Blue Demon Bulletin
January 17, 2024
January 19-20 - Big Blue Wrestling Tournament
January 25 - Academic & Career Planning Night (5:30 pm - 7:30 pm)
January 30 - Virginia Depart of Criminal Justice Survey (Given during 2nd Block)
January 31 - Southwest Virginia Governor's School Information Session @ CHS (During school day)
Here is a quick reminder of our "Severe Weather Codes" and the expectations for students when these codes are used.
Code A - Two Hour Delay
Students will report to school 2 hours late and buses will run on a 2 hour delayed schedule. For example, if a student normally catches the bus at 7:05 AM, they will now catch the bus at 9:05 AM. There will be a shortened class schedule for the day with classes beginning at 10:05 AM. The school day will still end at 2:50 PM.
Code B - Work from Home Day
Students are expected to login to the Inclement Weather Check-In Google Classroom and complete the attendance Google Form Assignment that will be posted. The assignment will be open from 5 AM until 10 AM. If students fail to complete the attendance assignment, they will be marked absent for the day.
If your student has not joined their "Inclement Weather Google Classroom", please remind them to check GC for their invitation. Should your student not have an invitation, please email Mr. Guynn at and he will send an invitation to them.
Teachers may also post an assignment in Google Classroom that is a review of previously learned material and should not be of new concepts. Students should look at all of their Google Classrooms for assignments that have been posted and complete these assignments while at home. Teachers will post any assignments by 10 AM.
Code C - System Shut Down
Enjoy the day off! No attendance check or work needs to be completed.
MCPS Severe Weather Codes (link)
As you may have already noticed, we have some changes beginning to take place at CHS in regards to the construction of our new academic wing. Over the past week, fencing has been placed around the perimeter of the construction zone, along with some large trees being removed along Independence Boulevard.
It is imperative that students, families, visitors, and any other individuals on the CHS campus remain outside of the fenced areas, as they are there for your safety and protection. Due to the fencing that has been placed, please note some of the following changes:
- Parking spaces along the right side of the bus loop (as you enter) are no longer able to be used. Please be mindful not to park in the bus loop area during morning arrival (7:35 am - 8:05 am) or dismissal times (2:50 pm - 3:15 pm).
- Parking spaces in the first two rows (closest to the school) of the Auditorium parking lot are no longer able to be used.
- Access to the old main entrance will now be gated off and blocked with fencing.
- Access to Door #5 (Locker room stairwell/training room entrance) will no longer be available.
Even though we have been operating with the new student drop-off and pick-up line procedures for the past several months, it is always important to revisit these procedures, especially as we return from our Winter Break and work to get back into a good routine.
The traffic pattern for drop-off and pick-up is as follows:
Entry to the drop-off and pick-up line can only be made from Independence Boulevard. The back entrance near Horne Funeral Home will be blocked and closed.
Once on Independence Boulevard, you will take your first right (if coming from North Franklin) or your first left (after passing CHS as your are going towards North Franklin).
Travel past the Auditorium parking lot (on your left), then past the CHS Greenhouse and finally, past the CHS auto bay doors.
Once your reach the fork in the road, you will turn left as if you are traveling to the back parking lot beside the CHS baseball field.
You will follow this road to the parking lot and then travel in a counterclockwise direction until you reach the drop off point (Ms. Harrington will be present at this drop point).
Once you have reached the drop off point, your child may exit the vehicle and enter the building at Door #17.
You will then proceed to exit the parking lot, travel down the entrance road, turn right to travel past the auto bay doors, past the greenhouse, past the Auditorium parking lot, and then you will either choose to make a right or left onto Independence Boulevard.
The same process will be in place for afternoon pick-up. After 3:15 pm, you can pick up your child in the CHS bus loop located in the Gymnasium parking lot (after all buses have exited).
Please do not attempt to drop off your pick up your child in any other areas other than the designated drop-off or pick-up locations.
As always, we ask for your patience and understanding with these procedures. Please drive safely as you enter and exit the back parking lot.
