The CPES BobChat
October 22, 2023
What Do You Need to Know about the Bobcat Dash This Friday, October 27?
We are so excited about our Bobcat Dash that will happen this Friday. This will be the culminating day of our Red Ribbon Week where we will run and have fun as we support each other and raise funds for our school. Here are some important reminders to help the day go well.
1. Schedule--Here is when each grade level will run during the day:
4th 8:15-9:00
5th 9:10-9:55
2nd 10:05-10:50
3rd 11:00-11:45
5K 11:55-12:40
1st 12:50-1:35
2. Location and Parking--We will gather and run in the Caswell Car Loop in front of our main office. We will block off traffic while the children are running. You can park in the Sullivan Auditorium Parking Lot or the Cherry Road Parking Lot. You can also use the Cherry Road Car Loop as a last resort. Please help free up parking spots for other families after your child has run. 3. Volunteers--If you signed up to bring snack items, please drop them off by Wednesday. If you are coming to volunteer, please be sure you've completed your background checks and that you have been approved. There are still slots open for donating items and volunteering and you can click on the tab below to sign up to help. 4. Signing Out Students for Early Dismissal--Teaching and learning will still happen throughout the day. If you need to sign out your child, please allow your child to return back to his/her homeroom after they run and sign them out in the office by our normal procedures. This way, we can account for our students and know they are safe and secure. 5. Collection of Pledges--Those are due by the end of the day on Friday, November 3 for students to be eligible for their prizes. Know that the Cherry Park Elementary PTO is a 501c3 and all donations are tax deductible. A copy of the pledge envelope is on the tab below if you need another one. Money raised will be used for putting artificial turf on our big playground so children can play more when the weather is bad. 6. Running with Your Child--Family members are welcome to come and run and walk with your child(ren) during their running time. This is such a fun event for the whole family and we are glad to have you cheering on your child during this time. This event makes such a difference for our school and in our children's lives. It is a time when we can gather together as a school family and enjoy time together. We will have music playing and fans cheering and children and families running. You never know what kind of special visitors might show up as well. We hope you can come and join us on Friday.
Strength and Blessings,
Mr. Maness
Notes and Reminders
1. Red Ribbon Week Activities--This week is dedicated to helping our children make healthy decisions and stay drug-free. During this week (and every week), we focus on what our children can do to keep their bodies and minds safe and fit. Here's the schedule of events for that week:
Make Healthy Choices Be Drug Free
Monday 10/23
Kick Off Red Ribbon Week- Wear Red Day
Tuesday 10/24
From Head to Toe, I'm Drug-Free- Crazy Hair and Socks Day
Wednesday 10/25
You Have the Power to Stay Drug-Free- Superhero Wear Day (No Full Costumes Please)
Thursday 10/26
Team Up Against Drugs- Wear Favorite Sports Team Day or School shirt
Friday 10/27
Make Healthy Choices - Bobcat Dash! Wear clothes comfortable for running.
2. School Improvement Council Election--We want to congratulate Chelsea Eichorn, Jennifer Hutchinson and Matthew Query on being elected to our School Improvement Council for the next two years. We appreciate their willingness to serve our children at Cherry Park.
3. Staff Appreciation--The Staff Appreciation event for October will take place on Tuesday, October 31st. We have planned a themed Halloween lunch of spooky spaghetti, garlic bread mummies and cauldron brownies. In addition to each monthly appreciation, there will be a drawing for one lucky teacher to win a themed gift basket. There are opportunities for parents to bring in food and drink items and also to volunteer setting up, replenishing food and cleaning up on October 31st.
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. All donated food and drink items need to be delivered to the school no later than Friday, October 27th.
4. Fall Opportunities--Rock Hill High School's Student Council is inviting Cherry Park families to their Trunk and Treat on October 24 in the A Building Parking Lot from 6:00-8:00 PM. Chandler Place Assisted Living is also inviting Cherry Park families to Trick or Treat on October 31 from 3:00-5:00 PM. Their residents will be outside with candy for the kids. They are located at 1800 India Hook Road.
