UMN Ag Extension
St. Louis County, MN - January 2024
Happy New Year, 2024!
As we begin 2024, it is good to begin thinking about the year in review and making new plans for the upcoming year. It is important to remember what went well, and how you might change things for the future. In my case, I have found all of my children off to college and starting their own lives. These changes are making me develop plans to be able to make processes on the farm more possible on my own. This means changing corral designs and investing in items that make it possible to speed my processes.
As you review, I realize there are many factors that play a role in your adaptations. One major impact for some in our county was the drought of 2023. This demonstrated to many that implementing processes to try to preserve water is very helpful. Things like using mulches, adding compost, and selecting species and varieties can all be positive changes to improve your upcoming year. Constant review not only of the last year but also reviewing the previous years will help you make plans to improve and remember situations that you hope to not repeat.
I often suggest keeping a log of these items to avoid repeating mistakes. This can be related gardening, winter survival of plants, genetic selection, planting processes, and even raising children. As my history teacher always told us "History repeats itself." At the time it was very annoying, but he was/is correct!
Thanks for your interest and I hope you have a safe and Happy New Year.
- Troy
Articles & Announcements
Animal Damage to Trees and Shrubs
If you have animal damage to your trees and shrubs, what should you do?
For the full article, click here.
See also:
How to manage deer damage on trees and other plants
Winterizing plants: Animal damage
How to Protect Trees and Shrubs from Animal Damage Over Winter
Causes and Prevention of Beef Calf Scours
"Calf scours can be a major problem for any cow-calf operation. Controlling the disease is a complex issue and has many variables. While we can identify specific agents of disease that cause scours, it is important to remember that the control of the disease often requires a system-wide approach to prevention rather than individual treatment to solve the problem."
For the full article, click here.
Updated USDA Hardiness Zone Maps
The USDA recently updated the zone maps for the first time since 2012.
Which zone do you live in? Did it shift from 2012 to the 2023 map?
For the full article, click here.
Agriculture and Natural Resources Upcoming Internships
Do you know someone who might be interested in an Agriculture and Natural Resources internship? In this paid internship program, interns work closely with Extension educators to learn how Extension translates science-based knowledge for use across Minnesota.
For more information, click here.
Grant Money Available to Minnesota Livestock Owners to Prevent Wolf Attacks
Applications due January 5, 2024!
New money is available to Minnesota livestock producers to help prevent wolf attacks. A total of $95,000 will be awarded by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) through the Wolf-Livestock Conflict Prevention Grants.
The grants provide reimbursement for costs of approved practices to prevent wolf-livestock conflicts. Only costs incurred after entering into a grant agreement with the MDA are eligible for reimbursement.
Eligible producers must live within Minnesota’s wolf range, as designated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, or on property determined by the Commissioner of Agriculture to be affected by wolf-livestock conflicts. Any animal species produced for profit and documented to have been killed by wolves in Minnesota in the past is eligible. This includes bison, cattle, chicken, deer, donkey, duck, geese, goat, horse, llama, mule, sheep, swine, and turkey.
The grant application must be emailed or postmarked by 5 p.m. on Jan. 5, 2024. Work for this grant must be done and expenses reported by Aug. 31, 2024.
For the application and more information, visit: www.mda.state.mn.us/wolfgrants.
Upcoming Events (In-Person)
Winter Through a Hand Lens
Sunday, January 7, 2024 - 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Sax-Zim Bog
Event subject(s): Natural resources and environment
Hand lenses are a great way to investigate the outdoors up close and personal. Naturalists tend to have a hand lens in their bags as a good way to take a closer look at a subject. In the winter, there are still things to look at, including snowflakes, insect tunnels in wood, lichens, tree rings, etc.
For more information and to register, click here.
Beef Producers Night Out
Come join us for a complementary meal and open forum opportunity to ask local veterinarian Dr. Melissa Minkkinen with Moose Lake Veterinary Clinic, any questions or concerns you would like to address regarding beef production in our area. This event will be held on January 18th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The event will be held at the Barnum Community Center - 3741 Front Street Barnum, MN 55707.
Registration is required.
Please Call Mandi Haglund at 218-384-8680 or email at haglu119@umn.edu, no later than January 12th.
Tour de Forage 2024
The annual Tour de Forage, hosted by the Northeast Minnesota Forage & Grassland Council & MFA, winter meeting is back! Happening on January 22 at the Floodwood Event Center, 201 W 7th Ave, Floodwood, MN 55736.
Highlights from this year's agenda include a panel discussion with local producers "The Forage Producer's Approach to Address Resilience in the World of Climate Extremes", "Back to Our Roots: Managing Alfalfa for Yield & Environment" by Joshua Gamble, USDA-ARS - St. Paul, MN, "Using Annual Forages for Soil Health" by Anna Cates, University of Minnesota-Ext. - St. Paul, MN. "Managing Insects Pests Damaging Forage and Pasture Production" by Erika Rodbell, Montana State University - Bozeman, MT.
Registration and exhibits begin at 8:30am with a 9:00am welcome. Lunch is included.
Save money and pre-register for $25, or $30 at the door.
