Knightly News
May, 2023
Principal's Message
Hello Knights,
Summer will be here in just 2 short weeks. I am proud of our Knights and all the hard work they have put into being successful students this school year. A huge thank you to our parents/guardians who help support academics at home, transport students to Fortress Fridays and testing, and continue to support virtual education. As we wrap up the 22-23 school year, and gear up for the 23-24 school year, we need to hear from you. If you haven't already done so, please complete the iFlagler pre-registration link. This will help us with next year's course selection process and help families with the registration process if leaving iFlagler.
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. A giant THANK YOU to all of the iFlagler teachers. You are an amazing group of people and our students are so lucky to have you.
iFlagler offices will be open all summer. If you have any questions or need assistance with anything don't hesitate to swing by and visit or call us.
We hope to see you all again next year as Knights! Have a wonderful, fun, and safe summer.
iFVS Rocks!
Erin Quinn, Principal
May 17th: PROMOTION CEREMONY FOR K, 5, and 8th
Promotion Ceremony Reservations
Device Return
Devices will be returned at the tech depot drop-off location directly next to the iFlagler Campus.
We're looking forward to seeing you there!
Returning to iFlagler! Be sure to let us know!
Are you planning on returning to iFlagler next year? Heading back to school? Moving? Let us know! We are planning now to make the 2023 - 2024 school year the best one yet!
Fortress Friday
iFlagler Virtual School
Email: iflagler@iflagler.org
Website: iflager.org
Location: 5400 East Moody Boulevard, Bunnell, FL, USA
Phone: 3864471520