Holly Hall Elementary School
Family Update: October 1, 2023
Greetings, families!
For this whole week we will celebrate R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for anti-bullying awareness! Be sure to check the flier and calendar below for daily spirit activities!
The Pumpkin Patch with Willy Woo Woo is heading to HHES tomorrow! This is a free event for families with children ages 0-4! Please RSVP to Lynn Dech at ldech@ccps.org. More information may be found below.
Tuesday our PTO and staff will be set up at Pizza Hut to take care of you and your family! From 4:00 - 9:00, 20% of proceeds will support Holly Hall! Don't forget to mention Holly Hall when you are there and we can't wait to see you!!
Our annual Haunted Bus Tour will be Wednesday beginning at 4:00! Check out where the bus will be making stops on the flier below- Meet us there for a free book and sweet treat!!
Please note that this Friday is an early day and dismissal will begin at 1:30!
On Saturday morning we will hold our PTO Yard Sale! Set up begins at 7AM with sales happening from 8AM - 1PM. Spaces are just $10 and tables may be rented for $5 if needed. Please reach out to Grace Ternosky (gmternoski@ccps.org) with any questions or to save a space.
Movers Soccer is about to kick off for students in grades 4 & 5! Please check out the flier below and reach out to Ms. Fetterolf (ajfetterolf@ccps.org) with any questions.
And finally, our Holly Hall Spirit Wear Shop is open for business! Spirit wear is available from now until October 15th! Orders will be sent directly to Holly Hall Elementary and delivered to students in class. A flier will be coming home with students early this week! Click the link below to order your HHES Spirit Wear!
From the Judy Center:
Did you know that Holly Hall Elementary is a Judy Center school? We are looking for families with children ages 0-5 to join our FREE playgroup! These playgroups are being held at Holly Hall Elementary on Mondays (10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30) from 10:00-11:00. Please be sure to bring your ID and sign in at the office when you arrive. We’d love to see you there to meet new friends and have lots of fun! Checkout our website to find other playgroups around Cecil County, and to learn more about us! We can’t wait to see you!
Community Events & Resources:
Virtual Instruction Days
Revised Virtual Instructional Day Plan:
First TWO inclement weather days, CCPS will be CLOSED.
Inclement Weather Virtual Days
● TWO inclement weather days, Asynchronous Instruction
● FOUR inclement weather days, Synchronous Instruction
Scheduled Virtual Days
● ONE Asynchronous Day, HIGH SCHOOL ONLY ○ March 21, 2024 -- (PSAT/SAT Day)
● ONE Synchronous Day, ALL SCHOOLS ○ May 14, 2024 -- (Election Day)
Holly Hall Elementary School
Proud Title I School
Email: ndreckner@ccps.org
Website: https://www.ccps.org/hhes
Location: 233 White Hall Road, Elkton, MD, USA
Phone: 410.996.5050
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HollyHallElem