To register, visit: midwestforage.org
Cow Calf Days
Northern Tour
Jan. 23 - Timbers Event Center - Staples, MN - 9:30 a.m.
Jan. 23 - American Legion - Bagley, MN - 5:30 p.m.
Jan. 24 - Gene's Bar & Grill - Roseau, MN - 5:30 p.m.
Jan. 25 - Clinton Town Hall - Iron, MN - 5:30 p.m.
Southern Tour
Feb. 5 - Grand Event Center - Mora, MN - 5:30 p.m.
Feb. 6 - Jim Wulf's Sale Facility - Starbuck, MN - 9:30 a.m.
Feb. 7 - MN West CC - Pipestone, MN - 9:30 a.m.
Feb. 8 - Tony Rossman Farm - Oronoco, MN - 5:30 p.m.
Feb. 9 - Ag Partners HQ - LeSueur, MN - 9:30 a.m.
- Beef Research Update, Eric Mosel, U of M Beef Team
- Grazing Strategies, MN Grazing Lands Association
- Cow and Heifer Nutrition to Optimize Success, Dr. Dan Larson, Great Plains Livestock & Dr. Grant Crawford, Merck Animal Health
$10 per person at the door, includes meal and materials.
www.extension.umn.edu/beef I 218.513.0781 I emmousel@umn.edu
SFA Annual Membership Meeting
Saturday, January 27, 2024 - 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Grand Lake Town Hall
5297 US 53, Saginaw MN 55779
We will conduct our annual business meeting with our 2024 budget approval, board member elections, and review 2023 activities.
Lunch will be provided, made with locally sourced ingredients and prepared by current board members.
Presentations and sponsors to be announced.
We are seeking new board members! Please reach out to John Beaton if interested.
Registration requested at: https://sfa-mn.org/lake-superior/, but walk-ins are also welcome!
Save the Date for St. Louis County's Annual Spring Gardening Classes!
Spring Gardening Extravaganza - Saturday, March 16, 2024
St. Louis County Depot
506 W Michigan St, Duluth, MN 55802
Spring Gardening Spectacular - Thursday, March 28, 2024
Mountain Iron Community Center
8586 Enterprise Dr S, Mountain Iron, MN 55768
More information coming soon!
Upcoming Webinars
Food Safety Foundations - Webinar Series
Join food safety and food preservation experts from the University of Minnesota Extension throughout the year to learn how to safely handle and prepare food. Whether you are a grower, operate a food business, or preserve foods for your own use, these monthly educational webinars are for you.
In this series, you will learn about bacteria that can cause foodborne illness, and how to improve food handling practices in your food business or at home so you can prepare safe food.
Then, apply these safe food handling practices to food preservation methods. Each month learn a new skill or sharpen your existing food preservation knowledge.
Webinars are free and open for all to attend. Registration is required. After registering, you will receive the webinar link.
For more information and to register, click here.
Horse - Online Certificate Courses
Monday, January 8, 2024 - Sunday, February 18, 2024
Build your knowledge with online courses
These are semi self-paced courses on specific topics, including:
- Horse Pasture Establishment and Management
- Horse Manure Management
- Horse Biosecurity
- Growing and Feeding Horse Hay
- Managing Overweight Horses
- Composting Horse Carcasses
- Basic Horse Nutrition
For more information, or to register for any or all of these courses, click here.
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 @ 12:00 p.m.
Everybody needs some houseplants in their life! Crow Wing Master Gardener Volunteer Jackie Burkey will talk about how to successfully have an indoor green thumb. Learn about light, water, pots, soil, fertilizers, pests, and propagation. The perfect topic for a cold January day!
For more information and to register, click here.
Strategic Farming 2024: Let's talk grain prices and marketing strategies - Webinar series
Wednesday, January 10, 2024 - 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.
The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up-to-date, research-based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for 2024. Pull up a chair and join in or bring the conversation with you as you go about your day. These online sessions will be very informal and open to all interested. Each session will start with a brief presentation by the discussion leaders for the day, followed by discussion framed around farmer/participant questions on the topic.
For more information and to register, click here.
Essential Risk Protection for Cattle Owners - Webinar series
Come join the University of Minnesota Beef Team for a 3-part winter webinar series. Preregistration is required.
Wednesday, January 17: Market outlook and navigating Livestock Risk Protection (LRP)
Topics to be discussed: Charley Fetzer with Commodity and Ingredient Hedging LLC will join us to help you better understand LRP and how to make it work for your operation.
Register at https://z.umn.edu/BeefJan17
Wednesday, January 31: Establishing Business Entities for Risk Protection
Topics to be discussed: Clint Fischer of Braintrust Ag will guide us through the role of business entities in risk protection. While this session will have a cattle focus, all types of farm business will benefit from this discussion.
Register at https://z.umn.edu/BeefJan31
Wednesday, February 14: Building a Reputation for Bulletproof Feeders
Topics to be discussed: UMN Extension’s Dr. Joe Armstrong will present on how to provide the best opportunity for your feeders to bring the most, and consistent prices from buyers.
