Student Announcements [T]
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DECEMBER 21, 2022
Open Gym
Boy's Volleyball open gym will start on Wednesday, January 4.
- Open Gym - Mondays & Wednesday from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Basketball Bonanza
All freshmen are invited to the boy's and girl's varsity basketball games on January 24th at SLP. Enter into a freethrow contest and recieve a free coupon to concessions.
OEC Thanks to you
OEC Adopt-a-Famly, thanks you for your generosity. Students and staff donated over $1,100 this week.
Nordic Skiing Meet Results
The Nordic Ski Team competed last Thursday in a classic race at Elm Creek. The boys placed 5th led by Reilly Kopp in 15th and Brody Kopp in 20th. The girls placed third. They were paced by Saga Fahlgren in 10th and Julia Zalewski in 15th. Great skiing, everyone!
Did you order your Cap and Gown for graduation
To ensure proper sizing be sure to order you Cap and Gown by December 31. After this deadline, the price will increase and exact sizing for you is not guaranteed. Go to to order.
Senior Hall of Fame Voting
Seniors, complete the Senior Hall of Fame survey for the 2022-202 yearbook. Scan the QR code.
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