Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 10 -- 11 April 2019
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Kia Ora IPS Community
As the first term draws to an end, we'd just to thank all the parents and caregivers who have supported us in any way this term. This could be accompany your child's class on a trip, coaching a sports team or providing transport, or manned our road crossings. We also thank the parents that take an interest in their child's learning and well being, discuss their day, sit and talk, make lunches, find their lost sneaker, togs or jacket and just being a mum, dad or caregiver. As I know being a parent can be tricky at times, especially as the days become cooler, motivation drops, routines change and getting the kids up and ready becomes that little bit more difficult. We appreciate all that you do as parents.
This week we farewell Sherryl Molloy from IPS. Sherryl has contributed so much to us and the wider community throughout her 33 years at IPS. She has held numerous positions, and has been the staff rep on the BOT for many years. She will be greatly missed, as her experience, calmness and expertise in her role as special education coordinator is outstanding. A special assembly and morning tea were held earlier this week for Sherryl and we wish her well for her retirement- safe in the knowledge she is just a phone call away.
We also farewell Karla Gibson from her role as a specialist ORS teacher over this past year. Karla has brought a wealth of knowledge and skills to this position and we thank her for all that she has done in her time at IPS.
Also this week, Mr Ben Kershaw announced he has accepted a position in the leadership team at Highlands Intermediate and will be leaving at the end of term 2.
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Rachel Marshall- Smith, who will take over over Sherryl Molloy's SENCo responsibilities from the beginning of Term 2. Rachel has much experience in this role and we value her expertise in this position. We are also pleased to appoint Wendy Williams to specialist teaching role within our ORS programme. Wendy is currently at Stratford Primary, has strong ties to our school and community and will be a fabulous addition to our staff.
We also welcome Michaela Krook to our staff. Michaela will be part of our specialist teaching programme on Tuesday's and doing classroom teacher release. Michaela has done some class teaching this year and has made quite an impression with our students and staff.
Enjoy the Easter holidays, drive carefully and we look forward to seeing our wonderful IPS tamariki Monday April 29 for term 2.
Nga mihi
Week 9-11
Doing the right thing at the right time (stepping up and leading - meeting expectations/following requests)
Students of the Week
RJ Mason Transport Ltd Y1 & Y2
Inglewood High School Y3 & Y4
Reid Dalliston for always striving to be a friend to all and to produce the best possible classroom work.
Superior Builders Taranaki
Kaitlin Tee for leading the way with her amazing homework projects, creating interesting topics and producing top quality work.
Naki Plumbing and Gas Y7 & Y8
Nyrelle Ritchie for the thought, resilience, determination and pride she demonstrates when faced with challenges.
Our school roll is currently is 333.
Rata: Jack Morgan, Abigail Roguski, Nathan Gillett
Kauri: Nyrelle Ritchie, Mya Hitchcock, Luke Richardson
Kowhai: Brayden Neilson, Anahera Martin, Rhianna Chard
Miro: Erini Fruean, Daniel Mace, Amber Storer
Happy Birthday
Class & Sibling Photos - Monday 13 May
Lost Property
Plastic Free Lunch Box
What will your convenience cost us in the long run and our children’s children?
Here is an example of the costs involved for items you may be paying way more for than needed and being a big contributor to unnecessary landfill. These snippets are giving you a lead in as we move to litter and plastic free lunch boxes. Yes, there are other ways that are cheaper, healthier and actually just as convenient.
If you have some excellent ideas and would like to contribute to this project with ideas or promotions, contact Vicki Ritchie
Cycling/scootering to School
What a great way to travel. Travel safely by ensuring your child knows the expectations and can follow the road rules. Helmets are essential and if cycling to school you as parents should have signed a permission slip allowing them to do so. Contact the office if you have not yet completed this form. Students are expected to dismount their mode of travel at the patrolled sites, walk them to and through the gates and the rest of the way to the bike shed. Scooter racks are planned to be built at the back of the school in the future, along with the development of the cycle track.
What is your child worth?
We have many parents who value their children by teaching them the importance of safe road crossing. This means they actually use pedestrian crossings and the Kea Crossing. Thank you for modelling positive behaviours.
A number of parents show great disrespect and negative models of behaviour by crossing the road to vehicles without using the crossings, offloading children in the bus stop and getting them out on the road. Hospitals and morgues are never places of convenience – our crossings are not out of the way and we man them for your convenience and the safety of your children. What is a second or two more? Worth the life of a child?