Register at https://z.umn.edu/BeefFeb14
So You Want to be a Flower Farmer - Webinar series
Wednesday, February 14, 2024 @ 1 p.m.
Cut flowers have become a popular crop for small and medium scale mixed organic production farms. They can diversify and increase your income stream and offer an attractive option that draws consumers to your farmers’ market stall or farmstand. Cut flowers are a value-added specialty crop that in general can be managed like many other row crops while generating increased income per acre compared to most vegetables.
Join Robin Trott, University of Minnesota Extension Educator, and Owner of Prairie Garden Farm, a cut flower farm that has been in production for 15 years, to review the basics of Cut Flower Farming in Minnesota. This is the first in a series of Cut Flower Production webinars, look for additional webinars in March of 2024.
For more information, contact Robin Trott, University of Minnesota Extension Educator, at trot0053@umn.edu or 320-762-3890.
Pre-registration is required.
For more information and to register, click here.
Meet Your Pollinators - Webinar series
You may have planted flowers and pollinator habitat, but now what? What kinds of insects are visiting your property? How do we keep our pollinator insects safe? Check out this upcoming webinar series to help guide you in improving your pollinator habitat. University of Minnesota Extension educators are excited to bring you this webinar series on learning more about our pollinators. This three-part series will cover how to help pollinators, pollinator insect identification, and integrated pest management practices to keep pollinators safe.
Join us January 30, 31, and February 1 from 1:00-2:30 pm each afternoon for this free webinar.
For more information and to register, click here.
Gardening from the Ground Up - Webinar series
University of Minnesota Extension Educators are pleased to bring you the fifth annual Gardening from the Ground Up Zoom webinar series. Free virtual workshops will take place February 19-23, 2024, from 1:00-2:30 pm each afternoon. The series will focus on maximizing efficiency in the home landscape. Webinars will cover topics ranging from optimizing fertilizer, water, and space, to reducing stress on your body by using safe body mechanics - all useful for any curious beginner gardener or yard owner.
Gardeners and yard owners throughout Minnesota and the Midwest may find this series useful. Gardening from the Ground Up is brought to you by University of Minnesota local Extension educators across much of Minnesota, representing Benton, Blue Earth, Douglas, Fillmore, Hennepin, Houston, Hubbard, Le Sueur, Meeker, McLeod, Morrison, Rice, Sherburne, Stearns, Steele, St. Louis, and Wright counties.
For more information and to register, click here.
When you register for the series, you receive access to all five sessions. Pre-registration is required to receive the webinar link. Recordings of the webinars will be sent out at the conclusion of the series.
Sign up for both the LFP and ELAP for Drought Impact
To set up an appointment, call 218-720-5353 ext. 2
LFP - Livestock Forage Disaster Program:
ELAP - LIVESTOCK ASSISTANCE / Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program:
Contact AnswerLine to get information about:
- Safely cooking, canning, and freezing foods.
- Cleaning stains and mildew from homes and clothes.
- Dealing with floods and other household issues.
1 pm–4 pm
- 1-800-854-1678 (Minnesota)
- 1-800-262-3804 (Iowa)
- 1-888-393-6336 (South Dakota)
Click here for more information.
Farm Information Line
Contact the Farm Information Line for reliable, research-based answers from Extension agriculture and natural resources experts. It is a statewide service backed by a network of local educators, so you'll get information to meet your needs.
Call: 1-800-232-9077
After hours and weekends: Leave a detailed voicemail or email with your question and we'll answer you on the next scheduled Farm Information Line working day.
Anytime: Email us at fil@umn.edu.
Food Preservation
How do I Can, Freeze, Dry, Cure & Smoke, Ferment, Pickle, Make Jam & Jelly, and Store foods safely and correctly? Check out these great resources!
Do you have a Horticulture or Gardening Question?
Lawn & Garden Step-by-step Soil Sampling Guide
Click here for a step-by-step walk through the soil sampling process with infographics by Troy Salzer and Becca Marston, St. Louis County. We'll take a deeper look into and provide more information about soil sampling, cover why you should consider, how to collect, how to submit, and how to interpret a soil sample submission.
UMN Soil Testing Laboratory
The Soil Testing Laboratory is part of the Department of Soil, Water, and Climate in the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources.
Soil testing takes the guesswork out of fertilizer recommendations, ensures fertile soil without pollution of the environment, and makes good economic sense. Our recommendations are based on laboratory results, soil characteristics, crop history, crop nutrient requirements and are specific to Minnesota locations and conditions.
Please email us at soiltest@umn.edu, or call 612-625-3101 for more information. (Email messages often result in the fastest response.)
Harvest Window and Market Availability for Crops Grown in NE Minnesota
Connect With Us
Troy Salzer
Extension Educator | Extension | extension.umn.edu
University of Minnesota Extension
St Louis County Government Service Center
Email: salze003@umn.edu
Website: https://extension.umn.edu/local/st-louis-virginia
Location: 201 S. 3rd Ave W, Virginia, MN, 55792 - USA
Phone: 218-749-7120
Facebook: facebook.com/UMNExtensionSLC/