Green Meadow Weekly Update
December 15, 2023
Contact Us
Principal, Robert Rouleau -
Assistant Principal, Karen Lindquist -
School Nurse, Maria Bourgeios -
Absentee Phone Line - (978)897-0310
Important Dates
12/15 - Reports available via the Aspen Parent Portal
12/20 - Winter Concert, Grades 2 & 3 (information below)
12/21 - Winter Concert, Grade 1 (information below)
12/25 - 1/1 - No School, December Break
1/2 - School is back in session
1/9 - 1/11 - Kindergarten Registration, 9:00 - 12:00, Green Meadow
1/15 - No School, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
1/26 - MPS Early Release Day, GM dismissal 11:45 AM
Winter Concert
Our Grade 1-3 students are very excited about performing a Winter Concert this year! Here is the concert schedule:
December 20- Grade 2- 9:15-9:35 am (Parents to enter at 8:50 am)
December 20- Grade 3 - 10:15- 10:45 am (Parents to enter 9:50 am)
December 21- Grade 1- 9:15-9:45 am (Parents to enter at 8:50 am)
Cindy Blanchard, our music teacher, will be communicating with Kindergarten parents about an opportunity to visit classes in January.
Lost and Found
The Green Meadow Lost and Found is growing by the day. Items will be on display for families to look through during our Winter Concerts. Please stop by to claim any lost items. If we see a name on the item we will return it directly to the child. Items that are still here over winter break will be donated.
A Message from the School Nurse
Head lice are a common occurrence among school-age children. Head lice are spread through direct contact with or sharing personal items with someone who already has them. Please remind your children how important it is not to share hats, combs, brushes, headbands, hair elastics, helmets etc….
With the knowledge that children have sleepovers, parties, and play dates, we hope sharing this information with everyone in our school community will help decrease the spread of head lice. We recommend that you periodically check your child’s hair for any signs of head lice. It is best to do a head check in natural sunlight. Head lice are small, brown insects, no larger than the size of a sesame seed, that live and feed on the human scalp. Nits are tiny, whitish ovals that are firmly glued to the hair shaft usually close to the scalp. Often they are located at the nape of the neck, behind the ears and at the crown of the head, but they can be found anywhere on the head.
Please inform your school nurse if your child does have a confirmed case of lice so that additional measures can be taken to help ensure effective treatment.
For more information:
Thank you!
-Nurses Ria and Maria
Curriculum and Assessment Updates
Student Report Cards
Term 1 Report Cards will be available on Friday, December 15. Families can view the reports by logging into ASPEN. If you have forgotten how to access ASPEN the directions are below. If you would like a printed copy of your child's report card, please email Kathy Sullivan at or call the main office at 978-897-8246. Please keep in mind that report cards are one indicator of your child's success in school. Families will receive MAP Growth assessment reports in February. Green Meadow will have conferences the week of March 15, 2024. If you have questions or concerns about your child's progress, please reach out to your child's classroom teacher or specialist teachers.
Welcome to the Counselor's Corner!
Social emotional learning for children can happen anywhere children are having feelings, learning to manage these feelings, making decisions and becoming aware of or connecting to others (so basically everywhere) … and this includes at home! Here are 3 ways parents can encourage social emotional learning in children and some tips on how to teach SEL at home. Check out the Green Meadow Social Emotional Learning Resources website for additional information.
Questions or feedback? Please contact Julie Danforth at
Preschool and Kindergarten Registration
Do you have a rising Preschool or Kindergartener? We are still accepting applications for our 2024-2025 Preschool program. Application packets are available in our main office. Kindergarten registration begins January 9-11, 2024. Families can drop in between 9:00 - 12:00 PM any of the three days. Registration is also available online.
PTO Updates
Holiday Shoppe Thank You!
The annual GM PTO Holiday Shoppe was this past weekend! This has been an honored tradition for many years. The GM PTO had a very successful day making students happy as they selected thoughtful gifts for their family and friends. A huge thank you to the Boys and Girls Club for hosting us! Thank you to our volunteers which included parents and GM staff! Thank you to all the parents who supplied tape and bows for the event. Without your help this would not have been possible!
Happy Holidays from the GM PTO!
Get caught up on all the latest PTO news by visiting the Green Meadow PTO website!
This month the PTO meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 12, at 7:00 PM.
Community Resources
Spanish Immersion Informational Night
Pkease join us on Thursday, January 18, 5::45-7:00 PM, at the Folwer School, to learn more about our Spanish Immersion program.
WAVM Coloring Contest
Students in PreK - Grade 3 are invited to participate in the WAVM coloring contest for the Telethon. The coloring pages have been sent home in backpacks. Students should put their first and last name on the back of their completed coloring page. Pages can be returned to the student's teacher or the Green Meadow main office by December 20th. The winners will be featured on live television through WAVM.
Maynard Public Library Programs
Maynard High School Blood Drive
Donate blood! Maynard High School is holding a blood drive with Mass General Hospital on Friday, December 15th from 10:00am-3:30pm! Visit to book an appointment - you get a FREE shirt as a thank you! Contact Emily Chau via email at or text at 978-493-3044 with any questions.
Community Food Pantries
The Open Table Food Pantry (; 33 Main St, Maynard) is open on Tuesdays, 3:30 - 6:30 PM and Thursdays, 1 - 4:30 PM and offers free bags of groceries 1x/week. Open Table also allows families to pick up frozen meals for family members weekly.
The Maynard Food Pantry (; 82 Main St., Maynard) is open on Mondays from 10 AM - 12 noon 1-2x/month