Mill Hill Update
Mill Hill Elementary School
Mill Hill Art Show
Congratulations Baker Vreeland!
Mytilana Nokta, also in grade 4, and Leyna Aguilar, grade 5, both came in 2nd place in the Town.
Congratulations to all our CT Fire Prevention Poster Contest winners!
Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA)
SBA/NGSS 4/19-6/2
STAR 4/24-6/2
Week of April 17th
3rd grade ELA
Week of April 24th
4th grade ELA
5th grade ELA
Week of May 1st
3rd grade Math
Week of May 8th
4th grade Math
5th grade Math
Gr. 3
Week of May 15
SBA Make Ups
Grade 2, 4, 5, K
Week of May 22nd
Grade 5 NGSS (Science) & Make Ups
Gr. 1
Week of May 29 (no school 5/29 and 5/30)
Make ups
Make ups
Odyssey of the Mind
Upcoming Dates
5/3 Walk, Bike, Roll to School Day!
5/3 5th to 6th Grade Parent Night at RLMS
5/17 Spring Concert
6/7 5th graders visit RLMS
Kindergarten Registration
Hello Parents!
Registration for incoming Kindergarten students for the academic year 2023-2024 has begun! Please see attached registration procedures.
Once you have scheduled an appointment at Central Office, please call 203-255-8320 or email us (aprosniewski@fairfieldschools.org) at Mill Hill to let us know the date of your appointment.
The two dates for Kindergarten Orientation/Visitation are May 10 & 11, both at 2:00. Our office will assign your family a date once you register. If your child will NOT be attending Kindergarten at Mill Hill this coming fall, please reply to this email to let us know.
We look forward to having your kindergartener join the Mill Hill family! Please share this message to any neighbors or friends that might have an incoming kindergartener. Thank you!
5th to 6th Grade Parent Night at RLMS
Dear Parents/Guardians of Incoming Roger Ludlowe Middle School 6th Grade Students:
We are beginning the process of the transition from elementary schools to middle school. We have scheduled a parent orientation (students do not attend) on Wednesday, May 3rd, at 6:30 p.m. in the Roger Ludlowe Middle School auditorium. The presentation will highlight a "typical" day for a 6th grader at RLMS along with a tour of the building. Please SAVE the date.
We hope to see you there!
Megan Tiley - Principal
Karin Shaughnessy - Assistant Principal
Steve DeAngelo - Assistant Principal
Grade 5 Visit to RLMS
Dad Joke Alert!
How do cows entertain themselves?
They go to the moovies!