The Wolf Weekly
NRHS Principal's Newsletter
Newsletter Week of January 2, 2022
Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you well and that you were able to take time to enjoy the holidays and vacation. As we return to school tomorrow, we do so with a surge in COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts and across the country. We must all continue to do our part to protect each other through the use of proper health and safety protocols.
- All students and staff MUST wear a face mask that is fitted properly ABOVE the nose
- Masks breaks are on a classroom by classroom basis determined by the classroom teacher, outside in the courtyard or track area
- At lunch masks may be down while eating, but MUST be worn when standing and when you finish eating
- If you are not feeling well, please stay home and, if needed, get a COVID test
- The only visitors NRHS are school employees or individuals who are there for educational purposes. No other visitors will be allowed at this time.
- Regular COVID Safety Checks resume on Tuesday 1/4/22 during all 4 lunches in the lower gym. I encourage ALL students and staff to participate
We will also be providing additional tables in the lower gym during lunches to allow students who prefer a smaller and socially distanced lunch to be able to do so.
As of right now, extracurricular activities are still taking place as they did prior to vacation, including athletics. Athletics will be monitored on a team by team basis.
We will continue to monitor our rates and, in consultation with our Health Office, the Superintendent, and Board of Health, will make any adjustments necessary.
The past few years have been a challenge for all of us. Now is time time to dig deep, demonstrate empathy and support one another through this latest challenge.
I'm looking forward to a happy and healthy 2022.
Dr. Kathleen Boynton, principal
NRHS Principal
Location: 12 Green Rd, Bolton, MA 01740
Phone: (978) 779-2257