Report Card Resources
October 2022
Dear Nance Parents and Families,
This week you are receiving a copy of your student’s report card for quarter 1. In addition to a printed copy, report cards will be shared with parents and families that have e-mail addresses on file by classroom teachers. If you did not receive your child’s report card or you currently do not have an e-mail address on file, please contact the main office and speak to Ms. Anderson at (314) 867-0634.
As the district transitions to standards-based grading, you will notice additional details included in your child's report card. In addition to a traditional A, B, C, D or F grade, teachers will also communicate your child's progress on a proficiency scale ranging from No Evidence (NE) to 4 on the standards that have been taught this quarter. Teachers provide feedback to each student and final grades are determined based on the most recent evidence of learning. The graphic below helps parents to interpret what these grade markings mean when you review your child's report card.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s grades, please contact your child’s teacher and schedule an appointment, especially if you were unable to hold a parent teacher conference. Our teachers are available during non-instructional times for conferences by phone, Teams, or Zoom. We will work together to help your child be successful!
Please remember that daily, on-time attendance is crucial for your child’s success. I want to thank all of our parents, guardians, and families for your commitment to helping your child this first quarter. I am proud of the great work our students are doing in their classes! If you have any questions, concerns, or would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.