Goodness Grows News
December 2018
Newsletter #20
Christmas Craft Shows
It was a wonderful month, full of craft shows and fun events! Thank you to all who stopped
by our tables, visited with us, and bought some of our goodies. We are grateful for
all of you and hope you had a very Merry Christmas!
Easy Ways to Support Goodness Grows
1. Online Shopping! ~ If you shop Amazon, anytime during the year, you can support GG for free at the same time! Just use Amazon Smile and choose Goodness Grows as your charity of choice. Then, you get your items and we get 0.5% of the purchase price through this program! Check it out online at smile.amazon.com.
2. Volunteering! ~ Give of your time and get back lots of love and smiles! We enjoy having people pitch in and help with jam making, crafting, gardening...whatever we are working on. Maybe you even have a skill you could teach us!
3. Donating Items! ~ We are always in need of basic jam making supplies such as regular 8oz. canning jars, lids, sugar, and white vinegar.
There is good work being done right here and we would love for you to be a part of it!
Year End Giving
Christmas Fun at GG
Decorating Outside
Making Blankets for Making Kids Count
Applesauce for Christmas Party
Upcoming Event
Winter Wine Affair - Saturday, January 26
This is a one day wine tasting event at Stambaugh Auditorium in Youngstown. There will be 8-12 wineries there to pour samples and sell bottles of wine to go, gourmet food and craft vendors, along with live musical entertainment. We are very excited to be a part of this fun, local event! To purchase tickets, click here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/winter-wine-affair-at-stambaugh-auditorium-tickets-49101330401
Jungle Jam
CSA 2019
Check out our website & Facebook page to learn more!
Goodness Grows is a faith-based 501(c)3 non-profit operating out of Common Ground Church Community. Our mission is to cultivate personal, social, and community growth through gardening, education, and opportunity for people of all abilities. We are working to improve people's lives through social and therapeutic gardening practices. We'd love for you to join us!
Create. Cultivate. Thrive.
Email: kitty@goodnessgrows4all.org
Website: www.goodnessgrows4all.org/
Location: 2310 W. South Range Rd, North Lima, OH, 44452
Phone: 330-549-9408
Facebook: facebook.com/GoodnessGrows4all/
Twitter: @GGrows