East Pennsboro Area High School
Where we aim to know each student by name, face, and personal story.
Message from Dr. Bianchi, Principal
Greetings, and Happy February already.
We had an awesome January at EPAHS. We’ve had a great school year, and there were numerous reasons to be proud of our students, staff, and our school community this month.
Our chief goal is to adequately prepare our students for the next chapters of their lives in terms of what they need and what the world of needs of them, considering their ambitions, abilities, and backgrounds. Our high school is a vibrant place. It’s an awesome place. Thank you for your partnership in this effort.
January was a microcosm of what we want for our students. We transitioned semesters, and in so doing, emphasized a professional approach to comprehensive exams. We immediately transitioned into course selection season, wanting to bridge the existing gap between high school and students’ post-high school aspirations. Providing increasingly relevant experiences for students will be a focus of ours.
Below, you will read about our Course Selection Fair, where roughly 25 local businesses, colleges, and military branches were represented. Thank you to Mr. Jeff Barlup and Mr. Mike Reynolds for mobilizing our business and military partners. Thank you to the roughly thirty upperclassmen who represented our academic departments that day. We wanted to promote students talking with students about important decisions. Thank you to all of our students who rose to the occasion and interacted as young adults.
Best wishes,
Dr. Bianchi
- 1/25: Report Cards Posted in Sapphire
- 2/7: College Announcement & Signing Recognition
- 2/16: Early Dismissal, 12:20pm
- 2/19: Presidents' Day, All Schools & Offices Closed
- 2/26: Spring Sports Enrollment Deadline
- 3/1: High School Musical, 7pm
- 3/2: High School Musical, 7pm
- 3/3: High School Musical, 2pm
- 3/4: Spring Sports Begin
Course Selection Fair
On Thursday, January 25th, the high school held a Course Selection Fair for students. This unique experience gave students the opportunity to explore available classes and post-secondary tracks. Senior students staffed department tables for different subjects and electives, and representatives from local colleges, businesses, and military branches spoke with interested students about their plans for education and careers after high school. Thank you to our high school administrative team, led by principal Dr. Timothy Bianchi (who even participated in the Marine pull-up challenge), for creating this educational experience for our students!
Course Selection Presentation
We will be holding meetings during Advisory for students interested in learning more about scheduling, career, and college opportunities.
See the Course Selection Night presentation by clicking the link below:
Course Selection Video's
STEM Summit Volunteers
- Junior Achievement of South-Central PA will host the annual STEM Summit for 9th graders on Tuesday, April 9th, 2024, from 8:55 AM- 2:05 PM.
- The goal of the STEM Summit is to inspire students to consider how STEM-related fields fit into their future ambitions and course selection. Click here to learn more about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).
- If you are interested in volunteering to facilitate an activity, Click here. Online training is provided as well as on-site support. We will also provide a light breakfast and lunch for volunteers!
- For more information, please contact Shannon Baker, Vice President of Program Operations, at sbaker@jascpa.org.
Morning Drop-off
We are experiencing increased traffic on campus between 7:20 and 7:30 am. If you are dropping off, please pull to the furthest point possible in your lane before dropping students off in order to alleviate a backlog. This map depicts the current drop-off route. We are considering other options and will post them in our monthly newsletter Friday. From 7:00-7:20, traffic remains relatively light.
Weather Decision Making Annual Update
As we enter the winter months, calls for early dismissals, two-hour delays, or school closures may need to be made. Announcements will be provided through Blackboard messages, the district website, Twitter, Facebook, and local media sources. Initially, snow make-up days will be handled in the traditional manner and school will be closed. Prescheduled inclement days that are built into the school calendar will be utilized to make up those days. Please take a moment to review our Weather Decision-Making video from Superintendent Dr. Robinson.
Student Spotlight
Students of the Month
Congratulations to our student of the month from January!
Emily Pearson
Way to go Panthers!!!
HS Character Education Student Committee MLK Reading Event
On Tuesday, January 23rd, the High School Character Education Student Committee joined both elementary schools for a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day reading activity. Over sixty high school students went to EPE and WCH to spend twenty-five minutes with each grade level reading a book and completing activities to share the importance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The high school students and elementary students enjoyed having fun with each other and hope to do a similar activity again soon.
EPE HS Group
WCH HS Group
Students of the Quarter for CTC
Congratulations to our students of the quarter for CTC!
Way to make us Panther proud!