5. District Snack List--We've had a number of questions about what is and is not on our District Snack List. Please see the Snack Letter below for the complete list. As always, please contact your child's teacher before sending in any snack items.
6. New World Language eBooks Now Available--Cherry Park families now have access to a great new Language tool for electronic nonfiction books. This resource has nonfiction eBooks in fourteen different languages including English, Spanish, and French. The tool is from Scholastic and can be accessed from your student's Launch Pad. Remember, you can access Launch Pad from any device that has an Internet service. The program is user-friendly and easy to navigate. You may be prompted for your child's login credentials if using a non-school device.
Once you are on your student's Launch Pad, select the "Lightbox" icon.
7. Cognia Family Surveys Due October 27--Parents, our school district is working on our next Strategic Plan and Accreditation Process. Your input is needed on the Family Survey. Please help us with our journey to continuously improve our services for our students and families. All parents or guardians of the school district can complete this survey. To complete, please go into Parent Portal, click on "Forms" on the left and then click on "Family Survey."
8. Preschool Children on the Kindergarten Playground--We love having younger brothers and sisters visiting during lunch and we look forward to them starting school with us in a few years. We ask that they not play on our kindergarten playground when visiting during lunch due to safety and liability concerns. We would not want them to get hurt for sure. Thanks for helping keep our little ones safe.
9. Halloween--Will be Tuesday, October 31. Please do not send your child to school wearing their costumes. We have lots of "dress up" days this week and we don't want their costumes to get damaged at school.
See below for PTO Newsletter for October.
School Calendar
October 23-27--Red Ribbon Week
October 23--Kick Off Red Ribbon Week- Wear Red Day
October 24--From Head to Toe, I'm Drug-Free- Crazy Hair and Socks Day
October 25--You Have the Power to Stay Drug-Free- Superhero Wear Day (No Full Costumes Please)
October 26--Team Up Against Drugs- Wear Favorite Sports Team Day or School shirt
October 27--Bobcat Dash--Wear clothes comfortable for running
October 31--Halloween (Please do not send your child wearing costumes that day.)
November 5--Daylight Savings Ends (We Fall Back an Hour)
November 14--Makeup Pictures and Class Pictures
November 22-24--Thanksgiving Break
Parent Organizations
Parent Teacher Organization--This group has three main goals: Raising funds for the school, appreciating the staff and securing volunteers as needed. The Cherry Park PTO is a 501c3 tax deductible organization. Meetings are held at Cherry Park on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 PM (right after the SIC meetings.) All parents are invited to attend. All financial records are distributed and updated at each month's meeting. Officers this year are Amanda Winters (President), Emmanuel Daniel (Vice-President), Celia Kerr (Secretary) and Michelle Dawkins (Treasurer).
Previous Newsletters for 23-24 School Year
"What Special Events are Coming Up?" October 15, 2023
"What's It Really Like at CPES?" October 8, 2023
"How Do We Respond to Safety Situations? Part 2" October 1, 2023
"How Do We Respond to Safety Situations? Part 1" September 24, 2023
"How Can I Volunteer at CPES?" September 17, 2023
"What CRAzy Model Do We Use for Math Instruction?" September 10, 2023
"What Do We Need to Know about Arrival?" September 3, 2023
"Did You Know that a Bobcat 'ROARS?"' August 27, 2023
"What Do We Need to Remember as We Start Back" August 20, 2023
logy Forms and Fees"--August 25, 2023
"How Can We Work Together to Keep Everyone Safe?" August 13, 2023
"How Can Checklists Help You Start a New Year?" August 6, 2023
"Who Are the Newest Hires and What Are the Latest Changes with Technology?" July 30, 2023
"What's the Latest News at Cherry Park" July 16, 2023
"Challenger Be Great Academy Update" June 23, 2023
"What Staffing Changes Have Been Made at CPES?" June 18, 2023