The Communicator
PYP and MYP Update
The Current State of IB at Peirce
Primary Years Programme (PYP) - IB World School
Middle Years Programme (MYP) - IB World School - Evaluation Fall 2017 -
November 8-10 - Report to follow shortly
The Learner Profile Attributes
The Learner Profile Attributes
We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.
We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language an in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.
Let us know how you encouraged your child to be a THINKER, or any of the Learner Profile Attributes, by using the form at the bottom of the newsletter!
Exhibition Parent Information
The PYP in Pictures
3rd Grade Spanish
2nd Grade
2nd Grade
Kindergarten - 126
4th Grade
What is Action?
What can you do to support action at Peirce?
And then...
Fill out this form any time you see your child taking action based on their learning.
Have you looked at the Peirce PYP Documents lately?
You will find:
PYP Assessment Policy
PYP Language Policy
Peirce PYP Programme of Inquiry
Peirce Specialists Programmes of Inquiry
...And Much More!
The MYP at Peirce
Read all about what the MYP did this December!
Ms. Hooper-MYP Year 3 Language and Literature & Individuals and Societies
In MYP Year 3, we have been working on symbolism and finding textual evidence to support our claims. Within the novel, The House on Mango Street, we have been close-reading and analyzing the text to be able to decode the author’s message. The students have been labeling symbols that are used in the text and using textual evidence to support their meaning. They have then incorporated this within their own writings. Students have been able to write about themselves and create their own symbols to represent their lives.
Learn more by visiting my class website. CLICK HERE.
Brian Girard -MYP Year 3 MATH
We’ve been working on…
Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to determine unknown side lengths in right triangles in real-world and mathematical problems in two and three dimensions.
Students have been using area squares to pick up on patterns with right triangles and using it to solve real world problems.
Ms. Brugman- MYP Years 1-3 Physical Education & Health
MYP Year 1 students have learned the fundamentals of floor hockey and engaged in a multi-day tournament that has brought many smiles, shouts of excitement, and some groans in defeat. Students have worked on communication, an ATL for IB. They will be reflecting on their performance in regards to Criterion D which is Reflecting and Improving Performance. MYP Year 2 and 3 students have learned the fundamentals of basketball and also had a multi-day tournament. Both Year 2 and 3 were assessed according to Criterion C which is Applying and Performing.
Learn more by visiting my class website. CLICK HERE.
Ms. Chiang- MYP Year 2 Science & Design
We are wrapping up our human body unit! For our final project, 7th graders have chosen a research question that is personally meaningful to them. Questions students chose include how fast they ski, how they can become more flexible, or how they can solve Rubiks cubes faster. They will be collecting data on how they improve in these tasks over 10 days over winter break and coming back to share their findings with the class. Students will create a visual model to show how these activities affect their cells and how practice makes perfect on a cellular level.
Learn more by visiting my class website. CLICK HERE.
Ms. Kerkstra- Year 1 Mathematics
Students have been working on operations with fractions. They have been adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. We are learning the real life context of these problems and how to tell the difference between fraction division and fraction multiplication.
Learn more by visiting my Google Classroom. Email me for access.
Ms. Ferrand- MYP Year 2- Individuals and Societies
MYP Year 2 I&S, students are working to develop strong persuasive skills using primary and secondary source data as we continue our study of American History, currently the causes and beginnings of the American Revolution and formation of a new nation called the United States.
Learn more by visiting my class website. CLICK HERE.
Erin Lenihan- Spanish MYP Years 1-3
MYP Year 1 students have been working with definite and indefinite articles in order to describe themselves and those around them. MYP Year 2 students have been working on around town vocabulary as well as some new verb conjugations. The goal for this unit is to be able to describe the places and activities around their own neighborhood. MYP Year 3 students have been continuing to work on the use of the preterite tense and have now covered all ar, er and ir verbs as well as a few “rule breakers”.
Our IAS class has been learning about the American Revolution and the events that led up to the creation of our country. We are excited to return after break to begin working on our So You Want to Be the President projects.
SS.CV.1.6-8.MdC: Describe the roles of political, civil and economic organizations in shaping people’s lives. SS.CV.1.6-8.MC: Evaluate the powers and responsibilities of citizens, political parties, interest groups, and the media.
Ms. Hopkins- MYP Year 3 Science
Students have continued their work on the unit, “What’s the Matter?” (MS-PS1 Matter and Its Interactions) which introduces materials science and the basics of chemistry to our Year 3 students. Students are exploring the connection between the chemical makeup of materials and their uses, as well as their environmental impact. We have been moving from our exploration of elements and the periodic table to looking at polymers and e-waste. We’ll continue this exploration and look at how we can make responsible decisions about materials in everyday life using our understanding of chemistry and the life cycle of products (IB Criterion D: Reflecting on the impacts of science).