Coffee Friday
Our high school Life Skills students held their first Coffee Friday of 2024 this morning! This immersive program gives our students the opportunity to plan, purchase, and prepare food and drinks for our high school students and staff to browse and buy. Our Life Skills students even manage the money in the program by running cash registers during the event, and Coffee Fridays are extremely popular and enjoyed by all. Thank you to Life Skills teacher Alexis King for her amazing work in making this wonderful event possible!
Curriculum Corner
Service Learning
The practice of service learning has been a cornerstone throughout East Pennsboro Area School District and is exemplified by our high school service learning students. We are excited to present the students from our first semester and the number of hours completed collectively by each group -- for a grand total of 3,148 volunteer hours in service to our school community!
Teacher Susan Fleagle gathered quotes from our service learning students on what they had to say about their experiences volunteering in the different classrooms around campus:
“I think the biggest lesson I learned is that it's not that difficult to do good deeds. All the jobs that I did weren't as difficult as I previously thought they were going to be. They were even enjoyable to do and made me feel good after doing it. I think because I learned this lesson I am more likely to do a good deed in the future.”
“Patience and time management. I think these have helped me become a higher achieving student. Not even just in this class, these skills have helped me in other classes as well. I have learned to have patience with people and to put in the effort to care. I have also learned how to better manage my time. Like out on rotation, I need to know how much work I have to do with the allotted time.”
“My favorite moment was the connections I made with the LSS kids. My first ever rotation for this class was going to the LSS room, and from then to now, seeing them smile, and give us hugs, and have genuine conversations with us is by far my favorite thing. Every time any of the Service Learning kids step into the room they all smile, say "hi", and the bond between the two classes is amazing and by far my favorite moment.”
“I learned that we all have struggles and that the little things in life are amazing. We all have to be there for each other and understand that we all are struggling. Being mean isn't going to help that, it will only make it worse. We have to be able to co-exist as one to be able to get by in life and I think that was a big lesson I learnt throughout this experience.”
“My favorite moment was when the elementary kids gave us thank you cards near the end of our rotations. It was really special when they handed them out to my group because it showed how we made an impact on them and how much they appreciated us. It was very heartwarming to know that they spent their time writing out those notes for us and I will definitely keep it forever.”
Thank you to our amazing students, teacher Susan Fleagle for spearheading this program, and for all of our teachers and staff throughout the district who have welcomed these programs into our classrooms! We are Panther Proud!
YBEC/Thrive Program Ski Trip
On Tuesday 01/23/24, a small group of students connected with the Thrive program and the YBEC adventure program went skiing at Ski Roundtop. Out of the 8 students in attendance, 6 had never been skiing before. These students were able to overcome uncertainty and anxiety and conquer the slopes. The students participated in a 2-hour lesson with school personnel, Roundtop, and YBEC staff. By 1 PM all the students were riding the ski lift, skiing down the Beginner’s Hill, and rushing to “do it again!”. Thanks for the support from YBEC, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Tracey, Mr. Standland, the HS Admin Team, and beyond. Many of these students have now tapped into a love for a new outdoor activity and they learned to overcome the fear and anxiety that can be associated with all new activities in and out of the classroom.
Organelle Speed Dating Activity
Students in Mrs. Campbell’s Biology classes researched information about a specific cellular organelle. Through the Organelle Speed Dating activity, students met all the organelles - first through our 2 minute speed dates and then the remainder during our "mix and mingle" segment of class.
Hello students! My name is Mrs. Sanders and I am your high school's LMLC librarian. I wanted to inform everyone about the resources we have available to you both physically and digitally. Attached you will find two flyers, one highlighting our most valuable resources and another one highlighting one specific digital resource called PowerLibrary. Throughout the year, I will be sharing an informational online flyer spotlighting certain digital resources for both students and staff to discover and hopefully inquire the LMLC how to utilize.
The LMLC does have a new website, developed last year, housing all your research needs. Digital resources that will be highlighted can be found through the LMLC Resources webpage. My hope is for everyone to check out the website and see the vast array of both physical and online opportunities the LMLC provides. You can find the LMLC website through Clever (see the attached picture to locate).
At the LMLC, both the wonderful Mrs. Boston and myself live by our mission: "EMBRACE CURIOSITY – READ BOOKS – BE HAPPY!". We strive to provide a space that helps students embrace curiosity, want to read more books thus learn new information, and just overall feel happy meaning less stressed. We hope you come down to visit us because we are a really cool place to use. We even have a free coffee/hot chocolate bar (must bring your own drink cup though). If you have any questions or just want to visit, please come visit us sooner rather than later :-).
Mrs. Sanders
Info.Tech.for Bus.Ed.