Please review the attached map for clarification on the above directions:
CHS Parent Drop-Off/Pick-Up Traffic Flow Map (click for link)
Morning Arrival - Student Entrances:
IF A STUDENT IS RIDING THE BUS, they will be dropped off in the bus loop located in the gymnasium lot. Students will make their way up the ramp towards the gymnasium, walk through the athletic complex entrance, and follow the concrete path to Door #9. Students will then enter the building and will have their choice to wait in the cafeteria or gymnasium until the 7:55 am bell rings.
IF A STUDENT IS A MORNING CAR RIDER, they will be dropped off behind the building in the car rider drop off loop and enter the building at Door #17. Once students are in the building, they will travel down the CTE hallway and will be directed to the gymnasium or the cafeteria until the 7:55 am bell. If students are dropped off at 8:05 am or after, they will need to be dropped off in the bus loop in the gymnasium parking lot and enter through Door #9 (past the athletic complex entrance).
IF A STUDENT IS A DRIVER AND PARKS IN THE GYMNASIUM LOT, they will park in their designated parking spot. After they are parked, they will exit the gymnasium parking lot by utilizing the crosswalk (not jumping over the concrete barriers). Students will make their way up the ramp towards the gymnasium, walk through the athletic complex entrance, and follow the concrete path to Door #9. Students will then enter the building and will have their choice to wait in the cafeteria or gymnasium until the 7:55 am bell rings.
IF A STUDENT IS A DRIVER AND PARKS IN THE AUDITORIUM LOT, they will park in their designated parking spot. After they are parked, they will make their way to the loading dock entrance (faculty on duty will guide students on first day) and enter through door #30. Once they enter the building, they will have their choice to wait in the cafeteria or gymnasium until the 7:55 am bell rings. The loading dock entrance doors will close at 8:05 am.
IF A STUDENT ARRIVES AFTER THE START OF SCHOOL AND IS NOT A STUDENT DRIVER, they can be dropped off in the bus loop in the gymnasium parking lot. Students will make their way up the ramp towards the gymnasium, walk through the athletic complex entrance, and follow the concrete path to Door #9. Students will then enter the building and will have their choice to wait in the cafeteria or gymnasium until the 7:55 am bell rings.
IF A STUDENT ARRIVES AFTER THE START OF SCHOOL AND PARKS IN THE AUDITORIUM LOT, they will have to walk up the new gravel path near the greenhouse, past greenhouse, past the auto bay doors, turn left and pass the weight room, and then enter through Door # 17 (CTE Entrance). When they buzz in, the Main Office staff will ask them to report to the Main Office. Students can also choose to walk along the Huckleberry Trail, through the Gymnasium parking lot, through the athletic complex entrance, and enter through the new temporary Main Office doors.
Visitor Entrance:
If any visitor is planning to enter the building, they will need to park in the gymnasium parking lot inside the concrete barriers. There are parking spots labeled “visitor” and “reserved.” Please park in one of those labeled spots, as all the other spots are designated for students or staff. If all these spots are taken, please call the CHS Main Office (540-382-5178) for further guidance on where you can park.
After parking, visitors will enter the building by walking up the concrete ramp, through the athletic complex gate, and through Door #9.
Visitors will then be directed into the temporary main office area.
At the 2:50 bell, students will follow the below procedures:
Student Car Rider Exit:
At the 2:50 bell, students may exit through door numbers 13, 14, and 17 to travel to the car rider pick-up line. Students should not be picked up in any other location other than the back parking lot (near the baseball field). If students are picked up in any other location, they will be redirected to the car rider pick-up line.
Student Bus Rider Exit:
At the 2:50 bell, students will travel to the gymnasium. If a student is a first load bus rider, they will travel through the gymnasium and then outside to locate their first load bus. If a student is a second load bus rider, they will travel to the gymnasium and wait in the gymnasium until the second load buses arrive.
Student Driver Exit:
At the 2:50 bell, if a student is parked in the gymnasium parking lot, they will travel through the gymnasium and and then outside to their vehicle.
If a student is parked in the Auditorium parking lot, they will exit through Door #30 (loading dock entrance) and to the Auditorium parking lot to locate their vehicle.
