Community Update
Community Update
December 3, 2021
Hello North Rockland Families,
It’s the most wonderful time of year in North Rockland.
I look forward to seeing everyone together throughout this month once again during the District's variety of in person and spectacular Winter Wonderland celebrations, Holiday Performances, food, toy and coat drives for our community and other very special events you can find information on linked further below in today’s update.
With the arrival of the cold winter months, nationwide, we once again are faced with rising cases of COVID across our schools. Experts do warn this time of year could result in an extended winter surge. The uptick in cases however is something we are prepared for in North Rockland.
I urge everyone to review our robust safety protocols and procedures outlined under Important Information, as wearing a mask, handwashing, making good decisions and keeping children home if they may be sick or have been exposed is essential, crucial and vital to the success of in person instruction. I also remind our school community that the District's Remote Academy is open for enrollment to all grade levels for the second semester. Please utilize this option if it makes more sense for your children at this time. Instructions on how to enroll and a look inside the Academy’s day to day operations can also be found in the Important Information section of today’s update.
Finally, in the wake of this week’s deadly shooting at a high school in Michigan, I want to remind you that the North Rockland Central School District holds the safety of students and staff as its top priority. Our crisis management teams meet continually to review and practice safety plans, always preparing for events we pray never happen.
Even as we review our emergency action plans, one thing is not lost: the best way to prevent tragedies like the one in Michigan is to create a school culture of support, caring and trust. We believe it is important to develop trusting relationships with our students so they feel comfortable talking to an adult when they have concerns for themselves or others. If you see something you know shouldn't be there - or someone's behavior that doesn't seem quite right - say something. Informed, alert communities play a critical role in keeping our schools safe.
Parents: Please remind your children that if they ever have information about potential threats to school safety, they should report their concerns to a school employee immediately so that we may thoroughly investigate.
As you speak to your children about this topic, please remind them that the North Rockland Central School District and our local police departments have “zero tolerance” for any person making a threat toward school safety. Discuss with them the power that words hold and that any threat of harm is taken seriously in North Rockland. This includes students using social media to threaten schools, other students and staff. We make it clear to anyone, of any age, who would issue or re-post on social media: threats related to school violence will be punished - including possible criminal charges as we work closely with our partners at the Haverstraw and Stony Point Police Departments to secure absolute safety at all times.
Let’s work together to ensure that our students are always in a safe and secure learning environment. Thank you for your cooperation.
District's COVID-19 Protocols and Procedures
Quarantine requirements/procedures
For fully vaccinated individuals there is no quarantine requirement. It is considered a direct exposure if an individual is within 6 feet of an infected person for 15 minutes or more over a 24 hour period unless they experience symptoms.
*One exception that NYS has made to this rule: Students who are spaced at a distance of 3 feet in their classrooms and who have properly fitted masks are not considered a direct contact if a positive student is also wearing a properly fitted mask.
Students are asked to keep the appropriate distance when moving through hallways when possible.
Students will continue travel this year at all grades to specials, lunch, etc.
Students are spaced at a distance of 3 feet or more feet in their classrooms.
Students who are singing and/or playing a wind instrument must distance 6 feet when performing indoors.
Physical education classes will be held outside whenever possible. Students who have appropriate gear will not be required to change for class.
When waiting in lines students and staff are distanced at 6 feet when possible.
While there is no distancing requirement on school buses, masks must be worn at all times to limit quarantines and exposures.
Mealtime Procedures
The distribution process allows students to remain distanced at 3-6 feet when meals are distributed.
Students will continue to eat outdoors whenever possible.
When students are eating indoors they are distanced at 3 feet or more. This is however not always possible and may results in quarantines.
Schools continue utilizing seating charts and limit those who are within 3 feet of each other to reduce quarantine requirements.
Playground equipment and “lunchtime fun” items are rigorously disinfected throughout the day.
Recess will continue to be held daily and students are encouraged to safely play with their classmates.
Preventative Measures
We remind students and staff that they should not attend school if they are experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms. Symptoms include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea
Handwashing and proper hygiene is required. Signage is displayed throughout the buildings and students will be reminded of proper handwashing techniques.
One flow of traffic in hallways is encouraged whenever possible.
Bathrooms will remain at limited capacity and be sanitized periodically throughout the school day.
Airflow has been tested, improved, and continuously monitored throughout the school year.
All District air filters are at merv15 which is above the OSHA requirement of merv13.
