Mustang Family Newsletter
November 2022
Find the good
- Thank you to Mrs. Moulton and all of the Book Fair Volunteers for providing this opportunity for our students.
- Thank you to the Minot Community Club and all of the community volunteers that came together to provide our children with a fun a safe Trunk or Treating event!
- Thank you to all of our family members who are currently serving or have served in the military in the past! We thank you for your service. Happy Veteran's Day!
- Thank you to all of our families for coming out during Student Led Conferences! Your partnership with the school is so appreciated!
Town of Minot Food Drive
The Town of Minot is coordinating with Minot Consolidated School to collect nonperishable food donations for this year's Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets.
If you can help, there will be a table set up at MCS through November 18th or you can bring donations to the Town Office, where there is a collection box. If you know a family or individual who could use a basket, please contact the Town Office at 345-3305 or see the Town's Facebook page for information on how to make a nomination.
Superintendent Search
Superintendent Kenneth Healey will be retiring on June 30, 2023 We thank him for his years of service. This survey is designed to gain staff and community input on the qualities, experiences, and skills sought in the next Superintendent of RSU 16. Survey responses are requested by November 15, 2022. Your thoughts and ideas are appreciated and valued.
Mary Martin
RSU 16 Superintendent Search Committee Chair
District Scent Policy
Reminder: Our entire district is scent free. Our school in particular absolutely can not have any scents within the building at all. Please have students refrain from using essential oils, perfume, etc.
We have individuals who are allergic to scents. If you have respiratory issues, scents can irritate these issues and trigger difficulty in breathing. We need to be sure that all staff and students are safe within our building.
Heating Update
We continue to wait for the replacement part for the boiler to come in. Currently it looks like the part may be delivered in 4-6 weeks. In the meantime, we have been able to secure a "boiler in a box" which is a temporary boiler that can be used to provide heat to our building. The boiler was delivered at the end of last week, is located on the backside of the building, and was piped into our system. We will have access to this boiler until our boiler can be replaced. There are additional concerns with our current boiler and our ability to continue to get parts in the future. The RSU and the school board are aware of these concerns and are continuing to look at the best ways to address them.
At last night's meeting, the School Board received an update on the interim heating solution at MCS from Tom Seekins, Energy Management Consultants. You can learn about the "boiler in a box" by watching minute 31:00 - minute 48:00 of the School Board meeting. Click here for the recording of the meeting.
Garden Fundraiser
last year we raised over $600 with the money donated and the grant fund. Please consider donating and helping with promoting our garden project!
To donate, click here.
We will have 30 days to collect online donation and to try and qualify for a challenge grant from the organization the fundraiser is though. We will receive whatever funds we raise regardless of whether we reach our funding goal or receive an additional grant.
Covid Tests
Update from Minot Community Club
2022 Let's Go! Family Survey
Attention all families: Please take this 5 minute survey from MaineHealth. Even if you completed the survey last year, we need your participation again!
Everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a prize drawing and five lucky winners across the state will each receive a $100 Amazon gift card for their personal use AND if you win, our school will receive $1,000.
Other schools are participating, so the more families from our school who complete the survey, the greater our chance of winning $1,000!
Contact information for the prize drawing will be collected at the end of the survey and will not be connected to your survey responses. All survey responses are anonymous.
Click the following link to begin the survey: https://redcap.link/2022FamilySCH
Thank you!
Tip Line
Our Tip Line represents one approach our schools and communities may use to share the responsibility of school and student safety and well-being. This Tip Line provides students, staff or other members of the public with a safe and confidential way to report a threat or potential threat to student or school safety. Call 911 in cases of immediate emergency. It is located on our website: rsu16.org and scroll down.
Two Types of Threats
RSU 16 follows a 5-step decision tree to determine if a threat is transient or substantive.
- Transient Threats: can be quickly and easily resolved, often jokes or figures of speech, no intent to carry out the threat, sometimes the results of frustration or expression of anger.
- Substantive Threats: cannot be easily classified as transient and use protective action so the threat cannot be carried out.
Meal Application Form
The COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL application is available to print, complete and return to your school or you can complete the online form at www.SchoolLunchApp.com. If you have difficulty accessing either of these methods, the form can also be sent home with a student...just contact your school's office to make the request. If you have any questions please contact Ellen Dore, RSU 16 Food Service Director, edore@rsu16.org, 207-998-5400 ext 107.
Planned Absences
Important Dates
Book Fair- Week of 11/14-11/18
Pie Fundraiser Pick up- 11/15 at 1:30-3:30
Mustang Pride Assembly: 11/22 (K-3 at 9:00 & 4-6 at 2:30)
No School- Thanksgiving Break: 11/23-11/25
Minot Community Club- December Meeting: 12/6 at 7:00pm
Giving Fair- 12/8
School Board Meeting- 12/12 at 6:30pm at PRHS
Jingle Jam Day- 12/16 (more information to come)
Mustang Pride Assembly- 11/22 (K-3 at 9:00 & 4-6 at 10:00)
Half Day of School- 12/22 (dismissal starts at 12:05)
No School- Winter Break: 12/23-1/2
MCS Highlights!
If you would like a paper copy of the Student Handbook, please contact the school.
Paperless Newsletters
There are many benefits to providing families with newsletters electronically. An electronic newsletter conserves paper, is more cost efficient, and delivers the newsletter directly to parents. Minot Consolidated School will be providing newsletters electronically for the remainder of the year. If you would prefer to receive a paper newsletter moving forward, please contact us at (207) 346-6471 or at kbrown@rsu16.org in order to notify us. Newsletters can also be found on the MCS website
About Us
Future Newsletter Items
If you have any items you would like to have included in a future Family Newsletter, please forward them to me and I will be sure to add them!
School Hours
Arrival- 8:30 am
Dismissal- 3:00pm
Email: kbrown@rsu16.org
Website: https://www.rsu16.org/mcs/index
Location: 23 Shaw Hill Road, Minot, ME, USA
Phone: 207-346-6471