Learn more by visiting my class website. CLICK HERE.
Mr. Rossiter- MYP Year 2 Math
Solve word problems leading to equations of the form px + q = r and p(x + q) = r, where p, q, and r are specific rational numbers.
Solve word problems leading to inequalities of the form px + q > r or px + q < r, where p, q, and r are specific rational numbers.
In preparation for our summative assessment, students are working on how to solve equations and inequalities so that they can create their own problem puzzle. This necessary for students to have fluency in solving multi-step equations.
Laura Migas-Dance MYP Years 1-3
International (Global) Mindedness & Service as Action
Service as Action is when apply what they are learning in the classroom and beyond. IB learners strive to be caring members of the community who demonstrate a commitment to service—making a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment (from
Here's how students at Peirce are demonstrating International Mindedness and Service as Action!
All of our MYP Year 1 students are thinking globally about how we are impacting the environment and causing landslides. They are exploring and finding ways in which to solve the problem, and advocate for change.
Samantha Becker was inspired about what she was learning in Science, and is starting a recycling club at our school.
Amelia Harding, Marlene Benitez, Stephanie Torres, and Christine Fabian examined bivariate data with the intention to impact the world beyond Peirce. This group created a model that examined the correlation between state education expenditures per capita and state GDP per capita, after making a prediction, students shared this information with the governor of Mississippi.
There will be MYP Year 2 students working with 4th grade students in January during their basketball unit. They will be working with small groups to help with fundamental basketball skills.
On an RTI note, Emilia Mladjan, Isabel Korte, Luz Valenzuela., Phin Merrill, Kody Carro, Elliott Topp, and Ethan Stark have all been working with individual English Language Learners or reading with younger students the last twenty minutes of each day. The program is just up and running, but we look forward to seeing our 7th graders helping other students throughout our school!.
Our 7th grade human body experts designed lessons to share their knowledge of how our bodies work with younger students. Students partnered up with 1st, 3rd and 6th grade classrooms and got to be teachers for a day! They chose their lesson objective, planned their activities and designed an assessment to measure the success of their lesson.
Amaia Gutierrez, Mila Rolon, Ingrid Vinalay and Nayetzi Platon taught a wonderful lesson to 6th graders about the components in our blood and what they do for our body. They used homemade slime to represent plasma, orbies to show red blood cells and various round objects to show white blood cells and platelets. Both the 6th and 7th graders had a blast learning from this hands-on science activity!
While many students have demonstrated global-mindedness as they considered the topic of e-waste and its financial and environmental impacts on developing countries in particular, Marlene Benitez and Amelia Harding articulated both the risks and benefits particularly well. They were able to recognize that recycling e-waste does create jobs and opportunities, but also presents challenges in terms of regulation and handling toxicity and environmental harm.
Hieu Do took it a step further to include a call to action in his response to reading about waste from electronics such as computers and cell phones.
“I think that this problem still needs a lot of time to find the best solution, so each of us should be conscious of using them thriftily, without wasting them to protect our planet!”
Washington D.C. Fundraising
This year, Peirce is looking to raise $11,500 in scholarship money to help students in Year 2 and Year 3 go to Washington D.C this coming May. So far we have raised a little over $300.00. Here are some ways that you can help us reach our goal!!!
- PEIRCE SWAG for sale. T-shirts available for $10! Drawstring Bags for $3. Pick -up yours at Report Card Pick-Up!
- If neither of the options described above appeal to you, you can always make a donation in the Peirce Main Office. No amount is too small and every contribution gets us a little closer to our goal.
Make checks payable to HELEN C. PEIRCE school of International Studies, and on the memo line, indicate "D.C. TRIP".
International Dance Night: Thursday, January 25, 2017, 4: 30-6:30 PM
Plans are in the works for the second International FAMILY Dance Night at Peirce. This year’s Dance night will include an International Foods Tasting, to take place in the Lunchroom/MPR, where beverages will be available for purchase. The idea is to have numerous dance classes offered throughout the building, in three different blocks of time. We need volunteers to support us in the following ways:
Volunteers to teach dance classes and recruit dance teachers (students and/or adults)
Volunteers to donate and/or help sell beverages.
Volunteers to help with set-up & breakdown of the event
Helen C. Peirce School of International Studies
Dr. Talyia Eve Riemer - MYP Coordinator
Location: 1423 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 773-534-2440