EPAHS Librarian
East Pennsboro Area School District
2024 High School Yearbook
High school parents – order your 2024 yearbook today!
Order by January 28 to ENSURE you receive a copy! After that date, we finalize the quantity of books that will be printed, so we will have the potential to SELL OUT!
Don’t miss out on owning your copy of East Pennsboro’s award winning yearbook – pre-order today at our website bit.ly/ep-yearbook!
Contact hschaffer@epasd.org with any questions.
Counselor Corner
Career & Technical Center
Dave Payne, a school counselor from Cumberland Perry Area Career & Technical Center (CPACTC), visited the high school on Thursday, October 5th to share information about their programs to our 9th grade students. Students who are interested in attending CPACTC next school year should aim to turn in their application by the first-round deadline of December 22nd.
Here are some upcoming nights hosted by CPACTC:
- November 1st: Career Exploration Night for Arts & Technology, Health Sciences, Human Services & Hospitality
- November 2nd: Career Exploration Night for Advanced Manufacturing, Construction & Maintenance, Transportation & Logistics
Financial Aid Night
Diona Brown, a representative from Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA), visited East Pennsboro Area High School on Wednesday, October 11th for our Financial Aid Night to present information to students and families.
If you couldn't make it, click the link to her presentation below:
PA Area Health Education Centers: Virtual Career Awareness Program
For any student interested in health careers, the Pennsylvania Area Health Education Centers is providing a virtual health careers awareness program. The program is completely free and a good opportunity to explore possible careers. Please see the attached flyer for more information on deadlines and schedule of events for February 2024:
Children's Grief Awareness Day
PA Youth Advisory Council Application
The PA Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is currently accepting applications! YAC gives teens a voice to make a difference in health policy and programming that affects them and their peers. Teens will join the YAC for two years to provide feedback on youth-related healthcare, practices and policies impacting youth across PA. By participating in YAC, teens will gain real-world experience collaborating with the Department of Health and other youth-serving agencies, add skills and volunteer experience to their resume, and receive a certificate of participation for college and job applications. The online application (due November 3rd, 2023) and more information can be accessed through the attached flyer and application:
Shippensburg University Instant Decision Day
On November 8th, a college admissions representative from Shippensburg University will be visiting East Pennsboro Area High School for an "Instant Decision Day". That means you will have the opportunity to meet with the college admissions representative for a 10-minute session to review your application and be notified of your admittance THE SAME DAY! No waiting!!
The benefits of an Instant Decision Day:
- No waiting for your acceptance letter!
- This is non-binding, meaning you do not have to attend Shippensburg, even if you are accepted
- You will have the opportunity to discuss your application and make your case about why you should be accepted to their school
- You will have the chance to ask them questions about their school
Here is what you will need to be prepared for your Instant Decision Day:
- A completed online application to Shippensburg a few days in advance
- A copy of your high school transcript on November 8th
- Dress appropriately for an important (but brief!) interview on the 8th
To sign up for this Instant Decision Day, please complete this Google Form by TUESDAY, Oct 31st:
Notes from our Nurse
For Attendance in 12th Grade: 1 dose of MCV (Meningococcal) on the first day of 12th grade. If one dose was given at 16 years of age or older, that shall count as the twelfth-grade dose. The student will be excluded on August 30th without evidence of vaccination.
Letters have been sent out if your student is missing their twelfth-grade dose. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 717-287-8764 or bhawk@epasd.org.
Illnesses: If you are sick, stay home. You may be sent home if you show signs of a sore throat, headache, stomachache, or cough.
Medication Policy: If you need medications during the day, you will need to provide a doctor’s note stating that you need the medication during school hours. The medications should be brought In by an adult/guardian in the pharmacy-labeled container. Empty containers may be sent home with the students, but the refills will need to be brought in by the parent/guardian.
Attendance Information
Parents/Guardians - Please remember you have the option to submit absence notes, doctor, tardy, early dismissal, and educational trip forms to our high school attendance mailbox at ephsattendance@epasd.org
EPASD Attendance Procedures
EPAHS accepts attendance notifications (excuse cards, absence notes, etc.) via email. Parents can email ephsattendance@epasd.org as a means of reporting your child’s absence. Paper notes will still be accepted as well. A reminder that all excuse notifications are required to be submitted within three school days of your child’s absences.