Windows will be opened frequently to increase airflow.
Increased disinfection protocols are being practiced, particularly in high-traffic areas.
Disinfection wipes are available for all classrooms.
Deep cleaning protocols were enacted in areas where an infected individual was located.
Air filtration devices have been placed in large spaces and classrooms that have limited windows.
What is the District's face covering policy for the 2021-22 school year?
Masks are required for all students and staff at all times indoors except for mealtime and during mask breaks as is required by NYS and Governor Hochul.
What are the safety procedures regarding positive cases and quarantining?
Currently, vaccinated individuals and those who have been COVID-19 positive within the last 3 months (90 days) are not required to quarantine as long as they are non-symptomatic.
Unvaccinated individuals who have been in close contact (six feet or less) with an infected individual for more than 10 minutes within a 24 hour period are required to quarantine.
“Added recommendation for fully vaccinated people who have a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 to be tested 3-5 days after exposure, regardless of whether they have symptoms.”
Will remote days or a hybrid learning model be an option?
The District currently has no plans to offer a hybrid model. North Rockland will continue to be open for full-day schooling five days a week. The remote option is available and enrollment is open for families who choose to sign up for remote learning.
Will the District require vaccination or vaccination status disclosure?
No. The District is not requiring children to be vaccinated or disclosure of vaccination status to attend school. We encourage all those who are eligible to get vaccinated. Please find current vaccination appointments and back-to-school wellness information below under Health. Students who have direct exposure to a positive individual may be asked to disclose their vaccination status to determine if they need to quarantine.
Protocols be regarding social distancing and classroom capacity?
Distancing: The District has distanced students and staff three feet or more whenever possible.
Classroom capacity: The District has implemented smaller class sizes to help spread students and allow our teachers to provide more individual attention to our students.
Can virtual learners continue to have full access to all classes?
We have found simultaneous teaching to be a challenge that should be utilized if no other logical option is available. Therefore, students who wish to enroll in our remote academy will access school with a specialized remote teacher and not be participating in classes with in-person students. In-person students will be required to attend school in-person to participate in daily lessons.
What if my child is required to quarantine due to exposure at school?
Instructors have been secured who will be providing live instruction and support students who are required to quarantine.
- NRHS students are able to receive their work via Google Classroom and work with teachers as part of 3-5 program.
- Middle school students follow the same model as the high school and teachers available for addition support if needed by reaching out to their school counselors.
- Elementary school students will be assigned to a quarantine teacher that will provide live instruction via Google Meets.
What parts of my child's day cause the highest risk of being placed on quarantine?
Most student quarantines have been a result of a direct contact on the bus or during meal time.
If I choose remote instruction for my child, will there be an option later on for in-person if we desire?
Parents who enroll their child in the Remote Academy will be committed to that program for the entire second semester. If you are intersted in finding out more information regarding the Remote Academy please email the principal Mr. James Mulligan at
District Events, Trips and Parents Protocols
At NRCSD we price ourselves on our community and in person events and will continue to hold them as often as we can safely do so. Field trips are allowed and we are working closely with the Field Trips Team to provide valuable authentic trips throughout the rest of the school year, which students can safely participate in.
Parents and Events
Masks are required indoors and at all indoor school events. Mask breaks are allowed outdoors and mask wearing outdoors is not required but urged at your own discretion. Please remember that people have varied comfort levels in regards to the methods of COVID-19 safety protocols, masks, and procedure to please be sure to respectful of everyone when in attendance.
When traveling out of state - while there are no longer travel restrictions when you are traveling and celebrating this holiday season please be cognizant of distancing, masking, and testing. Let's all be mindful and considerate of our North Rockland community together this holiday season. The CDC announced today that effective December 6, 2021, all air passengers must show a negative COVID-19 test taken no more than one (1) day before travel to the United States. All employees will be expected to take this into consideration when making any international travel arrangements so that you will be able to return to work when scheduled.
Remote Academy Enrollment
Academy learners are really having a blast this year. It's been so fun navigating our virtual school's first year by growing, adapting, and excelling academically and emotionally #NRTogether!
Throughout the first semester the Academy's online classes have helped to limit sensory overload for certain learners, let them re-watch lessons if needed, and provided opportunities for deep dives into their evolving interests -- all during regular school hours like their in person peers, which is when students are most productive. Many of them have discovered they can better focus on their education and extracurricular activities. We are so proud to be able to offer this remote option to the students and families of NRCSD!
