MSAA Matters
September 2022
"There is no passive path to ensuring equity." Ken Williams author of the book, Ruthless Equity
September 27, 2022
Dear Colleagues,
Please see the notes from the meeting that was held with Commissioner Riley and the MSAA Finance board on September 15th
Commissioner Meeting Agenda
September 15, 2022
The meeting this past month was once again a collaborative approach between DESE and MSAA. Dr. Baldwin spoke about a new initiative in encouraging new principals called “Tap on the Shoulder” that will be launched during the month of October to address the national principal pipeline crisis. DESE is also putting a working group together to show why it’s important to be in education.
It was also discussed about the different roads to certification. We spoke about the importance of recruiting people in the trades for technical school teaching positions. There was a discussion around reducing testing requirements at the DESE level for trade candidates. DESE referenced the many paths to attaining administration licensure. DESE is in the process of revising PALS.
There was a generalized discussion surrounding the issue of parents opting out of certain sexual orientation and gender identity lessons. Commissioner Riley stated Health frameworks have not been updated since 1999. They are beginning the process of reviewing these at the DESE level. Commissioner Riley implied that updated guidelines will be coming this school year.
Principal induction and mentoring were also discussed. DESE spoke about their model program over a 2 year period in partnership with external national experts that was developed as a resource for principals. It consists of modules and a handbook to support novice principals. Dr. Baldwin recommended that MSAA use this resource as part of our principal mentoring program. DESE would like to work more formally with MSAA on this initiative.
K-3 Play Institute was referenced and MSAA thanked DESE for recognizing the importance of play in our schools.
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Monette
MSAA 1st Vice President
Closing Message from Bob Baldwin
Thank you for making a difference in the lives of ALL children. You are making a difference!
Current Articles/Videos
Joint MSAA DESE Position Paper on Play