PPHS July Newsletter
#WeArePalPark #TigerTough
Principal's Message
I hope this message finds you well and that you are all enjoying the summer.
We are in full swing at PPHS as we continue to prepare for the Fall. Our custodial team is hard at work ensuring classrooms are prepped and updates to the facilities are made. Students enrolled in our summer programs have been hard at work and, with the support of their teachers, I have no doubt they will arrive in September stronger than before! Our Tiger Team is also hard at work analyzing data and working to finalize a theme for the 23-24 SY. Our theme will be announced in August so be on the look out for the announcement in our newsletter and socials!
With Tiger Pride!
Mr. Andrew Garcia
Happy Fourth of July!
🎓June Recap🎓
Reflections Literary Magazine has existed in several forms over the last few decades. In the 1990s, it was a photocopied packet of student work-- poetry, short stories, and sketches. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, it was a printed and bound book. Turning through the pages to read and re-read the poetry and view the artwork of PPHS students could be bought for $5 or $10.
For the second year in a row, however, we present to you a digital, full-color magazine-- a place to showcase the poetry, lyrics, short stories, photographs, digital artwork, fine artwork, sculpture and animations that were born of the creative minds of our students.
Please take the time to explore and enjoy the works that were submitted this year. There is a lot of creative talent in PPHS and we are thrilled to share it with you.