February Parent Newsletter
Manvel School ~ 2023
A Note from Principal Hiltner
We have started strong into the third quarter of school, and parent/teacher conferences for the last time this year will soon be upon us (February 9th). We have attached the link below for sign-up for students in preschool through fifth grade. Middle School teachers will be available in their classrooms for all parents to stop in anytime to visit. One of our goals for next year is to create opportunities for parents to learn more about PowerSchool and how to utilize it best to help inform you of your child's progress with the standards.
Like many schools across the state and the country, we are looking to hire for various positions. This year we are looking for a full-time custodian, substitute bus drivers, and substitute teachers. For the 2023-2024 school year, we are looking for a full-time school counselor. If you are interested in any of these positions, please get in touch with Dr. Wheeler at the school at 696-2212 or apply online on our school website at https://www.manvel.k12.nd.us
We would love to have you join our team!
Many of our Manvel students are involved in extra-curricular activities outside of school. If you have any successes to share with us, please do! We love highlighting and supporting our students both in and out of school on our school's Facebook page. We are proud of our Manvel students, who continue to shine and show integrity and determination within the community.
May you continue to stay healthy. We are grateful for the opportunity to educate your child in a loving and caring environment. Connections and relationships are KEY to a successful school, and it takes EVERYONE'S contribution to make it happen! Thanks for always partnering with us in the best interest of your child! Have a GREAT February!
February Parent/Teacher Conferences
For PreK-5, please sign up with the link below.
*Middle School staff will be available in their individual classrooms from 3:30-7:15 PM.
After School & Bus Plans Each Day
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Upcoming Events ~ SAVE the DATES!
February ~ Black History Month
Thursday, February 2nd ~ student council meeting @ 7:30 am in the preschool room
Monday, February 6th ~ National School Counselor Week ~ Yay, Ms. Weston!
Thursday, February 9th ~ Parent Teacher Conferences; 3:30-7:15 pm
Friday, February 10th ~ No school for students; Certified Staff PD Day
Sunday, February 12th ~ 4H meeting @ 4:00 in the MPS Science Room
Monday, February 13th ~ School Board Meeting @ 5:00 pm
Tuesday, February 14th ~ Valentine's Day ~ Middle School will deliver candy to Cancer Centers
Monday, February 20th ~ 2nd & 3rd Grade Musical; 2:00 & 6:30 pm
Wednesday, February 22nd ~ School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Friday, February 24th ~ School IN SESSION (Storm Make-up day)
*Thursday, March 9th ~ PTO School Carnival; 5-7:30 pm
Please share the flyer below with anyone you know that may have three and four year olds in our community for Preschool Screening
Vicki Lofthus Retirement
You can watch the news clip here: https://www.inforum.com/news/north-dakota/i-love-the-kids-manvel-school-cook-retires-after-33-years
You can watch the entire celebration here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BshR3omC_Ac
Save the Date for the Manvel School Carnival sponsored by PTO!
Special thanks to Mrs. Fruetel, the MPS Staff, and all the community members who help make PE class possible at the Jason Stadstad Arena!
Manvel Public School ~ Home of the Mustangs
The Mission of the Manvel Public School is to Empower Every Student, Every Day
Our Vision: Inspiring 21st Century Learners to Influence 22nd Century SuccessesEmail: melissa.hiltner@manvelk8.com
Website: https://www.manvel.k12.nd.us/
Phone: 701-696-2212
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/manvelmustangs/