Recycled Bottle House
Yes, we need more clear 1.25 litre and 2.25 litre bottles. If you have an interest in assisting with environmental projects please contact Mrs Ritchie who would love some support. We have a lot of projects and the Enviro Crew work most Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes on projects. The bottle house will be worked on from 11 am - 2.45 pm Tuesday 9 April. If you are keen you are welcome to join the group at any time you can throughout this time.
Chocolates: A reminder to keep selling those yummy Whittakers Chocolates and return the money to school.
Organic Grapes: $5 per kg. Please contact the school office for orders.
Pine Cones: Please see the school office if you would like to order a bag. $5 each.
Next Meeting: Wednesday 15 May 2019 - 7pm in the School Staffroom
Anderson Pie Orders were sent home with all students this week. This is an awesome fundraiser to stack up your freezers ready for winter. All orders to be returned to the school office by Thursday 9 May. Thank you for you support.
When we arrived at the marae we went through the process of a pōwhiri. We were called on by Mrs Patterson, Whaea Marcelle replied with another call. We walked into the room and sat on some seats and mattresses, we listened to some talking then Matua Rumatiki sang a waiata.
After Mr Frost talked, we all sang Whakataka te Hau then went outside for some kai. We ate our food and all played impossible tag. Next we did the weaving. We all took two pieces of paper to weave paper hearts. I did the dishes and moved the seats, then we walked back to school and ate our lunch.
Natalia said “I want to go back again it was fun”. It was a great day, I really want to go back too.
By Ava-Leigh Jonker, Waiongana iti M, Year 5
Term 1 Calendar (This may change on a weekly basis)
Thursday 11 April
POD Trip
Pita Pit Lunch orders to the office by 3pm
Disco - Junior & Middle Team 12.30pm
Disco - Senior Team 5.30pm
Disco - Intermediate Team & Surrounding Schools 7pm
Friday 12 April
Pita Pit Lunch
Last Day of Term 1
Monday 29 April
First Day of Term 2
Pouakai Assembly 12noon
Monday 6 May
Full School Assembly - 11.30am
Tuesday 7 May
Powhiri - Welcome new staff & students
Thursday 9 May
Anderson Pie Orders Due at the school office
Monday 13 May
Whole School Photo Day - Please ensure all PhotoLife envelopes are returned to the office by Friday 10 May.
Wednesday 15 May
Art Auction - Intermediate Team
ParentLink Meeting - Staffroom 7pm
Thursday 16 May
Anderson Pie orders to be collected by 3pm
Monday 20 May
Full School Assembly - 11.30am
Wednesday 22 May
BOT Meeting - Staffroom 6.45pm
Rippa Rugby Cluster - TET Stadium
Thursday 23 May
Rippa Rugby Cluster - PPD
Monday 27 May - Friday 31 May
Intermediate Team Camp - Tui Ridge Rotorua
Tuesday 28 May
ParentLink Sausage Sizzle Lunch forms due to the office by 3pm
Wednesday 29 May
ParentLink Sausage Sizzle Lunch
Monday 3 June
Queens Birthday - School Closed
Tuesday 4 June
Vision & Hearing
Friday 5 July
Last day of Term 2 2019
Monday 22 July
First day of Term 3 2019
Free Guitar Lessons - Starting Tuesday 30 April
This year we have applied for hours for classical guitar lessons again. Should your child be interested in attending these free ‘half hour lessons’ to be held on a Tuesday afternoon at 3.15 – 3.45pm and 3.45pm – 4.15pm, please contact the office to enrol. Students will be grouped in ability/age groups. Limited places. Lessons will be for a 30 week period (excluding school holidays) and will be held in our school library. For ages from: 8yrs – 13yrs. All students will require their own guitar to enable practice at home etc. While the 1/2hr lessons are ‘free’, there will be a charge of $10 to cover the cost of photocopying etc.
Teacher only day Monday 15 April
For the first part of her day session- 8.30- 10.30 members of our school community are welcome to attend.
Congratulations Courtney
Courtney last weekend competed in Auckland at the No Gi Nationals, and won Silver. There Jiu Jitsu club place 10th our of 72 teams.
Community News
Kids Day: Wednesday 17 April 9.30am to 3pm at the Mamaku Centre for kids 5-12 years old. The story of Jesus, activities, drama and games. Details and registration
Florist: Please support our local new florist at 121 Rata Street, Inglewood - The Love Bunch Florist. Stephanie Valentine has an amazing range of flowers for bouquets, arrangements, weddings and funerals. Phone 0272879780 or email
IPS Clothing
Please note all Polo Shirts will be $15 for Term 1 2019 - get in quick.