Weekly Newsletter
Immaculate Conception + St. Joseph School
November 30, 2023
From Mrs. Carolus
We have been starting painting projects in art classes lately. There are always aprons and paint shirts available. I try to remind the students also. Sometimes, mishaps happen. Last year I was gifted the knowledge that a certain bar soap FELS-NAPTHA, which can be purchased in most grocery stores, works well to take out stains. No guarantees but I thought I would pass this information onto you.
First Lego League
The Bosco First Lego League (FLL) team is looking for donations of sensory objects such as fidget spinners, zippers, large beads, latches, plastic gears, textured fabrics, etc… for a project we are working on. Any unused items will be donated to the fourth grade busy box service project. Donations can be dropped off at any of the school offices.
Congratulations, Mrs. Short!
If you watch KWWL news at 6 PM tonight or in the morning you will see Mrs. Short accept her KWWL Tools for Schools grant. The KWWL crew was here to present it this morning! You’ll have the chance to hear about our reading program and how her students will benefit from reading materials made possible by this grant money from Green State Credit Union.
Thank You!!
A huge thank you to our amazing PTO who brought a coffee bus to us. What a wonderful Thanksgiving treat. We are blessed with the best PTO! ~ IC teachers and staff
From Mrs. Douglas..
Dear Bosco Families,
What a beautiful gift you have given your children by choosing a Catholic education for them! We are so blessed to be able to share God’s love freely with each other and to be proud of our faith! There are so many things that I love about my job but being able to actively practice my faith in my daily work with students and staff is by far the greatest!
In this Advent season, my HOPE for our students is that they feel the love that God has for them by sending His only son to bear all of our sins. May each of them feel a sense of PEACE knowing that they are loved by God, their families, and all of us here at BCSS. I pray that they each feel the JOY that surrounds the Christmas season. Lastly, may they each share God’s LOVE by shining His light in the world!
THANK YOU for entrusting us to educate your children! May Advent bring each of you Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love!
In God’s love,
Mrs. Douglas
Give the Gift of Catholic Education
Education Savings Accounts, ESAs, have given parents a choice in their child's education. Catholic education is becoming more affordable for families. For more than 35% of families, the Our Faith Student Tuition Organization, or STO, is the first piece of financial assistance income qualified families rely on. Even with the ESA's this year, more than 3100 students in the Archdiocese of Dubuque received more than $5.5 million in tuition assistance from the STO.
Iowa taxpayers that donate to the STO receive a 75% Iowa tax credit, or 75 cents back for every dollar you contribute on your Iowa tax return. The 75% STO tax credit is the only tax credit of its kind, and it reduces the amount of taxes you pay to the state of Iowa at tax time. If you want to learn more about how to turn your taxes into tuition, call the school office or go to OurFaithSTO.org.
Lost and Found
Week 1 for these items in the lost and found. Please look and see if you are missing any of these items.
Weather Related Closings General Information
For school closings due to bad weather, Bosco Catholic School System follows Waterloo Public School, but will occasionally call it on their own as well.
In the case of a two hour late start due to weather, there will be no morning preschool and no morning activities.
In the case of an early dismissal due to weather, ABC will be closed for the afternoon, unless school closes for a high temperature day.
You will receive a call from SwiftReach. You may also watch KWWL or KCRG, or check their websites.
Volunteer Hall Of Fam
The Bosco Catholic School PTO is looking for 2024 Volunteer Hall of Fame nominations. The individual(s) will be recognized during mass for Catholic Schools Week on Friday, February 2nd. We ask that you submit nominations by December 22nd to Jessica Steils (jess.steils@gmail.com) or Leah Reiter (lschmit2000@yahoo.com). Please provide a write-up/list of the volunteer activity for the nominee as to why they are deserving of this award. We have so many wonderful volunteers in this community please consider nominating someone!
Jess and Leah
Penny War
Thanks to all that participated in the penny war. We made right around $1700 for the Giving Tree. Amazing what a bunch of change can add up to. Our NHS students will use this money along with a donation from the National Catholic Order of Foresters to shop for Christmas presents on Wednesday, November 27. We will be able to provide lots of gifts to families who are struggling financially at this time.
