Lincoln Elementary Newsletter
October 2023
October was a busy month for students and staff! We welcomed many visitors, including members of the fire department and police department, as well as several field trips. Students took part in the Week of Respect, Fire Prevention Week, Peace in our Schools Week, and Red Ribbon Week. Mrs. Rigas, our school counselor, planned many engaging activities for our students and staff. Officer Mark coordinated with the Rockaway Borough Police Department for Peace in Our Schools Week to host our police officers during lunch and recess.
Under the guidance of Mr. Jones, our Safety Patrol Officers have been assisting with lunch and recess. This is a big honor for our 3rd graders and an excellent opportunity to learn about leadership. Additionally, Mrs. Rigas has had our Kindness Ambassadors helping with various activities such as reading to kindergartners and adding fall decor to our hallways.
Our annual Halloween parade included 4th graders from Thomas Jefferson and brought out an outstanding crowd of family and friends. It was a fun day of celebrations thanks to our homeroom parents.
During the month of November we will host parent-teacher conferences. This is an opportunity to form a partnership with your child's teacher and further open the lines of communication. Please note that there will be 1PM dismissals on November 17th, 20th, and 21st for the conferences.
We will have an early dismissal on the 22nd for Thanksgiving break.
Important Dates 📅
11/9-10 School Closed- NJEA Teachers Convention
11/17, 20, & 21 Early Dismissal 1 PM-Parent-Teacher Conferences
11/22 Early Dismissal 1 PM- Thanksgiving Break
11/23-24 School Closed- Thanksgiving 🦃
11/28- Picture Day Makeups
12/9- HSA Winter Wonderland @ TJ
In Our Classrooms
We are R.A.M.S. (more than our mascot)
R-Respect self and others A-Achieve excellence M-Make good choices S-Stay safe
Winners in October:
Mrs. Leslie/Mrs. Grlica- Madeline McVey
Mrs. Conway- Avery Skladany
Ms. Lawton- Kinsley Mogee
Mrs. Schwarz- Nicholas Moskal
Ms. Doering- Elijah Ortiz
Mrs. Yobs- Rosalie Mangels
Ms. Tajiddin- Brooklyn Boran
Mrs. Jones- Brooklyn Whitney
Mrs. Medore- Jackson Prestia
Mrs. Tuluca- Ruhi Shah
Mr. Kadus- Hailo Angeles Zekoll
Ms. Schumacher- Bryn DeMiceli
Mrs. Thompson- Eva Luisi
Classroom Winner
Mrs. Jones’ class
Mrs. Jones' class enjoyed a game of kickball to celebrate their big win. Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Bubba, Officer Mark, Mrs. Rigas, and Mrs. Skomial joined the children for a fun game.
Students in 2nd grade visited our local historical museum this month. They enjoyed learning about the history of Rockaway Borough during their visit.
Our kindergarteners are searching for punctuation marks in their books.
1st graders have been working on their phonics skills through a variety of hands-on activities.
Rockaway Borough Police Officers visited students for Peace in Our Schools Week. They enjoyed lunch with our students as well as some time on the playground. We are so thankful for the partnership we have with the Rockaway Borough Police Department.
Members of the Rockaway Borough Volunteer Fire Department visited students for Fire Prevention Week. Students enjoyed a beautiful fall day outside while learning about the tools on a firetruck, how to stop, drop, and roll, and the importance of calling 9-1-1 for emergencies.
3rd grade students were recently visited by Mrs. Alpaugh, former superintendent and principal in Rockaway Borough. Mrs. Alpaugh distributed dictionaries on behalf of the Rotary Club and taught a lesson on how to use their new resource.
Our hallways look amazing thanks to the creativity of our students and the dedication of our teachers.
Mrs. Holmes, ESL teacher, organized a special event with Mad Science for our English as a Second Language students.
School-Wide Events
Staff News
Teachers from our PALS and Preschool classrooms won this year's Halloween contest!
Thanks to the efforts of Mrs. Marsh and Ms. Lawton, staff members at Lincoln and TJ raised $460 for AAngelsNJ, an organization that "serves and provides resources to underserved and underinsured individuals and families by educating and navigating individuals through preventive care, pre and post cancer diagnoses, and all aspects of breast health."
Important Reminders
From Principal Skomial:
- Please be prompt for pickup at 3:10 PM.
- Photo ID is required for early pickup.
- Dress your children for the weather. We go outside as much as possible.
- Reach out to your child's teacher and our administrative assistant, Mrs. Murphy (kmurphy@rockboro.org), if your child is going to be absent. Health concerns and questions can be directed to Mrs. Jacobus (djacobus@rockboro.org).
From Officer Mark:
Our children's safety is of utmost importance. Please be reminded of the following rules when picking up your children:
- K-turns are only permitted in the designated area (near the TJ driveway).
- Please do not park against traffic.
- No parking in the staff lot.
- No turning around in the staff lot.
From the Nurses:
Please remember to keep your children at home if they are feeling ill. We want to do our best to keep our students and faculty healthy so we need your help. Thank you for your diligence!
Home and School Association Updates
The next meeting is on 11/15 @ 7:30 PM at TJ. Childcare will be available.
WINTER WONDERLAND - Pancake breakfast tickets will go on sale this week for HSA members for pre sale. Opened to non HSA members the week of the 13th.
Over 20 Vendors so you can shop for holiday gifts. A kids shop to buy affordable gifts for family, wrapped by out 8th grade elves, hot chocolate and bake sale sponsored by our staff. Indoor Carnival games to earn prizes.
Raffle Tickets - $10/ticket with winning ticket being pulled during Winter Wonderland on December 9th (need not be present to win). 1st prize- 30% of proceeds, 2nd prize 15% of proceeds, 3rd prize 5% of proceeds. Email HSA if you would like a pack of tickets to help sell or to purchase. rbhsa@rockboro.org
Spirit Wear: New spirit wear is coming so keep your eyes open for the link to order. Sweatshirts, long sleeves, and pants!