Robi Repository
Resources & updates from the Hudson High School media center
Remote learning resources
HHS Library website
Many of these databases and subscriptions sign in automatically at school but require authentication when at home. No worries. The library website also contains a link to Passwords for HHS Databases. Teachers and students can reference this document to ensure they are able to sign into these resources from home.
Flipgrid online discussions
The Flipgrid app is available in the Self Service app on our school iPads.
To get the ball rolling, I have created a Flipgrid called Remote Learning Strategies. You can click this link to see the conversation I started and to contribute some resources and strategies for the benefit of our staff. (Don't judge. I was in my pajamas when I posted the discussion!)
Other digital resources
- Amazing Educational Resources - a giant Google spreadsheet of growing instructional resources. Includes descriptions and what you can get for free from each resources. (Props to Suzy Hirsch for sharing this.)
- All Digital School - An amazing online repository that has 2500+ educational resources (apps/tools/websites/ebook/videos etc.) for all school levels (k-12) organized by subject, year level, type as well as price (mostly free ones). There is also a special filter in the directory so that only resources made free by their owners due to the Covid-19 outbreak will be listed.
- Free Online Learning Resources for Teaching Your Students Virtually [We Are Teachers] - contains dozens of excellent online resources with descriptions and free services, arranged by grade level.
- Training Resources - COVID-19 [Northern Buckeye Learning] - This amazing collection of resources includes training videos on Google Classroom, Google Sites, Google Forms, and everything else in your Google suite. It also has a slew of non-Google resources.
- Online teaching tools - This amazing repository was compiled by Annette Lang at Bio-Med Science Academy specifically to showcase resources to help teachers during the coronavirus pandemic. It contains lots of premium resources that are currently free to schools that are closed.
- Edpuzzle - Grab videos from YouTube and add your own formative assessment questions throughout the video to ensure students are understanding the content.
- Newsela - Scan through thousands of curated academic articles aligned to standards and written at five different reading levels. Syncs with Google Classroom.
- Common Sense Education reviews - Sort through thousands of digital resources, including educational websites and apps. You can sort by content area, age, and cost. This is a gold mine!
- Designing Digital Media - This site begins by explaining design tips for creating online content. However, if you scroll down to Design Tools & Resources, you will see an impressive list of resources to explore.
- Teaching Remotely in Times of Need - This Google Presentation was created at the University of Massachusetts and contains a collection of tools and strategies for teaching online.
- eLearning Resources [Ditch That Textbook] - An impressive list of free electronic resources, including lesson planning and design templates.
- OELMA Digital Learning Resources - This LiveBinder contains a growing list of digital resources, compiled by members of the Ohio Educational Library Media Association.
- 13 Zoom video chat tips, tricks and hidden features [C|NET] - Learn to change your background, your audio and video settings, and how to share your screen.
- Grammar Check - This free online editor allows you to paste text to check for grammar and punctuation mistakes.
Sora ebooks and audiobooks
Borrowing books is incredibly easy. You simply sign in with Google using your Hudson account. There's even a Sora app that you can download from the Self Service app on your school iPad.
Our Sora library also has many audiobooks, which I borrow all the time. They are great to listen to when driving, exercising, or doing chores.
Items that you borrow on Sora are automatically returned when due. They also sync across all devices. You can begin reading an ebook on an iPad and continue reading it on a computer or Chromebook. Items can be renewed when the due date is approaching. You can also place holds on items to ensure you get them if they are currently on loan.
Our Sora library recently added the ability to borrow books through the CLEVNET library collection. Visit the settings in Sora and "Add a public library." Search for CLEVNET. Voila! You can now borrow ebooks and audiobooks from the CLEVNET consortium as well as the HCSD collection. If you have memberships to other public libraries, you can also add them to your Sora settings.
Sora can be found on the HHS Library homepage or downloaded as an app on your school iPad or personal device.
Flipster digital magazines
We currently subscribe to over 20 magazines, covering a wide spectrum of topics.
You can access our Flipster collection from the main page of the HHS Library website. Flipster does require a special login, which can be found on the library's Databases & eResources password document. The Flipster app can be downloaded to your personal devices or to your school-issued iPad via the Self Service app.
Streaming educational videos available
The site also provides access to multiple sources of streaming educational video repositories, including PBS Learning Media, the INFOhio Digital Video Collection, TeacherTube, and the National Science Foundation Multimedia Gallery.
Additionally, this year I subscribed to a new educational video platform called Learn360. Learn360 is the ultimate streaming multimedia resource for the K–12 educational market. Users can access more than 137,000 multimedia resources—including high-quality full-length videos, video clips, interactives, images, audio files, articles, activities, worksheets, and more—from more than 200 top educational producers. New content is added regularly. Learn360 requires authentication to view. The username and password can be found in the database passwords document on the HHS Library homepage.
Access free streaming media using Hoopla
Hudson Library & Historical Society resources
Need anything else?
Contact Mr. Robitaille
Email: robitaia@hudson.k12.oh.us
Website: https://www.hudson.k12.oh.us/domain/798
Location: Hudson, OH, USA
Phone: (330) 653-1412
Twitter: @aussieandrew
View past newsletters at https://www.hudson.k12.oh.us/Page/14764