Washburn Elementary School Update
January 2023 Edition
Dear Washburn Families,
NWEA testing will happen this month across the district. Your child's scores from this winter testing session will provide teachers with a snapshot of your student's growth from the testing session in September. This data will help our teachers identify learning gaps and help them teach your child better.
Our students will have a long four day weekend as we will have a Teacher Workshop Day on Friday, January 13. Students will also have Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day off on Monday, January 16, 2023.
Please read below for updates on our brand new Book Vending Machine as well as the revamped Washburn Food Pantry.
Lastly, I have also included Washburn's Remote Learning Plan as well. Please remember that remote days will happen only after we have used three snow days. As of January 11, 2023, our district has used one snow day, so we have two left.
Principal Erik Gray
Important Dates for January 2023
- January 12 - Band Concert @ 6:30 pm at Auburn Middle School
- January 13- Teacher Workshop- No School
- January 16- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day- No School
- January 25- Early Release Wednesday
- January 27- Washburn Family Movie Night! @ 5:30 pm
Attendance Matters to Washburn Elementary School
Remote Day Expectations for Washburn Elementary School
Washburn Food Bank Update
Here it is! The Washburn Book Vending Machine!
We Are the Washburn Lions
Email: egray@auburnschl.edu
Website: washburn.auburnschl.edu/
Location: 35 Lake Auburn Avenue, Auburn, ME, USA
Phone: 207-784-5467
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/washburnschl