Christmas celebration. Students will participate in different activities and we will have cookies and hot cocoa in the afternoon. Details about individual class parties will come from teachers. The dress down day schedule is below.
Thursday is the last day to place orders for the dress down day coupon book. The form to place online orders is below. Please email Mrs. Chippendale to pay cash or check. All funds raised will go directly towards supporting programming for students.
Megan dos Santos
December Calendar
12/18 - School wide Christmas celebration
12/18 - Latin Club
12/19 - 8th Grade Retreat at Bishop Stang
12/20 - Maronite Sisters visit
12/22 - Early Dismissal @ 11:30
Dress Down Days
Dress Down Coupon Book
Retreat - 8th Grade
The S.E.A.L. Foundation Parent Network
The S.E.A.L. Foundation has initiated a parent network and invites parents of students who learn differently to join us at our December parent meetings (December 18) at the Boston Tavern in Middleborough at 5:30pm.
Both of these meetings will be facilitated by special education advocate, Chris Atwood. Chris brings over 40 years of experience to each encounter she has with parents, school personnel and community members. She personalizes her presentations so participants get the most from their time together.
The November meeting will focus on “Strategies and Resources for Neurodiversity.” Chris will take the lead from the audience on how best to address their concerns and questions and provide information and tips.
Interested parents should contact Lynne Sarantopoulos at