RPI Pulse Newsletter
December 12, 2021
A note from the principal's desk...
I wanted to share some resources with you this week and have a request for morning drop off. Please remember that Friday is our last day of school until January 3, 2022.
Protect Young Eyes: CLICK HERE -- If you aren't plugged into this website, you need to be! It is a great resource for all of us as we navigate parenthood with kids with social media and phones.
Wait Until 8th: CLICK HERE -- I've seen this being shared around social media lately and thought I would share.
Drop Off/Pick Up Areas: We have seen an increase in the number of drop offs that are happening along Stadium Drive (by the baseball fields). This is causing some issues with the busses, students walking from busses to the doors and the HS. I am asking that we stop dropping at those doors and drop off in the parking lot by the cafeteria. Thank you! This is a student safety concern!
2nd Annual Holiday Light Show -- December 18 -- 5:30-8:30pm. All proceeds go to the Muskegon Rescue Mission.
Have a great week everyone!
Yours in Rocket Pride,
Scott Panozzo, Principal
- Monday, 12/13: “Holly Jolly Day” - Wear your favorite holiday gear
- Tuesday, 12/14: Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
- Wednesday, 12/15: “Show your Christmas Spirit” - Wear as much red and green as possible
- Thursday, 12/16: “Tree Topper Day” - Wear your favorite holiday headgear
- Friday, 12/17: “Holiday Movie Character” - Dress like a Holiday Movie Character
The Positivity Project
This week's character strength: Self Control
This is something that all middle level students struggle with in some respect. Conversations this week will be helpful. Make sure to ask your student about how these are going.
Simply put: THINK BEFORE YOU ACT. We often talk with kids about their mouths working faster than their brains...slowing down before reacting is such a huge skill for all of us!
P2 for Families: Take a look at the P2 for Families Section of their website.
Password: P2 (must be capital)
After School Programs Continue
Endurance Adventure: Mondays - Pick up 3:45
Yoga: Wednesdays - Pick up 3:45
We also have some counseling brochures by the front door in the main office. More descriptions are included! CLICK HERE for more information. Please contact Mrs. Peel (our school counselor) for more information: peelk@reeths-puffer.org
Child Tax Credit Information
- Fill out your Free/Reduced Application. CLICK HERE. Even if you think you don't qualify, the rules have changed and other IMPORTANT school programs are based off of this information. Thanks for doing this!
A La Carte Snacks at Lunch
School Calendar
DECEMBER: 13: School Board Meeting (5:30 -- ESB) 20: No School / Winter Holiday Begins - School Resumes Jan. 3, 2022 JANUARY: 3: School Resumes 10: School Board Meeting (5:30p -- ESB) 17: No School / MLK Day 21: 2nd Marking Period Ends 24: 3rd Marking Period Begins
13: After School Endurance Adventure (pick up at 3:45pm)
15: After School Yoga (pick up at 3:34pm)
16: Bass Fishing Team Informational Meeting - 6th graders only 6pm MS Media Center
After School Endurance Adventure (pick up at 3:45pm)
5: After School Yoga (pick up at 3:34pm)
10: After School Endurance Adventure (pick up at 3:45pm)
12: After School Yoga (pick up at 3:34pm)
19: After School Yoga (pick up at 3:34pm)
After School Endurance Adventure (pick up at 3:45pm)
26: After School Yoga (pick up at 3:34pm)
Reeths-Puffer Intermediate
Website: www.reeths-puffer.org
Location: 1500 North Getty Street, Muskegon, MI, USA
Phone: 2317449280
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Reeths-Puffer-Intermediate-863900696970981/
Twitter: @scottpanozzo