If a student would like to make a request to change their schedule for the second semester, it must be done by Thursday, January 18. If a student drops or changes a class after January 18, they will do so with a penalty. If a student has questions regarding a schedule change request, please have them contact their grade level counselor to schedule a meeting. Grade level counselors are listed below:
9th Grade - Mrs. Ballard (
10th Grade - Ms. Gilliland (
11th Grade - Ms. Boyer (
12th Grade - Mr. Bates (
Student can use the link below to make a schedule change request:
As we begin the Spring semester, we have received numerous questions concerning student parking in the Gymnasium and Auditorium parking lots. Due to the upcoming construction, we have had to make some significant changes to our parking alignment and the amount of spaces we are able to offer our students has decreased. As we communicated early in the school year, parking spaces will only be available to senior and junior students. Currently, all of our student parking spaces are in use, but we have developed a "waiting list" in the CHS Main Office for students who receive their driver's license during the Spring semester and would like to park on campus.
Please review the attached parking letter that was shared at the beginning of the year for further details regarding parking for the 2023-24 school year.
Christiansburg High School will host their annual Academic and Career Planning night on Thursday, January 25th from 5:30-7:30. CHS Faculty will be available to answer questions and provide information about classes and other opportunities that CHS has to offer.
Also on this evening, there will be a rising 9th grade parent and student information presentation at 5:30 pm to help prepare rising 9th graders for life at CHS.
When you attend the event, please plan to park in the Auditorium or Gymnasium parking lots. If you park in the Auditorium lot, please plan to enter through the Loading Dock Entrance (Door #30) and signs will direct you to the Academic and Career Night Event. If you park in the Gymnasium lot, please enter through the new Main Entrance (Door #9). You will walk past the Gymnasium doors and through the CHS Athletic Complex gates at which point you will see the main entrance. Once you enter, signs will direct you to the Academic and Career Night Event.
As always if you have any questions please feel free to call the CHS Counseling Office at 382-5186.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created uncertain and evolving circumstances through which schools continue to provide educational services to students. We recognize that this public health crisis will impact schools and students for years to come. As teachers, staff, and students adapt to new instructional circumstances, it is critically important that we understand the impact of the pandemic on climate and working conditions, and continue to monitor our progress towards recovery. The Virginia School Survey is a tool for division leaders and principals to monitor and ensure all students and staff have access to a healthy and positive environment in which to learn, work, interact, and grow, whether remotely or in-person.
Please take an opportunity to review the attached letter concerning notification of the Virginia School Survey of Climate and Working Conditions that was shared with you previously through the Blue Demon Bulletin and school messenger system.
2023-24 VA School Survey of Climate and Working Conditions Notification Letter
The survey will be offered on January 30, 2024 during 2nd block classes at CHS.
It is extremely important that your student be present each day at school. If your child is not able to attend school, it is required that a parent or guardian contact the school to document the reason for the absence.
Any absence will count towards your student’s compulsory attendance. If your student should miss five days of school, please expect contact from your student’s grade level administrator. Should your student miss additional days of school, please expect contact from your child’s administrator and a meeting request to develop an attendance plan for your child.
It is also important to remember the impact of tardies on your student's success at CHS! If your student checks-in or is late to class, this will count as a tardy. The accumulation of four tardies will result in your child being assigned lunch detention. Your child will also receive lunch detention upon their 5th, 6th, and 7th tardy to a single class. Upon their 8th tardy, the student will be assigned one full day of ISS.
Seniors will need to return their Chromebook and charger at the end of the school year prior to graduation activities. Unfortunately, seniors will not be allowed to purchase these like they have in previous years.
As a part of the graduation, each student is required to have a cap and gown to participate in the ceremony. If your senior student has not yet purchased their cap and gown for graduation, they can find these items (along with many others) at
There are multiple additional items you can purchase as a part of the graduation experience, but please note, students are only required to have the gap and gown unit. The cost of that unit is currently $60.00. This includes the cap, gown, diploma cover, and tassel.
The direct link for the CHS graduation ordering page is:
CHS Graduation Ordering Page (link)
Cap & Gown Unit ONLY (link)
If you have any additional questions regarding these items, please contact Mrs. Robins or Mrs. Harrington (Craggett) at CHS.