The Ranch Life
February 5, 2024
Important Dates to Note
Wednesday, February 7
PTA mtg. @ 9:00 a.m. (special guest, Dr. Ruffin)
Panda Express Spirit Night - ALL DAY!!!!
Counselor's Day
No lunch visitors for 3rd grade due to alternate schedule
Thursday, February 8
3rd Grade Program - 6:00 p.m.
Week of February 12
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Monday, February 12
District Choir Concert (5th grade)
Thursday, February 15
School Resource Officer Day
Friday, February 16
Student Holiday
Monday, February 19
District Holiday
Thursday, February 22
Donuts With Grownups - Last Names A-L - 7:30 a.m. (more info below)
Friday, February 23
Donuts With Grownups - Last Names M-Z- 7:30 a.m. (more info below)
Tuesday, March 5
2nd Grade Program - 6:00 p.m.
Friday, March 8
Student Holiday
Week of March 11
Spring Break
Friday, March 22
K-5 Field Day (backup day in case of weather, March 28)
Wednesday, March 27
McKenzie's BBQ Spirit NIght
Friday, March 29
District Holiday
Monday, April 1
Student Holiday
Monday, April 8
MISD Parent Night - Mental Health (more to come)
Tuesday, April 9
Mod Pizza Spirit Night
Thursday, April 11
1st Grade Program - 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April 16
3rd-5th Grade STAAR Reading
Thursday, April 18
Spring Choir Concert (@ Montgomery High School Auditorium)
Tuesday, April 23
5th Grade STAAR Science
Tuesday, April 30
3rd-5th Grade STAAR Math
Tuesday, May 14
Talent Show
Thursday, May 16-Tuesday, May 21
End of Year Awards Ceremonies (schedule to come)
Tuesday, May 21
Early Release
Wednesday, May 22
Early Release & last day of school
Helpful Links
The Most Beautiful Start To The Week!
This Week
HLSR Rodeo Art Recognitions
Each year, 5th graders are offered the opportunity to participate in Rodeo Art Club with Mrs. Allison. They work for weeks on their Houston Rodeo art submissions, which are then entered in the HLS&R Rodeo Art Judging.
Last week, we got to let 2 5th graders in on a little secret we've been keeping for a week or so. Last week, we received the news that Cole Provost and Stella Sudduth were awarded 2 incredible overall elementary honors from the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo for their art entries.
Cole Provost won Best In Show for his piece, and Stella Sudduth won the Gold Medal. Both pieces will be on display in the HLS&R Hayloft Gallery throughout the 2024 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo!
The smiles say it all, from their excitement to the pride Mrs. Allison has in all of her students, and these two incredible recognitions!
Congrats to Cole and Stella for these recognitions! We are so, so proud!
Cole's Best of Show Piece
The Proudest Principals Around
Stella's Gold Medal Winner
5th Grade Rodeo Art Club
5th Grade Rodeo Art Club
5th Grade Rodeo Art Club
Random Acts of Kindness Week
This week in Character Ed!
This week we will begin lessons on KINDNESS! Think about what kindness entails and what it means to be kind to someone. It’s being selfless, compassionate, and unconditionally caring. We share love with others through kind acts such as a smile, a nice word, an unexpected deed, or a planned surprise. When we offer these acts to others, we make people feel good, we pass along hope, we promote peace, we show the power of kindness.
MISD First Annual Special Education Parent Night
The MISD Specialized Learning Department is hosting their First Annual Special Education Parent Night.
If you have a student in Special Education and want to learn more about community resources available, post-secondary transition services and ways to support mental health for both students and caretakers, please mark your calendars and make plans to attend!
Join our specialized learning staff to Connect, Plan and Learn.
Childcare is available and you can register at the link below to let them know you plan to attend: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwqHmP22yufdl2NA429ohvfwPciJjy2t1k8ezZz26mxfroKw/viewform