Husky Nation Highlights
Community Newsletter - August 20, 2023

We hope you are staying safe and dry this weekend as Tropical Storm Hilary passes through Southern California. School will be OPEN normal hours on Monday 8/21. Please exercise caution driving to school and give yourself extra time to drop off your child. Be mindful that both Gate 5 and the Marquee Gate may be muddy. We will need to run an inclement weather schedule for at least 2 days as the Grassy Field needs to dry out. Update as of 8/20/23 @ 6pm
Back to School Night (BTSN) is this Wed 8/23!
We're so excited to welcome the community to Husky Nation this week! Here are a few important reminders:
- We recommend parking on Casuda Canyon Drive for this event. Please do not park in staff parking spaces.
- There will be no sessions for TK, Kinder or K/1 Combo teachers as these teachers have already held New Student Orientation sessions on 8/1.
- Adventures/Apollo pickup will continue to use Gate 1 during this event. Please do not enter campus at Gate 1. Instead, entrance for BTSN will be at the gate next to the outdoor eating area (see map).
- Teachers will run identical sessions for Session #1 and #2 so that you can attend sessions for more than one child.
- All adults should use the Staff restrooms in the cafetorium. All students should use their usual grade-level restroom.
- Supervision for children in attendance will be available in the Cafetorium. We will play a movie from 5:30 - 7:00pm.
- Our Home School Coordinator Ms. Ana LeBlanc will have a table in the Breezeway where you can obtain bell schedules, maps, volunteer forms and other useful school information.
- The Scholastic Book Fair is open in the Library during BTSN!
Here is the Schedule for BTSN:
- 5pm - Campus opens, enjoy Patty Meets Bun or Kona Ice food trucks in the outdoor cafe area
- 5:30 to 6:10pm - Classroom Session #1
- 6:10 to 6:20pm - Break
- 6:20 to 7:00pm - Classroom Session #2
PTA Membership Drive – Now to 9/7
Game On! Our PTA is competing against Brightwood Elementary PTA on which school can get the most members from now until September 7. The Principal from the losing school will wear the spirit wear of the winning school and pose with the winner’s mascot.
Let's help Husky Nation win! Join today by clicking here.
And remember, anyone can join: parents, grandparents, students, uncles, community members, etc.
Rewards and raffle prizes will be awarded for eligible students, more information about rewards and raffles is available here.
We hope you and your family will join us!
PTA Book Fair is 8/21-8/25
Our PTA sponsored book fair is coming up next week! The Book Fair will also be open during Back to School night on August 23.
Purchase with eWallet for a convenient, cash free, and digital payment system. For more information about the Book Fair, including previews, and to set up your eWallet click here.
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
We are grateful for our volunteers. Here are some of our volunteer needs at this time:
This Week!
· PTA Table for Back to School Night (PTA)
· Mandarin Translation (School) - mornings (8am-11am)
· Breakfast Supervision (School) - mornings (7:30am-8:00am)
· PE Supervision (School) - Thu/Fri (throughout the day)
We 💗 Our Volunteers
We are so grateful to families for volunteering their time at Highlands! Here's some important information for new/returning volunteers:
- All returning volunteers must renew their volunteer status at the start of each school year
- New volunteers are always welcome!
- Volunteer registration information is available on our website (CLICK HERE).
To renew your volunteer status or register as a new volunteer, please contact our School Community Coordinator, Ana LeBlanc, in our main office: (626) 570-6220.
Click this link for a helpful flowchart that explains how to become a "cleared volunteer".
Attendance Counts 📈
Attendance Facts
Attendance Facts
Attendance Facts
AUSD will not approve any requests for Independent Study Program (ISP) for the months of August 2023 or May 2024. Extended unexcused absences may lead to disenrollment. The AUSD website for ISP can be accessed at this link.
The Husky Spirit Store is opened for a second and final round by popular demand! The store will remain open until September 3, 2023. We are expecting delivery of this second round of orders the first week in October. Don't miss out, this will be the last Spirit store this year.
Coffee Talk w/Mr. B & the AP
Join us for an informal conversation to discuss what's happening at school. These meetings will be scheduled throughout the year in both a virtual an in-person format. Next meeting is Fri 9/29 at 8am in the Cafetorium.
Solar Construction Update
Steel framing is assembled and painted
Solar panels have been delivered to site
Work is paused on 8/21 due to Tropical Storm Hilary
The noisiest phase of construction is over (drilling and steel assembly)
Solar panel assembly and electrical work is estimated to last at least 4 weeks
Upcoming Dates
- 8/21-8/25 - PTA Fall Book Fair
- 8/22 - Anticipated beginning of solar array assembly
- 8/23 - Back to School Night
- 8/24 - Safety Committee (Zoom)
- 8/28 - First Day of VAPA/STEM Classes
- 8/29 - Board of Education Meeting
- 8/30 - School Site Council Meeting (on Zoom) at 1:15pm
- 9/5 - Expected delivery of Husky Spirit Orders
- 9/7 - PTA Membership Drive/Contest closes...let's beat Brightwood!
- 9/8 - Lockdown Drill, Minimum Day
- 9/13 - PTA Association Meeting
- 9/15-9/22 - Parent Conferences (more information to follow)
Monterey Highlands School
Email: highlands@ausd.us
Website: www.montereyhighlandselementary.org
Location: 400 Casuda Canyon Drive, Monterey Park, CA, USA
Phone: (626) 570-6220