Husky Nation Highlights
Community Newsletter - July 26, 2023
School Office open daily 7:30am-3:30pm starting August 1, 2023
Welcome Back!
Dear Parents/Guardians of Monterey Highlands School,
The start of the 2023-2024 school year is right around the corner and we are looking forward to welcoming all of our Huskies back on Tuesday, August 8, 2023. The first day of school will also be a minimum day. Please review the bell schedule for dismissal times.
This year, we will use the SMORE platform to provide regular messages and updates to our community. This will be a one-stop shop for useful deadlines, information about events, and many resource links and reminders.
The newsletter is a constant work in progress. I welcome your feedback to improve and streamline this platform for communication. Please keep reading through the newsletter for helpful information as we prepare to open school.
I'm confident this will be a wonderful school year and I look forward to getting to know you and your child this year!
-Mr. Abel Bourbois
School Prinicpal
New Student Orientation
- Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Orientation is at 8am
- Kindergarten Orientation is at 8:30am
- 1st-3rd Grade Orientation is from 10am-11am (in Cafetorium)
- 4th-8th Grade Orientation is from 11am-Noon (in Cafetorium)
Please park on Casuda Canyon Drive, or in Highlands Park near the tennis courts or pavilion structure. Please do NOT park in staff parking spots or in the bus circle. Please enter school at the top of the hill (Gate 1).
Please Update Family Portal!
Please update information in Family Portal today! ausd.powerschool.com/public/
We can only release your child to individuals on your emergency contacts with a valid government ID.
School communication is primarily through BlackBoard Connect via email.
If your address or phone numbers have changed, please update this info.
Join PTA
Our PTA is nationally recognized and has an exciting year planned!
Your membership ($11) helps fund a huge variety of events this year!
We’re competing with our rival, Brightwood, for new members. We will win!!
Coffee Talk
- Thursday, August 3 at 5pm
- Meeting will be recorded and posted on school website.
- Zoom Link is: zoom.us/my/mh.principal
Attention 7th Grade Parents!
School Day and Bell Schedules
- School starts at 8am for all students. Attendance is important! Please ensure your child is inside the campus by 8am so they have a smooth start to their day!
- Dismissal times vary by grade level (TK/Kinder, 1st-3rd, 4th-8th). Click the link to view our bell schedules.
- Every WEDNESDAY will be our shortened school day to facilitate staff collaboration.
- Certain school days are designated as MINIMUM DAYS. Please click the link to view our minimum days for the year.
School Uniforms
- Please refer to the school uniform standards. Click this link to read uniform information.
- Wednesdays are College Day and Fridays are School Spirit Day.
- Spirit wear can always be worn in place of the uniform.
- If you are interested in a uniform waiver, please call our office to schedule an appointment to discuss this request with administration. A uniform waiver is NOT a waiver from the AUSD dress code (BP 5132 and AR 5132).
Cell Phone Policy
Please remind your student(s) that there is no cell phone usage during school hours. Smart watches should be in airplane mode during school hours.
Cell phones should be powered OFF during school hours.
Cell phones should be stored in a backpack or desk and not on a student's person during the school day.
Monterey Highlands is not responsible for lost/stolen devices.
According to Board Policy (BP) 5131 - Such devices shall be turned off in class, except when being used for valid instructional or other school-related purposes as determined by the teacher or other district employee, and at any other time directed by a district employee. Any device with a camera, video, or voice recording function shall not be used in any manner which infringes on the privacy rights of any other person.
Email/call home, infraction logged
Device confiscated, released to student at dismissal
Device confiscated, released to parent at school office
Device must be checked-in and out daily at school office
School Lunch Program
- School breakfast and lunch are free for ALL students.
- Breakfast is served from 7:30am-8am and at first recess daily. Students may only eat breakfast at one of these times.
- Students will be provided an ID# barcode to scan for every meal. They should keep the barcode safe and notify their teacher if it is lost. Older students (Grades 1 and up) may key-in their ID# if they have memorized it.
- Please fill out the Alternative Income Form (AIF) to help ensure Highlands receives maximum federal funding for our school.
Classroom Assignments
- You will be able to see your child’s classroom assignments by logging into the Family Portal starting on Monday, August 7, 2023, at 4:00 pm. Click the link to access the Family Portal.
- Please be aware that it may be necessary to change some students’ class placements in the next few weeks due to fluctuating enrollment numbers. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
- Parent requests to change to a particular teacher/classroom will NOT be granted.
Solar Construction Update
2 Large Solar Panels are being built above our Lower Blacktop.
Construction will close Gate 4 until late Fall (Nov/Dec).
Security and privacy fencing are in place.
Some parking near tennis courts may be impacted.
The service gate near the Marquee will replace Gate 4 during construction.
Cafetorium Walkway
Literacy Garden
Lower Blacktop
Upcoming Dates
- 8/1 - School Office Open Daily from 7:30am-3:30pm
- 8/1 - New Student Orientation 8am-Noon
- 8/8 - First Day of School (minimum day)
- 8/8 - Board of Education Meeting
- 8/11 - Husky Spirit Store closes
- 8/12 - PTA Meet-n-Greet (save the date)
- 8/14 - PBIS Kickoff Day at Husky Nation
- 8/21-8/25 - PTA Fall Book Fair
- 8/23 - Back to School Night featuring Patty Meets Bun and Kona Ice food trucks!
- 8/24 - Safety Committee (Zoom)
- 8/28 - First Day of VAPA/STEM Classes
- 8/29 - Board of Education Meeting
- 9/4 - Expected delivery of Husky Spirit Orders
Monterey Highlands School
Email: highlands@ausd.us
Website: www.montereyhighlandselementary.org
Location: 400 Casuda Canyon Drive, Monterey Park, CA, USA
Phone: (626) 570-6220