Enrollment Announcement
If you're interested in obtaining information about enrolling your child for the second semester please email Principal Jim Mulligan - The District will be accepting new students who are interested in February 2022.The Academy's Upcoming Events
12/10 - Cookie making with our K-3 kids at Fieldstone. Time: 5-6:30PM
Upcoming events
Winter Boutique
The NR Annual Winter Boutique is BACK!
Please join us for a day of festive holiday shopping and community. The Class of 2024 is hosting the Winter Boutique at North Rockland High School on:
Saturday December 4th from 10AM-3PM
* Shoppers will have a wide selection of gifts to choose from.
* Over 50+ fabulous vendors will be setting up booths.
* NRHS music students will be caroling.
* Key Club's offering a gift wrap station.
* The bookstore is open and stocked with NR merchandise.
Don’t miss the many Winter Boutique treasures. Come mingle with your North Rockland family and get some gifts crossed off your list!
Winter Wonderland Events
December 15
Winter Wonderland at Thiells Elementary School 5 - 6PM
December 16
Winter Wonderland at Farley Elementary School 5:30 - 6:30PMDecember 22
Winter Wonderland at Haverstraw Elementary School 5:30 - 6:30PM
Garnerville Arts Center Member Exhibit
Addredd: 55 W Railroad Ave, Garnerville, NY 10923
District Highlights
NR Places in Speech Competition!
A good speech can change the world!
Recently eleven North Rockland High School students representing NRCSD joined districts from across Rockland and Westchester counties for the annual speech competition held at Suffern High School.
Students went head to head writing, memorizing and reciting original speeches in the following categories: dramatic monologue, poetry, prose, impromptu speech and original oration. NR Proud to share that 3 of our NRHS students placed in the top 3 of their categories for their incredible speeches!
Congratulations to:
Prose - 1st place: Italia Young
Oration - 2nd place: Joel Manoj
Poetry - 3rd place: Emma Linhart
More photos linked here.
Heroes in Education
Not all heroes wear capes!
Educators are our everyday heroes. They work tirelessly to make learning engaging, exciting, and relevant. The owners at Palisades Mazda said they wanted to honor these teachers who went beyond the call of duty during the pandemic. They created a contest open to all of Rockland County searching for nominations in order to thank local selfless educators.
4 of our wonderful North Rockland teachers who were nominated by their students, won $500!
Rosanna Bautista – Thiells Elementary
Kristine Conklin – Fieldstone
Karina Rios – Farley Middle School
Ellen Sasso – Fieldstone
These teachers are heroes because of their dedication and perseverance to make teaching and learning possible for all children. At the core of their work is a desire to help each student and to start them on an educational journey #NRStrong and #NRTogether. Congratulations!
NRCSD Leadership Council and Voice Group Inductions
Thirty new students from North Rockland High School joined the District's Student Leadership Council (NRCSDLC) and Voice Group this month! Both groups are comprised of outstanding and well-rounded Red Raiders who have been teacher recommended for their leadership qualities and excellence. Superintendent Dr. Kris Felicello meets with both the NRCSDLC and Voice Group on a regular basis where members provide input on decisions, help build our school culture by organizing fun events, create and bring attention to important initiatives, empower one another and help our community through service.
During the induction ceremonies senior students introduced and got to know new members over a hot meal and dignified celebration of their achievements. Our 2021-22 inductees are pretty impressive! NR Together we received accomplished athletes, members of student government, exceptional academic scholars and prominent members of other NRHS clubs. The fun first meeting proved that not all induction ceremonies must be elaborate or formal to recognize the honor of being selected for membership. We are looking forward to a productive year where these students will take on an active role in their education, develop positive skills and work in collaboration both in and out of the classroom. Congratulations and welcome to all!
NR Athletics
Robert DePolito Named to Mean 15!
Kudos to Robert DePolito, on being named to the 2021-22 Journal News/lohud Mean 15 for Wrestling!
The list includes the best returning student athletes across Section 1 and wrestlers are picked based on past performance, talent and projected development.
Check out the article below to learn more about what makes this Red Raider mean! Competition beware! Read more.
NR Athletics Store
The NR Athletics Department wanted to offer a way for everyone to have access to purchase our Athletics apparel and support our Red Raiders. The Athletics Department is proud to offer a unique online store that offers a variety of athletic apparel with a portion of each sales proceeds going towards funding programs, equipment and more for athletes. Even shipping is available so please check it out. We appreciate you helping us get the store off the ground. After all who doesn't love sporting red and white for the holidays?!
