Welcome Back Bobcats!
Welcome to the Bobcat Bulletin - August 15, 2023
Letter from Mrs. Anderson
Welcome Back, Bobcats!!
We were so excited on the first day of school to see all of our returning Bobcats and meet our families who are new to Eden Park! We had over 450 families visit campus for our Meet the Teacher event!! This year, we are led by the theme, “Soaring to New Heights.” We know it will be the best year yet for Eden Park.
We are thrilled with the performance of all of our students last school year. A huge shout out to all of our teachers and staff members, hard-working students, and supportive families. We couldn’t accomplish this without the support of all stakeholders in our school community.
Below you will find important information pertaining to our school day, policies, procedures, and important upcoming dates.
As always, thank you for your continued support.
In partnership,
Mrs. Anderson
Meet Our Teachers and Staff Members
English Learners Support Team
Related Arts
Student Support Team
Kindergarten Teachers
First Grade Teachers
Second Grade Teachers
Third Grade Teachers
Fourth Grade Teachers
Fifth Grade Teachers
We Need Your Help
Emergency Forms/Procedures for completion: Immediate attention needed. Please complete your child’s Emergency Card information online in the parent portal. Paper copies will be sent home this week as well. New for this year: parents must complete the media center acknowledgement form in order for their child to check out books from the media center. All papers will be returned to your child’s teacher.
Student ID and Lanyard
All students will be issued and are required to wear a school ID and lanyard while at school. This is part of our school dress code. Students will use badges to sign on to their bus, check out library books, and go through the lunch line. Lost badges may be replaced in the front office for $2.00 cash.
Beginning of the Year State Testing
8/24/23: 3rd -5th Grade ELA PM1
8/29/23: K-2nd Math PM1
8/30/23: 3rd-5th Math PM1
Health Screenings
School Board Policies 2266, 3362, and 5517 – Prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and/or gender identity), disability, or age in the provision of educational opportunities or employment opportunities and benefits. The District School Board does not discriminate on the basis of sex or disability in the education programs and activities that it operates, pursuant to the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
For additional information or to report Title IX or any other discrimination/harassment concerns, contact Ms. Valerie Wenrich, Chief Human Resources Officer/ Title IX Coordinator, at (239) 377-0351, wenriv@collierschools.com or at 5775 Osceola Trail, Naples, Florida 34109.