Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Photography Art
“The camera is an excuse to be someplace you otherwise don’t belong. It gives me both a point of connection and a point of separation.” – Susan Meiselas
Week of September 26th
Tuesday, 4PM - Municipal Court; 6PM - Park & Recreation Board
Wednesday, Farmer's Markets; 10AM - Job Corps Community Relations
Thursday, 10AM - Housing Authority
Friday, 7:30AM - Special Council Meeting, followed by Closed Session, followed by Work Session; Homecoming Parade
Upcoming Agendas
City Council will hold special meeting to set the property tax rate for 2022 & closed session for 610.021.9 if needed. Council business under development includes Proclamations for Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive & Fire Prevention Week. Consider code revisions for Universal Design. Several agreements under consideration include:
- Supplemental services under the Fishing Rivers Watershed Study ($39,320) to conduct a bathymetric survey of Crystal Lakes. The survey will be used to verify the bottom elevation of the lake to determine if the principal spillway can be lowered for flood storage & quantify the volume of sediment to be dredged from the lake to restore it to be used for recreational purposes. (Funding: Clay County ARPA)
- Renewal of Municipal Judge services agreement
- Payroc agreement to accept credit cards/online pay for development permits
- Renew agreement with Missouri American Water for sale of water to City of Lawson
- Emerson agreement for financial services, & Appropriations
To Enhance the Quality for All...
This week
Construction activities around town - The foundation & structural failures under the Water Bar at the Hall of Waters are receiving attention. Daily progress can be witnessed at the Community Center Aquatic Center construction site & dredging of Powell Lake at Century Park. Street improvements are underway in Cherry Hills & Westwood Hills.