NR Athletics Online Store link - NOW OPEN!!!
For more info on Athletics visit the NR Athletics homepage linked here.
Be sure to follow our Twitter @NRockathletics for all the latest sports action!
Want to watch remotely? No problem! The District has continued to partner with LocalLive, allowing most of our athletic contests to be live-streamed and recorded. Missed a game this week? Watch it on our LocalLive channel by clicking here.NR Goes Green
The Worst Holiday Sustainability Offenders & How To Avoid Them
To cut down on waste, pollution and electricity this month try these tips!
- Use LED lights.
- Use real dinnerware & freeze or donate leftovers.
- Wrap gifts with reusable materials & send e-cards.
- Purchase smaller containerized Christmas trees.
- Invest in carbon offsets.
- Give eco-friendly gifts.
Community Information
North Rockland's 2021 Holiday Community Drives
This year has been particularly hard for many families, and the need in our communities is greater than ever. We are making it our mission to fulfill as many wishes as possible this holiday season. Please join us in making these wishes come true and adding to the magic of the holidays by donating to our Holiday Helping Hands drives hosted at our school buildings.
North Rockland High School Drives linked here
North Rockland High School Extension Drives linked here
Haverstraw Elementary School Drives linked here
West Haverstraw Elementary School Drives linked here
Farley Elementary School Drives linked here
Willow Grove Elementary School Drives linked here
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On November 2, 2021, following the Food and Drug Administration’s emergency use authorization (EUA) on October 29, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) endorsed the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice’s (ACIP’s) recommendation for children ages 5-11 to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. This is the first authorized vaccine to be permitted for use in this age group. All children ages 5 to 11 are now eligible to receive a two-dose primary series of the pediatric formulation Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, effective immediately. Parents or guardians with questions about the vaccine are encouraged to talk to their child’s pediatrician or another trusted healthcare provider.
NYSDOH Pediatric Vaccine Guidance linked here.
Upcoming Rockland County Department of Health COVID-19 vaccination clinics that will offer Pfizer-BioNTech pediatric doses for 5- to 11-year-olds are:
- Thursday, November 18, from 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm (ages 5-11 only)
Robert L. Yeager Health Center, Building A (50 Sanatorium Road, Pomona 10970)
- Monday, November 22, from 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm (ages 5+)
Martin Luther King Multi-Purpose Center (110 Bethune Blvd, Spring Valley 10977)
To make an appointment at an RCDOH clinic, visit Appointments are strongly encouraged. You may walk into any clinic without an appointment, but you may need to wait. See the attached for more details.
To schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment at the RCDOH Clinic, click here.
The Rockland County Department of Health (RCDOH) is participating in New York State’s #VaxToSchool campaign! Starting October 19th, youth ages 12 to 17 will get a gift card with a first and/or second COVID-19 vaccine at a RCDOH COVID-19 vaccination clinic.
Sun River has informed us that they are providing immunizations, COVID-19 vaccinations, physicals, and child health insurance assistance. All of these services are available for #NRCSD students and school community members. To make an appointment, please call (845) 659-2436 or visit
Project Hope
Free emotional-support service offered by NYS
**Visit the New York State Am I Eligible webpage or to find a vaccine near you. For questions, more information, or if you need assistance scheduling a COVID-19 vaccine appointment, call 845-238-1956 from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday.
NR Weekly Positive Case Report
***NRCSD continues to work tirelessly to ensure that all health and safety protocols are working effectively. It is incumbent upon each and every one of us to make sure all safety protocols are followed at all times—in and out of school— so we can mitigate the spread of COVID-19. We must work together in partnership—schools, families, and students—and be mindful of the great responsibility we all have to protect ourselves and those around us. This virus can be present without any symptoms. That fact alone can lead to the unintentional infection of others.
School Meal Information
School Meal Sign up!
Red Raider Reminder
NR students who enroll in the free/reduced breakfast & lunch program qualify for college application fee waivers, free ACT and SAT exams and reduced AP exam registration fees! To qualify please complete the Free or Reduced Price Meal Application Form linked here as soon as possible.
Join the NRCSD Family!
Food Service Helper
The North Rockland (Haverstraw-Stony Point) Central School District is seeking candidates for Food Service Helper positions at various school buildings for the 2021-2022 school year. The starting rate of pay is $14.00/hour. Apply here