Beckman Course Selection Guide

7 Period Day Qualifications
AP and Honors Limit Information
In an effort to create a healthy academic balance, freshmen may request up to two weighted classes (AP or Honors). If the student wishes to request a third honors or AP class, the student and parent must complete an online interactive presentation and turn in a signed AP Limit Waiver.
Both the mandatory video and waiver can be found here. Email the paper waiver to Mrs. Hungerford at shungerford@tustin.k12.ca.us
Course Sequences at Beckman
English 1
English 1 H (Course Placement Recommendation: B Grade or Better in Grade 8 English)
ELD with Language Support
Your student will be placed in a math class based on their grades and assessment scores
Algebra Enrichment (Pre Algebra)
Algebra 1
Algebra 1 Honors (Course Placement Recommendation: A or strong B in 8th grade math and proficient assessment scores)
Geometry (Course Placement Recommendation: C Grade or Better in Algebra 1)
Geometry Honors (Course Placement Recommendation: A Grade in Algebra 1)
Algebra 2/Trig (Course Placement Recommendation: C Grade or Better in Geometry)
Algebra 2/Trig H (Course Placement Recommendation: A Grade in Geometry)
AP Biology (Strong study habits/skills/grades in science and math classes recommended)
PE Course 1
Athletics, Marching Band, Color Guard, and Cheer are electives and no longer count as PE. Students in these programs will have the option of taking online PE.
Students wishing to participate in Athletics MUST TRY OUT. In the meantime, all 9th grade students will be placed into PE Course 1. Team websites and coach contact information can be found here or on the BHS Website under “Athletics.”
Marching Band/Jazz Ensemble is primarily for wind and percussion players however, many students that play piano or strings join the band as well. Marching Band plays at home football games, school pep rallies, community and special school events.
PE Colorguard/Jazz Ensemble Dance/Drill/Flag to support athletes
Prospective Athletes, Please Attend Our Athletic Open House on May 8th @ 6pm
Applied Medical Pathway Human Body Systems-science, application, and foundation of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Provides a foundation for athletic training and sports medicine.
Engineering Pathway Principles of Engineering- allows students to explore mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering. This course is a hands-on, project-based experience for students interested in engineering design, development, 3D printing, coding and drones, and robotics
Visual Imagery Pathway Photography and Design-a sequence of courses exploring everything from studio lighting, camera operations, Adobe Photoshop/Lightroom, and alternative techniques in both digital and traditional applications. You will use industry grade equipment and software to edit your creative expression. Students focus on the development of concepts and ideas using materials and photography techniques exploring, experimenting, becoming independent thinkers and artists.
Graphic Design Pathway Graphic Design-The Graphic Design 1 goals are to have students understand the IMPACT and ROLE of visual art and design has on their society and culture. To stimulate CREATIVITY through a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media as they apply artistic processes and skills to CREATE designs that demonstrate their ability to effectively communicate their design PURPOSE. To have students PROCESS RESPOND to, and JUDGE design works using their knowledge of the elements of art and the principles of design.
Media Arts Pathway Dramatic Production-In this course you will get an introduction to all stages of production through projects such as music videos, short films, comedic skits, and in-class stage productions. You will learn the basics of screenwriting and editing using professional software and how to tell structured stories with interesting characters that connect with audiences.
Graphic Design Pathway
Visual Imagery Pathway
Engineering Pathway
Visual Arts Pathway Exploration of Art-exploring different mediums and techniques in fine art, such as painting, drawing, portraits, collages, art history and so much more!
Theater Arts Pathway Dramatic Production-writing, script analysis, directing, design, acting, and understanding theatrical genres
Performing Arts Pathway Concert Orchestra-study and performance of music written for orchestral string instruments (violin, viola, cello, & bass); perform at least 2 concerts annually
Performing Arts Pathway Symphonic Band- made up of woodwinds, brass, and percussion players and perform at least 2 concerts annually
Performing Arts Pathway Guitar-reading notes and chords, strum techniques of classical guitar playing while singing
Performing Arts Pathway Mixed Chorus-study and performance of music written for varying vocal ensembles
AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY-studying processes shaping human understanding, use & alteration of earth’s surface.
Yearbook-photo journalism, layout, copy fitting & writing, head-line and outline writing, and picture cropping *Requires this application. Email completed applications to cblair@tustin.k12.ca.us
AVID-working in tutor-led groups, learn note taking, outlining, test-taking skills to prepare for college *Requires this application.
Want to be a leader in our student government? Join ASB! Applications available in August
For 8th grade students wanting to apply, you will need to download this application process, complete it, and submit it by April 18, 2025 by 4:00 PM
If you have any questions, please email Elizabeth Baez at ebaez@tustin.k12.ca.us or call Beckman High School at (714) 734-2900.
For more information, please attend our 8th Grade Parent Night on March 25, 2025 at 5:00pm and attend the Early College breakout session. Early College is not for everyone. Our program is a 4-year commitment, so please make careful considerations when applying to our program. You must meet the minimum application requirements to be considered for the program.
Please Note: Only CURRENT 8th grade students will be considered for the class of 2028 cohort.
- Parent and student have reviewed and agree to the expectations of all courses selected.
- We realize these are course requests and placement is not guaranteed.
- We understand that teacher and/or period requests will not be accommodated due to scheduling constraints.
- We have listed two mandatory course alternates in the event our first choice is unavailable.
Questions?? Post on Your Padlet Wall
Registration Dates
Counselors will be back to your middle school on the following dates for class registration:
UTT - April 4th
Columbus Tustin - April 7th
Orchard Hills - April 2nd
Tustin Connect- April 7th
Sycamore - April 3rd
Legacy Magnet - April 7th