Excused Absences:
When a child is enrolled in the district’s educational program, the student is subject to the
Pennsylvania State Attendance Laws. The Board considers the following conditions to constitute an excused absence from school:
1. Illness
2. Quarantine
3. Student required court attendance
4. Prearranged doctor and dentist appointment for the time of appointment and appropriate travel time only
5. Authorized school activities
6. Pre-approved educational tours and trips, not school-sponsored
7. Other urgent reasons, including funerals, that apply to the child and approved by the building administrator
Parents/guardians are expected to telephone the school when students are absent for any reason. In addition, a written excuse from a parent/guardian is required for each absence.
Unexcused Absences:
An unexcused absence shall be defined as:
• Absence from school with parent/guardian consent for reasons other than those considered
• Leaving school during school hours without permission from the administrator.
• Absence from school without knowledge/permission of parent/guardian (truancy).
• Absence from school without knowledge/permission of school authorities.
• Absences from school without written parental excuse submitted within 3 school days of the absence.
Please refer to the Student Handbook to review more specific information about our attendance policies. Contact our school office if you have any questions about our attendance policies or procedures.
Automated Absence Alert:
The Automated Absence Alert system was implemented to inform parents when their students are absent from school. If/when your student is absent or does not report to their classroom they are recorded as absent. When the daily attendance is submitted electronically, an automated message will be sent to a phone identified by the parent/guardian. This call will normally occur by approximately 10:00 am. Should you have questions or concerns you may contact the attendance secretary by calling: East Pennsboro Area High School (EPAHS), at (717) 732-0723.
2023-2024 School Year Calendar
Click the link below for the 2023-2024 School Year Calendar:
Create a Sapphire Parent Portal!
Please create a Sapphire Parent Portal account. There are several benefits to creating a parent portal account:
- You can access your child's report cards when they are published
- You can keep track of your child's attendance
- You will be able to receive important notifications about your child
To create a parent portal account:
- Go to our website www.epasd.org
- Hover over the "Students" tab
- Click "Sapphire Community Web Portal"
- Click "Create a Web Portal Account"
- Follow the remaining on-screen instructions to enter your information.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Suzette at sdavis@epasd.org. She would be happy to help!
Athletic & Activity Highlights
Hello Dolly Tickets
Tickets for "Hello, Dolly!" are on sale now! Visit https://www.showtix4u.com/event-details/80875 to get your tickets!
East Pennsboro Area High School Musical
Musical season is in full swing as our students, staff, and volunteers prepare for the opening of HELLO, DOLLY!
This afternoon, we had dancers onstage, hat-making in the Choir Room, singers in the studio, and the orchestra playing full blast in the Band Room — a busy and wonderful
District 7 Band
A warm round of applause for our own Raven Smith, whose musical accomplishments soared to new heights this year. Not only did Raven successfully audition and place in District 7 Band which encompasses 8 counties worth of schools but she has successfully auditioned and been selected for Region V band totaling schools from 15 different Pennsylvania counties. We are extremely excited to have representation at these prestigious honors bands and wish Raven the best of luck at these festivals!
The next step is for Raven to audition for All-State Band in February.
Congratulations and good luck!
Smiles By Shannon
Dr. Shannon in Harrisburg is offering free dental exams, fillings, X-rays, and fluoride treatments. She is located in Harrisburg and families can sign up by calling her office. We've had smiles come to our elementary schools, but this would allow our secondary students in need of care to be seen in their dental offices.
EPAHS General Information
Parent's Guide to Google Classroom
Click the link for a parent-friendly guide to navigating your student's Google Classroom.
Device Insurance Fees
Did you know that in addition to accessing your student’s lunch account, you can also pay fees through MySchoolBucks?
If you have a newly enrolled student in grades 6-12, an invoice will be created for the initial device insurance fee. Please check your student’s account on MySchoolBucks.com. Please select School Store, then School Invoices to view all device invoices.
If your student has needed their device repaired, the insurance fee will cover the cost to repair the device. A new insurance fee will be applied to cover the cost of future incidents. Full details and payment information are available in our District’s 1:1 Device Guide. (epasd.org - parents & guardians - EPASD 1:1 Device Information - EPASD 1:1 Device Guide) To check your student’s account, please go to MySchoolBucks.com, select School Store, and then School Invoices to view all device invoices.
Payments can be mailed to the Administration Center: EPASD — Business Office, 890 Panther Parkway, Enola PA 17025. Please include the student number on the check.
Tutoring Resources
East Pennsboro Area High School
Email: tbianchi@epasd.org
Website: https://www.epasd.org/east-pennsboro-area-high-school/
Location: 425 West Shady Lane, Enola, PA, USA
Phone: 717-732-0723
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastPennsboroAreaHigh/