John Clark Elementary Family Update
September 1, 2023 (School Hours 7:40am-2:40pm)
Estas son las noticias del salón de su hijo(a). Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre lo que harán la próxima semana, por favor llame a Patricia Ayala al (320) 685-7534 y oprima la opción en español o la extensión 4135. ¡Gracias!
Hello, John Clark Families! 😄
From the Office
Thank you to the PTC for organizing and volunteering at the Welcome Back Cookie Station! It was so fun to see the smiling faces and visit with students and families at Open House! :) #JCEROCKS
Please log into your Family Skyward Account and complete the registration for each student. This includes the important 23-24 Parent Permission and Emergency School Closing Form.
Here is a brief video showing parents how to access the Online Registration for 23-24.
Immunization Update from Jessica Miller, School Nurse
Planning to volunteer in your child's classroom or chaperone a field trip? Here is the required Criminal Background Check link!
To connect with us at John Clark Elementary School, please see the following details.
Mrs. Malea Bergeson, Dean of Students 320.597.2016 x2101
Mrs. Mary Holmberg, Elementary Principal 320.597-2016 x2101
- If you haven't purchased school supplies, here is the link! John Clark Elementary School Supply List
Kindergarten Discovery Day September 5, 2023
Parent Teacher Club
Please consider joining the PTC. For questions, please reach out to Mrs. Holmberg and/or follow our bulletins for future meeting dates.
Upcoming Dates:
- Watch for email updates for fall meetings and planning!
Meat Raffle Sign Up
JCE Families,
Please consider signing up for a meat raffle using the link below. The PTC uses the meat raffle funds to help provide yearbooks to ALL JCE students each year. These are SO important for our students to feel like they belong and to have a lasting memory from each year. Your help is greatly appreciated!
September 5: Discovery Day, Kindergarten Only 10:00-11:40
September 5: First Day of School Grades 1-5
September 6: First Day of School Kindergarten
October 19-20: No School Education MN Conference
All Things Lunch
Volunteer and Visitor Information
If you would like to volunteer in or visit your child's classroom, please note a few important details. All volunteers and visitors are required to use the Raptor Visitor Management System in all school buildings. Our purpose for re-integrating the system, which has not been used for several years due to COVID's visitor policies, is to build on the district's program of campus safety for students and faculty. Part of keeping students and faculty safe is knowing who is in our building at all times, and the Raptor System will allow us greater ability to do so. As in the past, visitors will be asked to present a valid state-issued ID, which will be scanned into the system. Once entry is approved, Raptor will issue a badge that identifies the visitor, the date and the purpose of the visit. Additional data from the driver's license is not gathered nor is the system connected to any other system such as the Department of Motor Vehicles. Therefore, any other information on the ID is not scanned by the system and is not accessible to any of the users. A visitor's badge will not be necessary for those who visit our schools simply to drop off an item in the office or pick up paperwork. The safety of our students is our highest priority and the Raptor visitor management system provides a consistent way to aid in keeping away people who may present a danger to our students. Volunteers will also be required to read our volunteer commitment when checking in. A copy of the document is attached. Thank you, in advance, for your understanding and support of enhancing safety protocols in our district! Please reach out with any questions or concerns!
Teal's 1% Receipt Rebate Program is an easy way for schools to earn money for their students. Simply shop at Teal’s Market and earn 1% back on all your qualifying purchases which will be donated to your school. Just send your receipts to the school and we will take care of the rest!
You can and you do make a difference!
If you’re an internet customer, sign up for the School Partnership Program and Arvig will donate $1.00 each month to the school of your choice at no additional cost to you.
You can still support our school through the Box Tops for Education program. Box Tops have made a change to their system so that now all you have to do is create an account and scan your grocery receipt with their app. See this link to learn how to support JCE: Box Tops
Spartan SPOT
Spartan SPOT provides both before and after school care, as well as care for non-school days. If you are looking for care before or after school, please register as soon as possible to guarantee a start date of September 6th.
If you have any questions, please call the Community Education office at 320-685-8631.
John Clark Elementary School
Location: 415 West Broadway Street, Rockville, MN, USA
Phone: 320-251-8651
Twitter: @jcerocks750