The K-2 Unit raised the most money with $530.53. Mrs. Monaghan's class won the unit competition. They placed 15,035 positive points (pennies & paper money) in their bucket and other students placed 5,105 negative points (silver coins) in their bucket for 9923 positive points.
The High School was next with $437. 51. Mr. Knepper's class won the competition for this unit. They placed 8828 positive points (pennies & paper money) in their bucket and other students placed 1880 negative points (silver coins) in their bucket for 6948 positive points.
The 3-5 Unit was next with $415.05. Mrs. Olson's class won the competition in this unit. They placed 3294 positive points (pennies & paper money) in their bucket and other students placed 2555 negative points (silver coins) in their bucket for 739 positive points.
Middle School raised a total of $310. Mrs. Bergfeld's class won the competition in this unit. They placed 3148 positive points (pennies & paper money) in their bucket and other students placed 2665 negative points (silver coins) in their bucket for 483 positive points.
Thanks again for your participation.
Ms. Sharon Mayer
Lighthouse Food Drive
BCSS Families,
The DB Lighthouse Team will host a non-perishable food drive from December 4th to 6th at Immaculate Conception and DBHS for the Knights of Columbus’ Care and Share program. Our goal is to help families in need this holiday season. Each day will serve a different purpose regarding what items to bring. On the 4th, students can bring in canned goods. On the 5th, they can bring in boxed goods. Lastly, on the 6th, students can bring any toiletry items. All donations can be dropped off right in your child’s homeroom. Thank you in advance for your support!
-Brayden Samaniego & the DBHS Lighthouse Team
K-5 Christmas Program
The K-5 Christmas program will be on Wednesday, December 6 at 6pm in the Don Bosco gym. Students should dress up for this concert, so please, no jeans. Students may start arriving at 5:40 and go to the classrooms assigned below. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Knepper at nknepper@boscocatholic.org
Kindergarten - Mr. Arndt - room 111
1st Grade - Mr. Armbruster - room 109
2nd Grade - Mrs. Zimmerman - room 107
3rd Grade - Mr. Chicchelly's homeroom - 106
4th Grade - Mrs. Bergfeld - room 104
5th Grade - Mrs. Knepper's music room
Is your student ready for kindergarten or high school next year? Do you have friends or family who might be interested in K-12? Sign up and spread the word about our upcoming Discover Immaculate Conception and Discover Don Bosco Days. (Hint: the Facebook post is an easy way to spread the word. Add a comment about what you love when you do it!)
Preregistration is required so we have an information folder and tour guides ready for you. Tours last about 1 hour. Choose 9 AM or 1 PM on the day that works for you. If you wish to see both schools in one tour, choose one of the Immaculate Conception dates.
Sign up using these links:
Pee Wee Wrestling Practice
Pee Wee wrestling practice has begin on Wednesdays and runs through the end of January. Practices will be at 5:15 PM right after High School practice. Please have your student get ready in the weight room hallway and be respectful of the high school team until we're ready to let loose. If you have any questions about Pee Wee practices, feel free to contact Isaiah Corbin at 712-389-5174.
- December 1: No Waterloo Busing
- December 3: Youth Choir 10 AM Mass at IC
- December 5: 3-8 Reconciliation
- December 21: No school
- December 22 - Jan 2: Winter Break No school
With support from families, we respect and encourage students to reach their potential
- Spiritually by developing a strong relationship with Jesus and knowledge of His church,
- Academically by igniting learning, leadership and life skills,
- Physically by learning about and living healthy habits and
- Socially by becoming active members of the community who serve others as stewards of the Gospel so they are the light of Christ in the world.
Preparing students to be the Light of Christ in the World!
Submit newsletter articles to icsjnewsletter@boscocatholic.org by 3 PM on Wednesdays.
Website: boscocatholic.org
Facebook boscocatholic.org
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 256, Gilbertville, IA 50634
Immaculate Conception K-8
311 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
St Joseph Center PS/PK
6916 Lafayette Rd
Raymond, Iowa 50667