Memorial School Newsletter
Our little paws leave big prints!

September 2023
Welcome Back!
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! We hope everyone has had a wonderful summer and is ready for a great first week of school. We look forward to a new school year with our students and their families. Getting to know everyone, and helping them get to know one another is what September is all about. The first weeks of school are so important in establishing a positive climate, routines, and expectations. When we invest time at the beginning of the year for social skills and character building while establishing expectations together, we all benefit all year long in a place that is welcoming and safe. You can support our efforts by talking to your child about school expectations including the cafeteria and playground. Our PAWS Pledge guides us each day. It can be found inside the student take-home folder sent home by their teachers on the first day of school. Please also review our Code of Conduct linked below. We are excited for a great year of learning and growing together.
Here is an overview of the communication framework here at Memorial.
- Monthly School Newsletters (monthly overview)
- Blackboard Email and Text updates (district and Memorial)
- Class Dojo (daily communication)
For immediate information please be sure to call or email our staff directly.
We have many new faces here at Memorial. Please welcome our NEW MEMORIAL STAFF:
Please remember to report your student absentee hotline if your child will be absent or tardy @ 856-589-2526.
Please preorder lunch to help ensure your student has the lunch they like. A preorder form will come home with your student on the first day. Please see the district web page for Lunchtime account information.
New Jersey Preschool Expansion Aid
The Preschool Expansion Aid from the New Jersey Department of Education continues to help us grow our enrollments. This is a great opportunity for our district. This aid allows us to provide early childhood education to all residents of Pitman and strengthen our early learners' foundational skills for future academic success.
Preschool parents, please complete any outstanding documents in your student's registration portal. We cannot fully register your student if this is not completed.
We look forward to sharing all the wonderful progress our students make throughout the year in this program.
Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival to school:
Walking students may begin to arrive at their designated entrance at 8:30 AM. Parents must wait with their children until they are escorted into the building by their teacher or another adult. Staff members will greet and supervise all students at each door and in the hallways. Students are safe and secure in the building and plenty of staff is available to assist them to class.
Car riders will have a “valet” style greeting beginning at 8:30. Please pull up to your designated drop-off area. Assist your child with their bags and please be sure your child is ready to exit from the PASSENGER SIDE of the car quickly when the door is opened. Please unstrap car seat buckles and seatbelts. If your child needs a moment (crying, clingy) please park and walk them up to their entrance. Please do not park in the drop-off line. Signs will be clearly posted to help with location.
Pets are not permitted on school grounds during school hours, it is also helpful if they are not in your car. Safety is very important for everyone including your pets. We appreciate your help.
Daily drop-off and pick-up will be as follows:
Preschool enters the Hudson Avenue Butterfly Garden Entrance
Kindergarten enters the first entrance on Albert Avenue. (closest to the parking lot)
First Grade enters the second entrance on Albert Avenue. (closest to the corner)
Important Dates
September Dates to Remember
9/6 First Day for Students
9/6 Early Dismissal 1:15
9/18 Picture Day
9/19 HSA 6p
9/19 Back to School Night 7p (Grown-Ups Only)
9/20 BOE Meeting HS
Save the Date
Theme Days
9/11 PATRIOT DAY USA Red, White, and Blue
9/15 National Playdoh Day: Wear a shirt that represents your favorite color of Playdoh
9/22 Happy Fall: Wear Fall Colors
9/29 Panther Spirit Wear Orange and Black
Counselor Corner
Hello, my name is Cindy Thompson and I am so fortunate to be Memorial School’s School Counselor. I work with students individually, in small groups and teach classroom lessons on the NJ 5 Pillars of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). The pillars are Self Awareness, Self Management, Social Awareness, Responsible Decision Making and Relationship Skills. In the Early Childhood Center, we focus on being kind friends with kind words, kind hands and kind hearts. Please feel free to reach out at any time if you have any questions or concerns (cthompson@pitman.k12.nj.us).
Join Us!
Class Dojo
Please join our school-wide communication app ClassDojo. Click for more information.
Follow us on Instagram for School Event pictures and updates.
Home and School Information
The HSA is made up of a group of dedicated, hard-working, positive Memorial School parents. The HSA is you! The committee is open to all Memorial school parents and we welcome everyone’s participation. There are many ways to be involved in the HSA and we are always seeking volunteers.
For upcoming events and volunteer information, like our Facebook page @MemorialSchoolHSA , find us on Instagram @Memorial_School_HSA or email memorial.hsa.president@gmail.com
Pitman School District Mission Statement
Building on our unique traditions, the mission of the Pitman School District, in partnership with families and our community, is to educate all students through exceptional learning experiences to be discerning, ethical, confident citizens. It is the expectation of this school district that all pupils achieve the New Jersey Student Learning Standards at all grade levels.