CiTi ISS Weekly Communicator
The purpose of this weekly newsletter is to provide professional development, support and resources to foster adult learning and student achievement. You will find offerings from Instructional Support Services, Distance Learning and Model Schools Teams.
Virtual Showcase
If you weren't able to catch the virtual showcase live, we are happy to share that we have a link to watch a recording of the showcase when its convenient for you. The link will be available for a few weeks for schools to preview available shows so take advantage of the opportunity while you can.
Press Pause ~ Strategies for Disconnecting & Maintaining Wellbeing
What is Mindfulness Mini- Module (Self-Paced/Asynchronous)
SEL Leaders Network Fall Meetings
The mindset and skills of SEL are needed now more than ever as we navigate our current world in our own lives and as we educate and support our students, colleagues and our community. This group continues to learn and grow in our efforts to foster SEL and mindfulness practices in our schools and classrooms through modeling of practices in our meetings, sharing of strategies and resources, and exploring a deeper understanding of our own lives in service of others. Join Kate and Liane for these collaborative conversations!
Remaining Meeting Dates (all meetings scheduled for 3:45 - 5:00 PM):
- December 10th
Mindful Educator Fall Network Meetings
Upcoming Date:
- 12/16
Meetings are scheduled 3:30 - 4:30 PM
Updates from NYSED for teachers of PreK-12 Science!
Literacy Network- January Session
Click here to register for January 13th at 2:00 p.m.
Social Studies Instruction Builds Knowledge...Find Time to Teach It!
Harnessing the Power: Google and Microsoft - Strengths and Limitations
This series of workshops is designed to help with computer skills and productivity through the understanding of similarities and differences between Microsoft and Google products and when it is best to use each platform. Each session, taught by CiTi Model Schools Staff, will have information related to a specific type of product and will include tips and tricks to assist you in your position.
6 Online Sessions from 1:00 - 2:00 PM (Zoom)
Please register on MyLearningPlan/Frontline.
11/17 Microsoft Excel & Google Sheets
Many of us are familiar with the ins and outs of Microsoft Word. We are going to look at the similarities and differences between Word and Google Docs, and see which program is better for doing specific functions.
1/26 Microsoft Excel & Google Sheets
During this session, you will learn the basics of creating and using a spreadsheet, as well as, identify the similarities and differences between Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. You may leave this training with a favorite, but it is intended to help you pick the best tool for each job.
2/23 Microsoft PowerPoint & Google Slides
Compare similarities and explore the differences between Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides. We’ll explore the unique features for each platform to help determine what works best for you.
3/23 Adobe PDF, Microsoft Fillable Forms & Google Forms
In this session, we will look at the similarities and differences between three tools commonly used to collect information: fillable PDFs made with Adobe, Microsoft Forms, and Google Forms. We will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each to help determine which might be most useful in different areas of your work.
4/20 Microsoft Outlook & Google Calendar/ Gmail
We will first explore Microsoft Outlook Email & Gmail, identifying features that differentiate the two platforms and discussing the pros and cons of each. We will then look at Microsoft Outlook Calendar & Google Calendar, examining their defining features. We will close with a discussion about how to decide which tool best fits your needs, and how the platforms can work in conjunction with one another.
5/18 Microsoft Publisher & Google Suite
In this session, you will explore the differences between how Google and Microsoft handle publishing and basic paint/drawing tools. First, we will look at Publisher and understand the limitations of Publisher files and publishing generically in Google. We'll close out by comparing and contrasting Microsoft Paint and Google Drawings. We'll also have a quick detour of the Snipping Tool, and how to take screenshots on Chromebook devices.
NYSUT Webinars- Teaching in Blended & Hybrid Models
Distance Learning and Virtual Field Trips
CiTi BOCES Professional Development Catalog
Contact Information
Location: 179 County Route 64, Mexico, NY, USA
Phone: 315-963-4425