Harford County Infants & Toddlers
September 2022 Resource Newsletter
Welcome Back!
Do you have an idea for a topic or program? Suggestions are always welcome! Please reach out to Carie at Carie.Sadowski@hcps.org to share your ideas.
Littles University
Harford County Public Schools has partnered with Harford County Education Foundation to provide a limited number of FREE books for children aged birth to 5. Families need to sign up each month to claim a book. Then, Ms. Lader will post a video online to read along with your child.
Last month, all 200 books were claimed within 6 hours!! Be on the lookout for next month's giveaway. In the meantime, catchup on the Littles University videos. You can find them on YouTube. For more information, visit the Littles University page.
Taming the Tantrums
It’s no secret that temper tantrums are a normal part of early childhood but knowing this doesn’t necessarily make it any easier for us to manage them. The hard part for us as parents is keeping our cool when the tantrum happens at the grocery store or for the 10th time in one day.
Abilities Network is hosting a virtual workshop about tantrums; how to manage them, how to decrease their frequency, how to keep your cool when they’re happening (even at the grocery store). They will been meeting virtually on September 20th, 6-7 PM. For more information and registration, click on the flyer below.
Also, check out these great tips on what not to do when your child is having a tantrum in the article What NOT to Do When Your Child Is Having a Tantrum: Tips on responding to difficult toddler behavior.
What is Applied Behavior Analysis?
Click below to view the latest Partners for Success newsletter
LOCATE: Child Care
LOCATE is part of Maryland Family Network. Click here to visit their website.
When to Seek Medical Care
Infants & Toddlers
Resource: 2-1-1 Maryland
2-1-1 Maryland is a resource that brings together four agencies to provide simple access to health and human services information. What can they help with? Affordable housing, food, employment training, utility payment assistance, services for their children or aging parents, and many other issues. The 2-1-1 database has information on nearly 5,000 agencies and programs across the state of Maryland.
Help is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Just call 2-1-1.
About us
Email: Carie.Sadowski@hcps.org
Website: www.hcps.org
Location: 100 Thomas Run Road, Bel Air, MD, USA
Phone: 410-638-3823
Facebook: facebook.com/HCPSchools